CH 4.2 - Reconciled (PU)

Waiting at home, Aki grew increasingly worried. Nope, there was no way Jaehwan would be gone for this long if he went to get gas. But where could he have gone? Surely not to work! Aki had called the cafe's number and asked for Jaehwan but Yamato told him that Jaehwan hadn't come in for a while because he was sick. He definitely didn't leave to get petrol. Not to work either. Where else could he be? But Aki didn't have to prod and poke at the question anymore when his phone rang.

"A-Aki..I'm at the highway..(huff)...I'm in so much p-pain..I can't even drive home..."

Jaehwan groaned from the other side of the phone. Aki jumped when he said that. The highway?! He was stuck there?! Alone and in pain?! Oh no, that wouldn't do! Aki hurriedly put on his coat, panicked. "I'm coming!! Hang in there, Jae!". Jaehwan's breathing was hoarse on the other side of the phone. "P-please get my medicine on the bedside table. Please(huff)...I'm not sure if I can stay conscious without it,". Aki hared up the stairs, snatched the medication on the table and he could hear Jaehwan crying on the line.

"Babe, no...Does it hurt you that badly? I'm on my way, promise! I can't drive, but I'll get someone to take me there,". Aki left their condo after locking all the doors and his next plan of action was to find someone who could drive a car. Well, it's not like he could just simply walk up to someone and ask. He sighed, feeling the stress bite him in the ass. But, he tried to remind himself that Jaehwan was under more stress now. Pain too. He shouldn't be adding more to Jaehwan's plate. He had to get there as soon as he possibly could. After looking around for a while, he sighed.

He had to do it. If he didn't, Jaehwan could die on that highway. He'd be history and Aki wouldn't have even tried to save him. He gulped and called the number he had dialled.

The owner of the number picked up, quite surprised that Aki had called him after so many years.

"Takara-kun, I need your help. Just this once. Please,".


"Nishii-kun! You sounded so desperate on the phone? Did you want to see me so badly?". Takara showed up, donning a white tracksuit. Aki was embarrassed. He couldn't believe he had to call this prick ever again. His ex-boyfriend. But since Jaehwan's life was in danger, he didn't have much choice. "Gross, don't call me that,"Aki huffed and folded his arms. "Please don't fuck around, it's an emergency,". Takara huffed as well, leaning against the wall of the car park. "Spill,".

Shaking his head, Aki hailed a cab for both of them. "Get in. I'll spill in there,". Takara rolled his eyes and held up the middle finger to Aki. "So bossy. Fuck's sake, how could anyone else have dated you after I left you?". Aki got into the taxi and showed the driver the location they were heading to. Then, he settled in the back seat with Takara. "It's an emergency. We need to get there as soon as possible. My partner can't drive home from the highway. When I called him, he sounded like he was about to faint. I desperately need to go see him,". Takara crossed his legs, scowling at Aki. "So why am I here?".

"I need your help to drive his car home,". Takara laughed and held his sides. "Look at you, Nishii-kun. Using me again?". Aki glared at him and clenched his fists into a ball. It took everything he had inside him to not instigate a fist fight between both of them. "If anyone's been used, it's me. I didn't know that the money I gave you for your rent would be splurged on the girl you left me for,"Aki sighed, crossing his arms. "Hey now, she already left me ages ago,"Takara grumbled, shooting dagger eyes at Aki. "What's the use of bringing up old dirt, Nishii-kun? Stop digging my grave,".

Aki didn't have much patience to begin with and was reaching his breaking point. "If we don't hurry, the only grave I'm going to be digging is my partner's. So you'd better watch what you say,". Takara huffed and leaned back, looking at Aki. "So morbid, my god. You definitely became more serious. Where did my happy-go-lucky Nishii-kun go?"He pouted, his voice sickly sweet. "You took him and fucking ripped him apart, you selfish prick. Apparently girls stroking your ego meant more to you than being honest with me,". Aki bit his lip. He couldn't believe he was talking to him again. This selfish bastard who used him for money and sex and then left him when he got a richer girlfriend.

Tension was tight in the cab. So tight that the driver was silent the entire time. He was too scared to interject. Well, it probably wasn't his place to anyway. He was only a cab driver. So long as they paid their fee after they got to their destination, he didn't have much to say. Aki didn't know how much time he had left. If Jaehwan was even conscious at all on the road. Anything could have happened. He could have gotten into an even worse accident. He could have been robbed. He was vulnerable, alone and in pain. What's worse is that he couldn't even take his painkillers since they were with Aki. That made Aki feel horrible.

