[B] Special Story II

The snow had begun falling. Tokyo was left looking like a winter wonderland. Of course, it was going to be Christmas soon! How will our characters spend their time together? Would they turn a cold and bitter winter into such a sweet and warm memory together?


"Yuto?" Came Nagisa's gentle voice. Yuto was watching the snow fall from the huge glass window in the living room. He kind of looked like an eager little puppy but with diluted excitement. "Is the snow that fascinating to you?". The boy nodded quietly and sunk into the chair. "I've never imagined that the snow could be so beautiful,". Nagisa laughed and sat next to him, holding his hand.

"This year, it will be our first Christmas together as a couple,". Yuto blushed and squeezed his partner's cold hand gently. "What do couples do together during Christmas?". Nagisa gave him a kiss on his lips and melted at the sight of his flustered face. "Friends do it too. It's something called a gift exchange. I'll buy a present for you, and you'll buy one for me. We'll exchange them during Christmas,". The boy seemed surprised at the idea. The older man pinned his partner to the sofa and continued making out with him.

'I have to buy a gift for Nagi? That's difficult...'.

Actually, Nagisa came from a well-off family. If he wanted anything, he had no trouble affording it. Yuto didn't know how to ask him for anything he would want. Nagisa pulled away from this kiss, brushing the boy's blonde and messy bangs back. He planted a kiss on his forehead and stared at Yuto's red face. 'He's so cute!! I'm such a lucky man~~'. The older man hugged his young partner tightly and slipped his cold hands up his hoodie, caressing his partner's chest seductively.

"When you show me such a sweet expression, I just want you all to myself,". Yuto bit the sleeve of his hoodie gently to muffle his soft moans while he allowed Nagisa to touch him. "Yuto, I'm in the mood. It seems like you are too,". He slipped his hand down Yuto's sweatpants and grinned. 'He's hard, but he's not even aware of it'. He propped Yuto up and carried him to his room, laying him down on the bed.

"I'll get you off,"Nagisa chuckled while he began to leave even more hickies on Yuto's neck. "N-Nagi...my neck is already covered in them. It's quite obvious that you've already left your marks," The boy whined and Nagisa whispered in a low voice in his ear, stroking his thigh. "It's winter anyway. They'll be hidden behind a scarf if you have to go out,". Yuto's neck felt sore, especially since Nagisa had been leaving marks on it almost every week.

His neck was covered in them and he was certain that his chest would be full of them too. "If you want me to stop, be a good boy and say 'Nagi, I'm all and only yours. I won't let anybody else lay a single finger on my body'. I'll reward you if you say it cutely,". Yuto blushed and felt the older man slip the hoodie up and bite him hard on his chest. "Ow! You fucking stupid possessive old dog!"He yelled and shoved Nagisa's shoulders roughly from the pain.

Nagisa licked the fresh bite mark and grinned. "I can't help it. I've never dated such an adorable boy before. I just want to monopolise you,". He looked up at Yuto and smirked, taking off his glasses. "What is there to monopolise when I've already said that I am yours for the billionth time?"Yuto muttered grumpily and Nagisa hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry, Yuto. I just have so much love for you, and I don't want anyone else to see the rare sides of you that you show me. They're all mine,". Yuto huffed and pushed him away.

"We already know that, you old dog. Geez, you don't have to be so doubtful,". The older man hummed sweetly and bundled the boy into his arms again. "I'm sorry my Yuto~~Could we do it though? We're already in the mood,"He purred and the boy gave up. He glanced at Nagisa and loosened his hoodie. "Do whatever you want Nagi".


"You really think you can go out on a gift exchange and not know what your boyfriend needs huh?"Misako groaned and tapped her foot impatiently. Nagisa was unbearably slow at deciding what Yuto could possibly want as a Christmas gift. "He's not very vocal with his wants and needs anyway..."Nagisa grumbled and leaned against the wall. "Now isn't that a problem? You should have asked him what he wanted and made your life ten times easier,".

