CH 8.1 - Going Abroad (PA)

Gathered at the dining table with a heavy book in hand and dried flowers on a sheet of newspaper, Satoushi was doing oshibana with Yuto. It was the art of flower pressing and was shown to be effective at treating depression. He wanted to help Nagisa on his mission to inch Yuto closer to recovery and decided that a day of oshibana with his future son-in-law was the perfect way to aid him.

"I've already dried this for 10 days now. Don't they look pretty?"Satoushi chuckled, holding up a dried sunflower head. Yuto nodded and gazed at all the dried flowers. They did look lovely. "Of course, from now on, I'm going to send you a bouquet of flowers from my florist and you can keep half of them in water and dry the other half, pressed nice and flat in a heavy book,". Yuto thanked him meekly and Satoushi beamed at him. "We can do this once a month if you'd like. I don't mind taking the time out of my day to spend time with you,". Yuto was happy at the idea of Satoushi coming over to do flower pressing with him. So far, he found it relaxing. He was in love with the idea of it.

However, Nagisa was not. "Otou-san, don't you think this is boring?"He groaned after hearing his father gabble about the art of flower pressing for hours. "Nagisa, don't be such a child. I'm not doing this for your sake. I'm doing this for Kirishima-kun because at least he obediently listens to whatever I have to say,"Satoushi grumbled with a frown plastered on his face before his expression morphed into a wide grin when he faced Yuto, pushing some watercolours towards him. "Go on, Kirishima-kun. Paint some beautiful colours on your canvas. Then use the glue to stick the flowers onto it in any pattern you like,". Yuto ducked his head to say thank you and looked around for inspiration before painting his canvas with a deep hue of blue.

Realising where Yuto drew his inspiration from, Satoushi sighed, looking at Nagisa's eyes and then at Yuto. "You really are deeply in love with my idiot son, aren't you?".


"Am I wrong? What idiot can't appreciate the therapeutic nature of oshibana? Only you!".

"Fine, give me a canvas. I'll knock it out of the park,".

Giggling to himself while he heard them bicker over Nagisa's competency, Yuto painted a blue gradient on his canvas and stuck some dried petunias onto his masterpiece. While Nagisa was fuming like an angry kindergartener who got ticked off, Yuto finished his masterpiece calmly. Satoushi was intrigued and he asked Yuto about the piece of art he just made. "Kirishima-kun, what made you choose petunias for your creation?".

Glowing pink from his cheeks to his ears, Yuto mumbled his response. "Because....Because... Petunias mean 'Your presence soothes me'. The background is blue because it represents Nagi. Well...My art says that Nagi's presence..soothes me,". Nagisa's cheeks turned crimson as well and he looked at Yuto's canvas, the petunias arranged in a neat heart. As if he were entranced, he cupped Yuto's cheeks and pecked him on the lips only to earn a smack on the head from his father. "Nagisa, you should be lucky he's so madly in love with you because if he wasn't so hypnotically attracted to you, he would have broken up with you ages ago,"Satoushi smirked, crossing his arms.

"Also, goodness me, don't kiss him so passionately in front of me. There's a time for these things, my boy and it's definitely not in front of me. If I knew I'd see kissing like that, I'd have gone to see an R-rated movie instead,". Yuto blushed, his face feeling like it had been set on fire. Of course, he knew that Nagi deserved to be told off. But sometimes, whenever he just locked eyes with his handsome face, he couldn't bring himself to scold him anymore. It would feel like scolding an eager puppy and he just felt bad even thinking about it. Nagisa just chuckled sheepishly and hugged Yuto, kissing him on the head. "I just can't help it, Otou-san. He means the absolute world to me and I love him,". A smirk still on his face, Satoushi winked at him. "Save all that loving for the bedroom. I want him to relax with oshibana now,".

While Nagisa was painting on his canvas with a brilliant shade of green and yellow, the doorbell rang. Satoushi got up and answered the door, quite surprised. The person and him talked outside for a bit before he returned with a grave expression masking his face. "Nagisa, she said she knows you. She has something to tell you,".

Clad in a lacy purple dress, the lady stepped forward, biting her lip as she averted her eyes to the ground. She had black curls and a very soft demeanour. Nagisa couldn't recognise her at first but when she spoke, he felt as if he'd been struck by lightning.

"Shinji-san, it's me, Nakagawa Aoi, remember me?".

Aoi. The lady who tried to make advances on him last year. Why was she here? Shouldn't she know that he's taken by now?

But oh, in her hand, was the dreaded navy folder. The very same one that was used to propose his arranged marriage with Yuri. How did he know?

He could see Kaoru's signature embossed in gold on the cover.


Trying not to shock Yuto, he wanted to remain as calm as possible. Yet on the other hand, Satoushi wasn't so thrilled at Kaoru's idea. Aoi stood at the doorway, uncomfortable. "Is that woman crazy? How can she do something like this? Has she no empathy?"The old man growled, his hands clenched into a fist. "Otou-san, calm down. It's not like Nakagawa-chan asked for this either,"Nagisa hushed, trying to pacify his father while Yuto just stared at him, confused. "Nagi, what's wrong?"He whispered and Satoushi shook his head. "No, my dear boy. Go leave your painting near the window to dry,"He instructed but Aoi cleared her throat.