"You've gone all silent, Nishii-kun. What's up? Starting to think about getting back together with me?"Takara joked, putting an arm around Aki's neck. "It-...I'm just worried about my partner, okay? He's chronically ill and vulnerable on the road. If that was your partner, wouldn't you worry too?". Takara nodded, patting Aki on the shoulder. "Yeah, I would worry too,". Aki pushed him away, gloomy. "I don't need your pity,". His ex-boyfriend looked at him and sighed. "Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll pay you back for all those times I stole from you, okay? Just give me your bank account's number,". Aki looked up at him and held his head, as if he were holding back a massive headache. "Money won't miraculously sew up the mental scarring you did to me, Takara-kun,".

The other male huffed, looking outside the window. "I do take responsibility for what I did to you, okay? I was stupid and selfish to use you for what you had instead of loving you like I should have. I'm sorry for that, okay?". Aki shook his head, holding his phone tightly as he watched them get closer and closer to Jaehwan's location. "I'll think about accepting your apology later. But I'm not forgiving you for abandoning my younger sister when you promised to take her to the amusement park but ditched her to go on a date with your girlfriend,". "Come on, that was ages ago!"Takara refuted, shaking his head.

"She was 7 years old. Seven. She didn't even know how to get around herself. To get a call from a public phone, a stranger telling me that she got lost and was crying, that really hurt me, you know?". Takara sighed, fidgeting in his seat while Aki continued talking. "When I asked her where you went later in the evening, she said that you left her when you saw a pretty girl. And when she wanted to follow you, you told her to wait in that same spot. You never showed up or even called me to say that you had somewhere to be,". Aki was still angry with him for that because he trusted Takara to look after Asuna properly while he was doing an exam paper.

"Don't get so heated. Okay, it was my fault. I was selfish to have left her to be with that girl. There,".

"I could have lost her you know. Imagine if the stranger she approached wasn't nice. Imagine if he saw an opportunity to lure such an innocent little girl away. I could have lost her,"Aki muttered, wiping away at his glassy eyes. "Now, as we're bickering, I could have lost my partner. How do you think I feel after going through something as mentally exhausting as this? Twice!". Takara stayed silent. He realised that after all the times he played Aki, he had nothing to lose. But Aki, on the other hand, had everything to lose. He felt like he'd been slapped in the face. "Hey, I'm sure everything will be okay. There's no need to cry over this,". He put his arms around Aki, petting him on the back. "We'll get there in time, I'll assure you on that,".

As soon as they arrived, Aki immediately paid the fare and leaped out of the taxi. He bolted towards Jaehwan's car and found him slumped against the steering wheel, almost unconscious. "Jae!" He shouted, shaking his partner firmly. Jaehwan lifted his head up weakly. Through his bleary vision and that clear, ringing voice, he could tell that Aki had arrived. " did you get here?". Aki shook his head and undid Jaehwan's seatbelt. "That doesn't matter right now. Are you okay? Does your chest still hurt?". Jaehwan nodded and put his arms around Aki's neck. "I feel like I'm about to pass out. It really hurts,".

Aki hauled him out of the driver's seat before he took off his coat and bundled it up so that Jaehwan could rest in the backseat. "Take your medicine. Here,". After helping Jaehwan sit up, he produced a packet of Jaehwan's new medication from Dr. Yoo. "Quickly, take this,". He hurriedly broke open the seal of a bottle of water that was in Jaehwan's car and handed it to him. Takara watched from the outside, really marvelled at how attentive Aki was. 'I should have treated him like that while we were still together. Yet, all I could think of was myself. And Nakanishii-kun? He still puts others before himself. He hasn't changed at all'.

Loosening Jaehwan's coat, Aki helped him lie down, absolutely worried. "Do you want me to call an ambulance for you?". Jaehwan shook his head, resting on Aki's rolled up coat. "No, just take me home please,". Aki nodded and kissed him on the head, holding his hand. "Will do, babe. Just hold on for me, okay?". Jaehwan groaned in pain as a response and that was when Takara sat himself down in the driver's seat. He looked behind and gaped. "Hey, is that-....Um, Nakanishii-kun, does he work at Kuma Kafe?". Aki nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, he's the general manager there. Why?".

Takara grumbled something to himself and laughed. "Who knew he'd be going out with you, of all people. Dammit! I frequent sometimes to see him and give him presents but he always rejects them,". Aki looked to Jaehwan and then to Takara. "You were trying to ask him out?". Takara shrugged, turning to the road before he stepped on the pedal. "Well, he's handsome, don't you think? I didn't know that he was dating anyone though. Didn't even know he was gay. But damn, you snagged him before I could. I'm jealous,". Aki smirked to himself, that smirk fading when he felt Jaehwan squeeze his hand hard.