Nagisa shook his head and tried to rack his brain for things that Yuto might need. "I wanted to surprise him. I don't get to surprise him that often,". Misako set her gifts down and crossed her arms. "Come to think of it, you told me that he doesn't have much expression. Really, I wonder why you picked up such a pitiful child sometimes,".

"Because he's cute! I love him so much!".

"Is that really all?".

Nagisa looked down and sighed. "When I was going through my divorce last year, I would drink an unhealthy amount of alcohol each night. I would return home at such ungodly hours of the night and he was a senior in high school,". He hugged himself as he recited the story. "He would look after me and make sure that I went to bed alright, even though I would say some pretty insensitive things to him."

"Shinji-san, come on..Help yourself up.."

"You shouldn't be helping me if you couldn't help yourself from being your family's punching bag,".


That blank look on Yuto's face masked the sadness beneath it. Nagisa could remember how badly his cold words cut the boy up even though he knew that he was only trying to help. Yuto had quite an important exam that year and Nagisa just added more dead weight by returning home extremely late in the morning. Yuto never really shouted at him for coming home late. He just let it go. He would wait up with his studying material and a glass of water for Nagisa. "You're home late," He would say and tuck his arm under the older man's to stabilise him. He would bear all cold remarks. Then came time for Yuto's graduation. While everyone was surrounded by their families, Yuto didn't think that anyone would come and congratulate him. But Nagisa eventually pulled over and praised him. "Good job, Yuto-kun. You're on your way to university now. Let's hope you get that scholarship you wanted,". The boy just gave him a small nod in return.

The older man realised that Yuto really cared for him after reading that suicide letter in his yellow book. He was filled with so much regret and anguish after reading it. He could have lost someone so precious to him and he didn't even know it. So he threw away the memories he had built up with his ex wife. He hurtled them into a lively fire and found comfort in his grouchy yet caring ex brother-in-law. That was when he realised that he had fallen for him.

Misako just listened to him pour everything out and sighed. "Calm down, Shinji. People are going to think that we're an arguing couple. I have my own standards you know,". Nagisa huffed and stood up. "I think I know what to get for him. It might be pretty plain and simple, but I know that he'll use it,". He went to the stationery shop and bought some things for Yuto. "His lecture book's been getting pretty filled up. He might need a new one soon,". The woman with him just smiled and eyed the bag in his hand. "But you've bought more than one book,". Nagisa nodded and held it up happily. "He'll use them all well, I know he will,". Misako shook her head and pushed a stray lock of hair away from her face. "I wonder what he'll buy for you. You're quite a difficult person as well,". Nagisa shrugged and looked at the stuffed toys that caught his eye.

"I'd be happy with anything from him, really."

Meanwhile, Yuto was also shopping for Nagisa's gift. But he was doing it with his best friend, Jaehwan. So it seemed that Aki was helping his grandparents prepare Christmas dinner and that he (Jaehwan) could just come over later. Jaehwan was happy that Aki's grandparents were growing to love him now. It made him feel warm on the inside. "Ah~~ Well, I have until evening to find the perfect gift for him. What about you, Kirishima?". Yuto shrugged and clutched at the scarf around his neck. "Nagi told me to be home before evening so that we could celebrate together,". Jaehwan patted Yuto on the back and huffed, smiling. "Guess it can't be helped. You should hurry up and find a present for him then,".

The two of them had become pretty much best friends already. He was Yuto's first friend and actually found his friend's innocence amusing at times. "Ryu, what do older men like?". Jaehwan had practically become Yuto's consultant as the younger of the two knew that he was going out with an older man as well. "Ara? Hm...That's also a question for me. Because my Master is so rich that he told me that I don't have to work up a sweat to buy him a gift,". Jaehwan's Master had called him earlier and said that he would be dropping off his presents at his home. But he told the boy that he would not need a present as he already had everything he needed. "Maybe something simple like a tie or something will do. He's a teacher right, your boyfriend?". Yuto nodded and scratched his head. "I don't know his size though...".

