[B] Special Story I (PA)

"That piece of shit professor..."Yuto grumbled as he flipped through his reference book angrily. Nagisa happened to see him getting all frustrated and leaned over the desk. "What's up?". Then he noticed that the entire reference book was in English. "Oh, it's in English? But you're decent in English,"Nagisa chuckled.

His partner leaned into his chest, sighing in frustration. "Orally, I'm quite fluent. I'm also great at writing and listening. But I can't read that fluently,". Nagisa laughed and ruffled his hair playfully. "Damn you, I told you to rely on me for stuff like this!". Yuto sat back up and keeled over the thick menacing reference book. "I know that I'm dating you, an English major, but I don't want to trouble you,".

Pulling a chair over, Nagisa leaned forward. "You'd never be troubling me, Yuto. In fact, I'd be more than happy to help you,". So for the next few hours, he helped Yuto read the reference book, explaining the highlighted words that he didn't know how to read or understand. Yuto couldn't help but think about something else while reading.

'Nagi's such a good teacher. He doesn't fling you into the subject but he helps you understand the material first. Nagi's also really thorough and makes sure you fully understand before moving on. I can see why his students get good grades..'.

Red just smothered Yuto's face and Nagisa stopped short. "Are you feeling feverish? You shouldn't be studying so late at night,". He felt Yuto's warm forehead and was about to make a deduction but Yuto put his arms around his neck and nuzzled into his shoulder.

Nagisa caressed his head lovingly and patted him on the back. "Should I carry you to bed?". Yuto shook his head and just allowed Nagisa's warmth to eat him up. "I want to stay like this for a bit...". His soft voice made Nagisa's heart melt even further and he pulled Yuto onto his lap, smiling.

'There really is no regret I have dating a boy 16 years my junior. He makes me feel so warm on the inside, feel so loved'.

In the end though, Nagisa did move them to the bed, Yuto cuddling him, resting his head on his chest. He smiled to himself and kissed Yuto's head tenderly. "Goodnight, my Yuto,".




The next morning, Yuto stared at his slender body in the mirror inside the bathroom. 'The bruises are fading. That's a relief'. He dried his scruffy wet hair and tied it into the small rattail again. Nagisa entered the bathroom and caught Yuto staring at his own body. "Are you feeling insecure again?". Yuto shook his head and dried his body with the towel. "I haven't felt insecure since you've helped me with it. But I still don't understand what's so charming about me,". He covered himself with the towel and Nagisa just felt himself melt even further into a puddle of love.

'Shit!! He's so cute!!'.

Laughing heartily, he hugged Yuto warmly. "I'll tell you a little something about your charming point,".

They locked eyes. Nagisa dried his hair as he continued talking with him. "So it seems that only the person you truly love most can see your charming point,". Yuto seemed intrigued by what he said. "So you can see mine?". Nagisa nodded and cupped his partner's face. "Your pretty face, your beautiful eyes, slim body and something that's exclusive to me, your smile. Not the one you show others. The real one that you show only me,". Yuto blushed and eased into Nagisa's warm hands. "You can tell when I'm forcing a smile?". The man pinched his cheeks and nodded. "Of course I can..I'm the person you love most. I'd definitely be able to see through that,".

He handed Yuto a hoodie to wear and pat his head after he did. "Don't ever face your insecurities alone again, okay?". Yuto grabbed the hem of Nagisa's shirt just as he got up. "I...I can see your charming points too...Nagi,". The man stopped short and laughed. He looked at Yuto and arched an eyebrow. "So, what's mine, Yuto?". The boy clutched his hoodie shyly, looking away. "Your face; especially when you're not wearing your glasses, like now. Your smell. Your gentle touch and smooth voice, your well built body..well... everything about you is charming,".

A passionate kiss ensued between them, Nagisa groaning. Yuto held onto Nagisa's shoulders as he was pushed onto the bed. His partner pulled away, panting. "You cute little shit, making me feel so flustered in the morning..what the hell..". Yuto blushed and smiled a small but cheeky smile at him even though his body felt heavy on him. "It's your fault for being so charming, Nagi. You should accept it,". Nagisa hugged him tightly and buried his head in Yuto's shoulder. "Gah!! I wish I could screw you right now but it's so early in the morning!!". Yuto's face became flushed as he hugged him back. "I don't mind if you do it quickly. You shouldn't be holding back. It's not healthy,".

The older man sighed, pecking the boy on the forehead sweetly. "We'll save that for tonight, okay? If I start now, I might not be able to stop. We still have a couple more chapters of your book to go,". Yuto stared into Nagisa's calming blue eyes and smiled his small yet cute smile. "Whatever you say, Nagi. Let me know later on what you want to eat for lunch,". The man nodded and got up to take a shower while Yuto went downstairs to cook breakfast. They lived together quite peacefully ever since they began going out with each other. Nagisa smiled at the thought that he was the only one who knew of Yuto's shy and sweet side. To him, the 19 year old was only grumpy and rude on the surface but once you tipped the iceberg the right way, it would lead you straight to the treasures. He felt like he was special to someone.

After they had breakfast together, Nagisa finished up with helping Yuto to read his reference book and gather the important notes for his academic research project from it. "Say, why did your professor give you kids an English reference book anyway?". Yuto slumped his head on the desk, you could hear the sound of his blood draining. "We asked him for a bit of help at least. So he handed these to us and wished us good luck. He said he couldn't find one in Japanese so it can't be helped really,". Yuto rubbed his eyes and sat up again.

"He wouldn't let us use information from the internet either because he said those can't be trusted,". Nagisa could tell that Yuto was working extremely hard not only to get a good grade but to maintain his position in the Honours program and his scholarship. The exhaustion was all in his face. His face was paler and he was starting to look thinner. Yet he still managed to take care of Nagisa, the housework and balance everything out. It was a miracle.

Playfully, Nagisa shut the book and led him to the living area to relax with him. "That's enough studying for today. You've been working hard as it is. Relax and take your mind off things,". The boy sat on Nagisa's lap, pecking him on the cheek. "I'd want to relax with you then. You've been grading assignments all day at school yesterday right? It was a Friday. That's the day you marked and checked all of your students' work,". Nagisa was surprised that he remembered but he just grinned to himself. "Yeah, alright. Do you want to take a nap together or would you rather go somewhere?". Yuto snuggled up against his chest and put his arms around his neck. "I'd rather have a nap with you in the comfort of our home,". Nagisa laughed at his predictable response. 'Of course, his answer would be pretty obvious. I just hope that..'

He finally noticed Yuto's calm breathing. He had already fallen asleep. Nagisa knew that he was exhausted beyond words and just held him close, closing his own eyes, smiling while he enjoyed the warmth.

'you don't overwork yourself for my sake, Yuto,'.