"I'm s-sorry you and your friend had to come all the way here, Kiki. I was scared that I'd pass out from the pain,"He groaned, looking up at Aki. Stroking his head gently, Aki shook his head. "Babe, you have nothing to apologise for. If it hurts you that much, you can squeeze my hand to help you forget about the pain. When we get home, you need to rest. Okay?". Jaehwan nodded and Aki planted a kiss on the back of the weak hand he was holding. "People did s-stop by to help me, but I told them that help was on the way. So they left me alone and I was so scared-,".

Hushing him with a kiss on the head, Aki adjusted his posture so that it'd be more comfortable for Jaehwan. "Just get some rest. If you're going to faint, at least faint in my arms so I can carry you to the bedroom when we get home,". Takara looked behind him when they stopped at a red light. Aki really only had eyes for Jaehwan. He stroked Jaehwan's head so tenderly, tutting him whenever the pain nipped at his chest.

Resting his pounding head on Aki's lap, Jaehwan just looked so much happier, safer. 'That's what love should look like'. He thought back to the times that he and Aki had a thing for each other. Where Aki would constantly make sacrifices to make him happy yet all he got in return was a text message to break up on his birthday. He didn't care how much it would have hurt Aki. He even talked shit about Aki behind his back. About how he was so selfless he may as well be a doormat. But today, he realised that yes, Aki indeed was selfless. But the only person who ever thought of him as a doormat that he could walk all over and abuse was himself.

Red lights from the traffic light in front of him flickered blue. He looked away from them and continued driving back to Tokyo, feeling like a pit of regret. He finally realised what a prick he had been to Aki, who did nothing wrong to him.

Worst of all, he knew Aki didn't have a single bad bone in his body. Aki would forgive him, even after being mistreated like that. He knew he would be granted the forgiveness that he didn't deserve. He ducked his head, ashamed with himself. He felt foolish, stupid and angry with himself.

How did he manage to sleep at night after taking advantage of someone as sweet and selfless like Aki?


When the car had been parked in the parking lot, Aki tried to wake Jaehwan up. But Jaehwan's body must have been exhausted, overworked and perhaps weak, he had already lost consciousness. Aki felt around for Jaehwan's pulse and heartbeat, relieved when they felt just alright. Takara sighed and got up from the driver's seat, walking over to them. "Move. You're so slow, he's going to fucking suffocate in the car,". He hauled Jaehwan up, carrying him like a princess in his arms. He tossed the car keys to Aki, smirking. "I've got your sweetheart. Lock the car,".

Aki gaped at him. What? He was carrying Jaehwan just like that? "Fucking hell, he's even lighter than a little girl. Do you even feed him?". Aki locked the car, fuming. "Plenty. He's got problems with gaining weight. That's all,". He stooped to hand the car keys back to Takara, who just flounced to the lift, grinning. "Oh, it's nice having my hands full like this. I'll take him with me,". Aki sighed, fumbling for the house keys in his pocket. "No, I'll carry him. He would have preferred that,". Takara shook his head and dashed into the lift. "He's not conscious. He wouldn't be able to tell". Takara slammed his elbow on the button to close the door to the lift, smirking. "See you at the door, Nishii-kun~".

"You childish piece of shit!"He could hear Aki growl as the lift rose higher and higher.

Takara giggled to himself and turned to look at Jaehwan's face. 'Fuck, he's really handsome. Really really handsome. To think he ended up with my ex...'He thought to himself as he stared at Jaehwan's face. 'Well, this guy seems sweet and soft spoken. Nakanishii-kun deserved someone like him compared to a bastard like me'. Jaehwan groaned and tried to put his arms around his neck, before opening his eyes and realising that that was not Aki but his 'friend', the regular that kept trying to approach him. "Hey,"He mumbled, eyes half open. "Thank you for driving me and Nakanishii-kun home,". Takara grinned and shook his head. "No problem, Ryu-kun,".

"How do you know my-oh..that's right. You're the regular who kept trying to ask me out,"Jaehwan chuckled, a weak but sheepish smile on his face. "How did you meet Nakanishii-kun?". Takara gulped and looked away from Jaehwan. 'Oh fuck, he doesn't know...'. He cleared his throat, staring at their reflection on the walls of the lift. "Um...I-...I'm his ex-boyfriend,". Jaehwan didn't seem fazed by what he said and urged another question. "Why did you guys break up?". Takara sighed and looked back to Jaehwan's exhausted face. "I'll be honest here..I didn't treat him well. I used him. I even hated his innocent little sister. What kind of lowlife was I?".