Jaehwan laughed and crouched down, holding in his tears. "I don't think ties have sizes!". His friend looked away, his cheeks crimson. "Oh...". Jaehwan stood up to pat Yuto on the head and brought him to the clothing store . He ended up not buying a tie for Nagisa but actually a pair of shoes because that man only owned the three same pairs of shoes and Yuto was sick of all of them. He made sure that they matched the usual clothes he wore and went along with it. "Do you think Nagi will like these?". Jaehwan nodded and took a good look at the shoes. "These seem pretty professional. They'll suit him,". Yuto nodded and slipped them back into the bag. "Do you want to buy anything for your partner here?". Jaehwan looked around and gasped. "That'll suit him!". Yuto followed his awestruck friend to the clothing rack with many tracksuits on it. "I guess I'll get him both a white one and a mustard yellow one. He's been wearing so much red my eyes are beginning to hurt,".

After they had paid, Yuto was brought along to the toy shop. "I don't actually know what little girls like,". Yuto shrugged and turned away. "Don't ask me...I've never really been around kids,". Jaehwan still went inside and bought a couple of toys for Asuna, his partner's little sister as well as a bright new pencil case. "Kirishima, you should interact with people more,". Yuto shook his head, waiting outside of the shop. "People are going to hurt me. I don't really like people,". The hood of his hoodie had been pulled up. "Not everyone's here to hurt you. Some people just want you to be safe and happy,"Jaehwan replied with a smile as he left the shop. Yuto smiled a small smile back and scratched the back of his head. "I don't even know if Nagi's going to like whatever I've bought for him,". The older of the two pat his friend on the head. "Come on, don't be so pessimistic. I'm positive that he'd love anything from you,".

Yuto shrugged and walked with Jaehwan until they got to the entrance of the shopping mall again. "Thanks for coming with me, Ryu. I'll have to go now,". Before he could go, Jaehwan grabbed his wrist. "I almost forgot to give you your present. Merry Christmas!". Yuto turned away, shaking Jaehwan's hand off gently. "I can't accept it Ryu. I don't think I've bought one for you,". Jaehwan laughed and patted his head. "Who said this was a gift exchange? This is a present from me to you,"He smiled and prodded his friend with the present. Yuto looked up shyly and accepted it. "Thank you, Ryu. I'll get going now. Merry Christmas to you too,". Jaehwan waved goodbye to him and went along on his merry way until he ran into some familiar figures.

"Jaehwan-kun, what are you doing here?". He stopped short and blushed. "Asahina-sensei and Hirai-sensei? Are you two gift shopping as well?". Asahina chuckled and tickled Jaehwan under his chin. "You cutie muffin~ No, we're just going to grab a bite to eat,". Shinobu grabbed Asahina's hand and glared at his partner. "Idiot, you don't do that to your student in public,". Asahina shrugged him off and smiled at Jaehwan. "Who are you shopping for, Jaehwan-kun?". The boy looked up and smiled back. "My partner and his family,". The orange haired doctor sighed and crossed his arms. "So you did let sleazy wolves gobble your innocence up after all,". Jaehwan shook his head. "We're the same age. It worked out pretty well,". Asahina sighed in relief and nodded. "We'll see you around then, Jaehwan-kun. Have a great Christmas!". Jaehwan spun around and wished his professor back before leaving both of them.

"Idiot. You shouldn't be calling your students cute,". Asahina squished Shinobu's cheeks gently. "What? Are you jealous? But you hate being called cute anyway,". Shinobu squinted at his partner and crossed his arms. "That doesn't mean you can call other men or boys cute like that. I'll get really jealous,". Asahina adjusted the scarf around Shinobu's neck and leaned into his chest. "Shino-san's my one and only,". Shinobu groaned but he hugged him. "Asa-chin's my one and only too,". Asahina looked up at all the colourful Christmas decorations around the shopping mall and sighed. "I've never really understood the joys of Christmas. I know that we Japanese people love Christmas to death but I've never understood why."

Shinobu ruffled his hair gently. "It's just a nice heartwarming celebration to have during such a cold and lifeless winter. I can show you why Christmas is so beautiful,". Asahina smiled and just followed his partner around the mall. Just being with Shinobu made him feel happier already. "So, Asa-chin, is there anything you'd like for Christmas? We don't really celebrate Christmas, but we can always start this year,". Asahina shrugged as he looked around the shops. He couldn't really see anything that he wanted in particular. "I don't really want or need anything Shino-san,". Shinobu sighed and continued walking around with him. "You're so difficult to please. Okay. I'll treat us to Christmas dinner. Fair enough?". Asahina nodded and held onto his coat. "Fair. But is there anything that you want, Shino-san?"He asked as Shinobu looked around for the place to have dinner. Shinobu just smiled at his partner and pulled him into a discreet corner.

He kissed Asahina sweetly and hugged him. "I don't need a lot to be happy. I just need my Asa-chin with me,". Asahina hugged him back and ruffled his short platinum blonde hair. "Then I'll say the same, my Shino-san. I only need you to be happy".



Yuto got off at the bus station at the market. He saw someone familiar buying something. He approached the man and tapped his shoulder. "Nagi? What are you buying?". Nagisa looked up and rubbed Yuto's head gently. "Yuto~~ I was buying daifuku from this lovely vendor here. You always love the daifuku that she makes,". The old woman looked up and smiled at Yuto. "So you're the young one he always buys my daifuku for. He's told me that you always seem to enjoy them,". Yuto just smiled at her politely and nodded. The old woman packed something else into a paper bag and handed it to Yuto. "Have a little something extra on the side. It's good that you're thin but I feel like I need to fatten you up or else your bones might snap,". Nagisa pulled out more money from his wallet but the old woman stopped him. "You don't have to pay me for it, young man,". Yuto looked at her kind brown eyes and took the paper bag quietly. "Thank you, Oba-san,".

The old woman laughed and patted him on the head. "I wish I could have grandkids. But oh well, it can't be helped,". Nagisa paid for the daifuku and smiled at the old lady. "I'll bring him with me more often then,". The old lady nodded enthusiastically. "I'll keep feeding him. It's not good for growing boys to be so thin,". Misako approached Nagisa and her friend handed her her bag of presents. "Thanks Shinji-"She began and looked at Yuto, who had been clinging onto Nagisa's arm. "Nice to finally see you in person, Kirishima-kun. I'm Ueda Misako, your boyfriend's coworker. He always talks about you,". She smiled at Yuto and thwacked Nagisa on the back. "You'd better be looking after him, you old fart. Don't waste his youth like that,". Nagisa groaned in pain and sighed. "Of course, he'll always be under my care,". Misako shouldered her bag and handed Nagisa two wrapped up boxes. "That's for you and your Kirishima-kun. Since you've bought a gift for me and Akira,".

Nagisa waved goodbye to her and slipped the boxes into his cloth bag. He took Yuto's small hand gently in his and brought him into the car. "Oba-san!"He called out to the vendor. The old woman looked up at him. "Merry Christmas!". She chuckled and waved to him. "Merry Christmas to both of you!". Yuto put down his wrapped up box. He knew that what he had bought for Nagisa was too obvious. Quite obviously a fat shoebox. He felt a bit nervous that his partner would have already guessed it by now. "You seemed to have quite a fruitful day, my Yuto. We'll give each other presents once we get home. You don't have to cook tonight because I've already bought dinner for us,". He just thanked him quietly and leaned back in the chair. "So is that woman your friend at school?". Nagisa nodded and kept his eyes on the road. "I'd consider her a good friend. She sits next to my desk in school. We talk a lot,". Yuto hummed as he looked at the window. "She said that you tell her a lot about me,".

The older man laughed and rubbed his head affectionately when he stopped at a red light. "I always tell her about how cute you are,". He caressed Yuto's face gently and smiled brightly at him. "Ara, my cute Yuto. I really don't want any other man to have you. I love you to bits,". The boy blushed but he nuzzled into his touch. "I love you too, Nagi,". When they arrived home, Yuto took a shower first while Nagisa insisted that he would get dinner ready. He felt curious that Yuto's present for him was in a box. He wondered what it could be. He laid the table and set out the food he had preordered from KFC the week before Christmas. He had just gone to pick it up after gift shopping with Misako so the food was still hot and tasty. Yuto came out of Nagisa's bedroom, his hair damp and still dripping, his towel around his neck.