Solemn, Jaehwan nodded. "But, you changed right? Or else he wouldn't have called you,". Takara huffed again, adjusting the way he carried Jaehwan. "Well, he didn't have much of a choice...He hasn't accepted my apology yet. I don't think he ever will,". Jaehwan shook his head, smiling weakly. "He's not evil like that. He'll accept it,". Takara groaned and slumped against the wall of the lift. "That's the point. He's too nice. I don't deserve any forgiveness after what I put him through,". Jaehwan looked away, closing his eyes. "If you're adamant on changing for the better, you deserve forgiveness. Make amends to what you did wrong and take accountability for it. That's all you need to be forgiven,".

"Hey, could you tell me the bank number to Nakanishii-kun's account?".

Jaehwan giggled and grinned cheekily at Takara. "You'll have to ask him yourself,".




"There we go, let's put you to bed,"Takara grunted as he put Jaehwan on the bed. Aki pulled off Jaehwan's coat and gasped. "You're in your pyjamas?!". His partner collapsed on the bed, sinking into the covers. "I didn't have time to change out of them,". Aki laughed and tucked him in. "Oh you...Just get some rest. You're not allowed to leave the bed until tomorrow morning, if you've got enough strength,". Jaehwan turned over, taking the bolster and cuddling it. "Roger that, Kiki. You should send your friend off. Maybe give him a jar of kimchi from the fridge. He's been such a help today,".

Both Takara and Aki exchanged looks before Takara just burst out laughing. "Nah..Perhaps my next cup of coffee at the cafe could be on the house?"He winked at him. Jaehwan mumbled an "mhm" to acknowledge his reply before he dozed off. Aki planted a kiss on Jaehwan's head before he left the bedroom and Takara followed suit. "Look, you're still an ass,"He sighed as he walked down the stairs. He opened a bottle of fish food and proceeded to feed the goldfish that he and Jaehwan had won from playing kingyo sukoi at Asuna's school's festival last year. "But, you did help out a lot today. Thanks,".

Hearing that made Takara light up. Aki caught his expression and smirked. "Of course, I'm not saying that you're amazing. But, after how you helped me and Jaehwan today, you seem like less of a little shit,". Aki dusted his hands off and set the bottle down. "Nakanishii-kun, it's not like I'm asking you to take me back or anything. But, I want to be forgiven,". Takara sighed and looked at his ex-boyfriend in the eyes. "I really am sorry for how I hurt you. How I wrecked you emotionally. I was young and stupid. But, if you'd take my word for it, I'll try to make amends for what I did wrong,".

Switching on the lights to the dining room, Aki glanced at Takara, doing a double take. "Are you possessed?? You've never apologised with such humility before!". "Nakanishii-kun I'm being serious!"Takara retorted and Aki just laughed, his pleasant voice piercing through the night. "I'm just kidding, haha,". He got himself a ceramic teapot filled with some hot water from the water dispenser. Dropping two tea bags inside, he let the tea steep and set the pot down. "Before you go, have some tea. It's the least I can do for you after today,". Takara sat himself down on one of the dining chairs, watching Aki work his magic in the kitchen.

Rice crackers were presented on a plate before him. "Don't worry. It's my treat. Eat up,". Takara picked up a cracker, looking at Aki like a desperate little puppy. "So, have I been forgiven?". Aki turned to him and shrugged, setting out some preserved dried squid. "Well, definitely not fully. I'll have to see before I can make any judgement. But, there's no use holding onto grudges for so long,". He smiled to himself before looking at the bedroom. "I already have someone to make new memories with. Soon, you will too. Both of us have our own separate lives now. It's best to just let it go,". He looked up and saw that Takara was still holding the rice cracker, his mouth gaping open.

"Don't just sit there. Eat it before the damn thing shrivels up in your hands,"Aki chuckled as he did the dishes. "So..Nakanishii-kun, about the number to your bank account..."

Takara began wistfully as he bit into the crispy rice cracker.

"Nope, nope and nope! Shut up and eat,"Aki cackled and the dining room was filled with their laughter.

Following that day, both Aki and Takara were on talking terms again. They had even saved each other's phone numbers once more. In fact, Takara arranged to apologise to Asuna, even though she could barely remember him.

It wasn't great, but any forgiveness is better than none.