Nagisa looked at him and cooed. He took Yuto's towel and dried his hair. "You should have dried your hair properly. You're going to catch a cold at this rate. Please wear something underneath your hoodie at least until winter is over,". Yuto looked up and nodded. "Okay, Nagi. I was just excited to celebrate with you,". Nagisa laughed and kissed his head soundly. "Yeah, my sweet Yuto. Dinner's ready. I think you'll love it. We Japanese people always eat this for Christmas. In fact, I had to preorder it because the stores were absolutely packed,". The boy looked at the dinner table and smiled. "KFC? I haven't had that before,". Nagisa tried not to look surprised and he sat down with Yuto at the dining table. "Really, it's a Christmas staple here. You should eat to your heart's content today,".

There was just an abundance of food on the table. Yuto didn't know how he would be able to eat so much when he was already full from eating one bowl of rice. Nagisa held up the paper bag Yuto was given earlier and smiled. "That old lady gave you some taiyaki. How sweet of her,". Yuto peered into the bag and smiled, kissing Nagisa on the cheek. "Thank her for me, Nagi,". The older man just laughed at his underlying adorableness and sat down to a lovely dinner with his beloved. Yuto seemed to be enjoying the food. After all, he'd never had KFC before. The golden fried chicken, crispy potato wedges with cheese and nuggets appealed to him. "Yuto, do you like your Christmas dinner?". The boy nodded and Nagisa reached over with a nugget in his hand. "Eat up. It's good to eat out sometimes,". The boy took a bite shyly, blushing. "Nagi, why do you always insist on feeding me?".

"Well, I like looking after you. It makes me feel good on the inside,". Yuto averted his gaze and looked at the food, making Nagisa laugh. "Anyway, let's enjoy our dinner together then we can exchange gifts later,". After they ate and Nagisa cleaned up, they sat down in the living room, an abundance of presents in their arms. "Open mine first,"Nagisa demanded and Yuto obediently obliged him. "Okay....". Yuto ripped open the package to reveal a whole set of empty books. They had cute icons on the cover and were perfect to write in. "Nagi...."He whispered and held up the set of books carefully. "You take such lovely notes in your classes. But your book's getting pretty filled up, right? You'd need a new book soon,". Yuto beckoned him with a tight bear hug. "Thank you, Nagi,". He nuzzled into Nagisa's chest, his eyes twinkling.

The older man gulped and hugged him back nervously. "Anything for my Yuto. I knew you'd like them,". He was hypnotised by his partner's absolutely adorable behaviour but simple responses. He picked up the present that was in front of him. Quite large and it was in a box. "What on earth did you buy for me?". Yuto shrugged and urged him to open up his present. Nagisa tore through the wrapping paper and gasped. "Wait...Did you get a pair of shoes for me?". The boy nodded innocently and was suffocated with a tight hug. "Yuto~~ You really shouldn't have~"Nagisa purred and kissed Yuto all over his face. "A good pair of shoes are ridiculously expensive. Thank goodness I've also bought you a little extra something,". He pulled out a stuffed toy rabbit with Yuto's name on it (Romaji).

Yuto was stunned that he had bought something else for him and shook his head but Nagisa pulled out a stuffed toy polar bear with his name on it (Romaji). "We can match. I got these embroidered in the department store,". The stuffed rabbit was pushed into Yuto's hands. "B-But I don't have a second present for you...I feel bad,". Nagisa was surprised to hear him sound so guilty instead of happy. He sighed and hugged Yuto again. "Ara, my Yuto, I didn't intend to make you unhappy. I know what else you can give me,". Nagisa cupped Yuto's cheeks and looked at his glassy eyes. "You shouldn't be crying over something so small. I know what you can do for me, my baby,". The boy blinked quietly, waiting for a response. "I want a kiss from you."

Yuto bit his lip, his face red but he nodded. He grabbed Nagisa's shoulders and leaned in but Nagisa shook his head. "Not here. I have someplace to take you,". He led Yuto to the front porch and gently pushed him into the hanging chair that he usually liked sitting in. "I've hung a mistletoe here. Can you tell?". Yuto shot him a confused look and looked up at the rope that firmly held the chair up. "Mistletoe?". Nagisa chuckled and scooted down, smirking. "When you're under a mistletoe, you have to kiss the person who's with you,". The boy felt his cheeks burn up. He had never done anything like this before. He swept his bangs back and huffed, leaning in to kiss his partner on the lips as Nagisa smiled at him.

"That's my good and cute Yuto. Merry Christmas~".



"Sorry I'm late, Rize-san and Fumi-san! Traffic's crazy,". He took off his coat and was greeted with warm smiles from the old couple followed by the pitter patter of little feet. "Jaehwan-Oniichan!! Merry Christmas!"Asuna laughed and flung herself into his arms. "Mm? Merry Christmas, Suna-chan~ I have your presents in my bag,". He hugged the girl tightly and pulled out a few large neatly wrapped presents. "Ryu-chan, you shouldn't be spoiling her like that,"Rize chuckled and collected Asuna's presents for her. "It's okay. She's mature enough. She won't be spoiled, will you Suna-chan?"He smiled and Asuna hugged him even more tightly. "Of course not! Thank you Jaehwan-Oniichan!". Jaehwan pulled out a tin of tea leaves. "Rize-san, I bought some tea for you and Fumi-san,".

The old lady was delighted. She carefully took the large tin from him. "Thank you, Ryu-chan! But you didn't have to get us a gift. Keep your money for your future,". Jaehwan just laughed at her jokes politely and slipped off his bag, heading into the kitchen to find Aki but Asuna grabbed his arm. "Jaehwan-Oniichan, come to the garden with me. Please~~"She begged, hugging him and shooting her loveliest puppy eyes at him. Jaehwan really wanted to go and see Aki but if he didn't hear him arrive, he must be busy with something. So he smiled and took her hand and was led to the snowy garden. "Niichan said that when spring comes, he's going to buy some flower seeds for me to plant. What kind of flowers should I plant?".

Jaehwan looked at the empty flower beds that had a protective layer above it to keep snow out and smiled. "Maybe some roses. Roses would suit your grandparents' home nicely,". Asuna thought about it for a while but she nodded at his idea. "I'll give Jaehwan-Oniichan the prettiest rose I grow!". Jaehwan laughed and patted her head gently. "No, I think you should keep the prettiest one for yourself,". Asuna shook her head and held his hands. "Niichan always talks about how gorgeous you are. Even my grandparents don't deny it". That made Jaehwan flush a deep red. 'Goodness me, this again? Still not over my face?'. Asuna continued babbling to him until Aki came to call them for dinner. He hugged Jaehwan from behind and kissed his neck. "So you were here, darling,". Jaehwan giggled and snuggled into his arms. "Yeah, I'm here. Suna-chan asked me to come to the garden with her,".

"Asuna! Come in and wash your hands!". The girl got up at the sound of her grandmother calling for her, leaving both of them alone in the garden. Aki settled his arms nicely around Jaehwan's skinny frame and sighed contentedly. "It feels good, to hug you or whenever you sit on my lap,". The other male glanced at him and shrugged. "Don't lie so obviously. I know that I'm bony. It'd make you uncomfortable instead,". Aki shook his head and rested his head on Jaehwan's shoulder. "I don't mind you being a bony little thing. I love you for who you are,". Aki put his hands on Jaehwan's beating chest. "Remember when your friend was asking me all sorts of questions and I won him over like this?". Jaehwan blushed and nodded, feeling the warmth of Aki's hands travel through his shirt. "The winter after we graduate, how about we tie the knot per say?".

Jaehwan turned to look at him and gasped. "You really want to get married so early on?". Aki shrugged and hugged him tightly. "I wouldn't mind if it's you. We could start a family together, there are many kids here in need of one,". Aki smiled at him and pecked him on the lips quietly. He heard loud footsteps approaching the verandah, probably Fumi about to call them for dinner. "Well, Jae? What do you say?". Jaehwan smiled back at him, kissing him on the nose. "I wouldn't mind if it was you too,".

There was a surprise waiting for Jaehwan at the dining table. "I wanted to make jjajangmyeon for you but I couldn't actually find a Chinese or Korean recipe with the right translation in time. So I used a Japanese recipe. I hope it tastes the same,"Aki sighed and Jaehwan hugged him tightly. "Stop being so sweet with me! Kiki~~"He cooed and looked at the food, his eyes twinkling. "Gosh you didn't have to...You could have easily made Japanese food in a pinch,". Rize and Fumi shook their heads, smiling at Jaehwan. "He took the whole day to make it for you. So eat deliciously, alright?" Fumi laughed and Jaehwan ducked his head graciously. "Thank you for the meal". Rize got up and served some fresh kimchi and pickled radish on the side for them. "We should be learning to eat your food too, since Aki has plans for your future with him,".

"Rize-san!"Aki hissed in a low whisper and the old lady politely covered her mouth, chuckling. "I haven't spoilt anything~". The jjajangmyeon, which was served alongside some sweet and sour chicken and Japanese onion soup was absolutely heavenly. Jaehwan felt glad to have a partner who could cook so well. "You're eating well, Jae. I'm glad,". Aki's bright smile caught Jaehwan's twinkling eyes. "I don't think I'll gain anything anyway. It's probably hereditary,". Aki shook his head and picked up Jaehwan's bowl, filling it with more food. "I never asked you to gain weight. I'm just relieved that you're eating so much,".




"Wahh!! Jaehwan-Oniichan bought such a gorgeous stuffed doll for me!"Asuna squealed and batted Aki with her new toy playfully. Aki laughed and looked at Jaehwan from afar. He was explaining the tea leaves that he had bought for Fumi and Rize to the old lady. Aki was relieved that his family had grown to like Jaehwan. Even last time when he would try to bring his other partners over, Rize would instantly want to shoo them away. Fumi wouldn't even acknowledge them. But they were so attached to Jaehwan now. He smiled to himself and rubbed Asuna's head gently. "Make sure you play with it. Jaehwan used his hard earned money to buy lovely presents for us,". Asuna nodded eagerly. "I love Jaehwan-Oniichan. He's nice,".

Rize sniffed the tea leaves in the tin delicately. "Are you really happy with your relationship with Aki-kun?". She smiled at him and shut the tin tightly. "I am...I just don't think I'm enough for someone like him,". Rize retorted loudly at once. "Nonsense you silly boy! We all love you so much! My grandson is so fond of you,". Aki overheard them and sighed to himself.

After giving out their presents, they went to the guest bedroom of the grandparents' home. "It's quite nice to be closer to the ground. Haha.."Jaehwan laughed as Aki held him close while they sat on the bed. "I'll work hard to buy a nice house for you,". Jaehwan snuggled into Aki's chest, looking at him. "It's not necessary, Kiki. We can live in my condo. Keep that money for Asuna,". Aki kissed his neck and tightened his grip around his waist. "But I still want to be able to make you happy. I love you as you are Jae. I should be putting in some effort to make you happy,". Jaehwan smiled and kissed his neck sweetly. "Nonsense. I'm already happy just being around you and your family. I've never been around family before, so I'm happy to be able to experience it,".

"Eh? Your Master doesn't have any family?". Jaehwan shot him a pathetic smile. "All of them left before him. From a fatal car accident. He was the only one who didn't agree to go for that family trip,". Aki caressed his cheeks and sighed. "I shouldn't have asked you. I'm sorry,". Jaehwan shook his head. "It's okay. He and I are kind of similar in a way. We don't have any immediate family, we were both really lonely when we found each other,". Aki made a low whistle and hugged him tightly. "You're not lonely now right?"He whispered, feeling Jaehwan hold his hands gently. "Of course not, idiot. I have you now. Your family. My Master. I know that you'll never ever leave me,".

Aki smiled at him. Of course not. It's our first Christmas together. I want to be able to spend many more with you,". Jaehwan kissed him on the cheek gently. "You know you will. Thank you for the best Christmas I've ever had. Let's make dinner together next time".

"Roger that, my angel".