"Excuse me, but I think it's important if he joins the conversation too,".

Sat with her hands on her lap demurely, she had a hard time trying to look Nagisa in the eye. "Shinji-kun, I know I gave you a hard time last year. I was so desperate to be in love. I even tried to invalidate your feelings towards Kirishima-kun. I'm sorry for my poor behaviour,"She began, biting her fuschia painted lip while she made a low bow. "But, things are different now. I'm in a loving relationship. Both of us are. We don't need the help of older adults to achieve this,". Plopping down the navy folder carefully, she cleared her throat.

Maroon nails tapped on the binder of the folder, gesturing towards Kaoru's signature. "I believe we both know our answer to this proposal,". Nagisa nodded, still in shock that his mother would sign him up for another arranged marriage without his consent. Satoushi's face had become a lookalike of that of a beetroot. Probably boiling on the hob or ashamed that his wife had the gall to pull something like that on them. She knew that he was coming over that day and her bitchy face wanted to see how he'd react. He shook his head, taking the written proposal in his hands and ripping it while Aoi cried, dismayed. "No, I reject. I'm against this. I can't let her stomp over you kids like this, especially poor Kirishima-kun. He hasn't even done anything to hurt her yet she's going this far to oppose your relationship,".

Covering her mouth, Aoi's eyes had gotten so wide, you could see the whites around them. "Shinji-sama, she'll kill me if-"She began to exclaim but Satoushi cut her off with a scowl. "Oh, please tell her that I ripped it. There is no way in hell I will let her have her way,". Aoi nodded and hurriedly left the house, the navy folder disappearing with her. Not surprisingly, Yuto had gone all pale and quiet, visibly upset as his eyes glistened. Whatever he was thinking of, whatever he was feeding his worried mind of his, it probably wasn't anything positive.




"Your hands have gotten cold darling,"He whispered, pulling Yuto closer as he heard his partner sniffling. Burying his face into Nagisa's chest, Yuto bit his lip and clenched his fists hard to prevent himself from breaking down. Just watching him try to hold his emotions back made Satoushi feel a rollercoaster of emotions himself.

Embarrassed, angry and sorrowful. He could see the quick shift in Yuto's expression and knew that it was best if he spent some time away from Kaoru. As soon as possible. Who knows what other crazy tricks that magician of his wife could pull out of her hat? Clearing his throat to cut the tension in the room, he turned to Nagisa, his voice gruff. "Nagisa, you know, I actually got a call from Nancy and George a few days ago. They said that they missed having you over and that it's autumn in England now. They want to have you back for Christmas,". Nodding his head, Nagisa clutched Yuto's hand, stroking his palm tenderly to comfort him. "Why don't you take Kirishima-kun with you? It's been a while since you've gone back,"He suggested, winking at Nagisa.

Blushing from head to toe, Yuto froze. What? He would be flying to England? To meet Nagisa's foster family? And celebrate Christmas with them? He could never dream of the day it would come. Nagisa brightened up at the sound of that, putting an arm around Yuto's waist. "What do you say, darling? I'm sure my foster family would love to have you! You're going to be fawned over, I can guarantee that,"He grinned, pecking Yuto on the forehead to cheer him up. Satoushi nodded and held up his visa. "I actually asked Nagisa for your identification information the other day while you were grocery shopping so that I could get this made,". Yuto took it from him, his small hands trembling. He had never travelled abroad before. He almost couldn't believe it was real.

"I can just stay home and look after Yuna and the house,"He murmured, drying his tears with the cuff of his hoodie "Baby, you're my partner. Not my housekeeper. I can get someone else to do that for us while we're away,"Nagisa whined, pulling Yuto into his lap and hugging him. "He's right. I wouldn't allow him to treat you like that. You're going to England. You deserve a vacation, Kirishima-kun,"Satoushi smiled, reaching over to pat Yuto on the shoulder. "You've been busting your chops trying to cook and clean to keep this house and my idiot son in order. Go have fun in England. I want you to come back happier and in a better place mentally,". Yuto squeaked and ducked his head, a soft "Thank you, Shinji-chichi," escaping his lips.

Charmed by his adorable yet polite response, Satoushi had a fatherly smile plastered on his face. "I'll handle everything for you guys in a few days to give you some time to pack your luggages. Though, you do not need to bring much with you as I'll make sure that whatever you need will be prepared at the Wright's home,". "Thank you, Otou-san. I think that this trip is just what Yuto needs,"Nagisa sighed in relief, petting his partner on the head gently. "Anything for my children. Now, let Kirishima-kun calm down from that stressful event just now and then take him shopping for a new winter coat,".

"But, Otou-san, you bought three new coats for him the last time at the family house-".

"It's called retail therapy. It works,".

Obeying his father's word, he took Yuto to the mall the next day to get a new coat for him. Yuto was still sullen and miserable from the looks of things. Of course, Satoushi was supportive and actively tried to spend time and welcome Yuto to their family but Kaoru? She probably hates him now. For turning her 'straight' son homosexual. Nothing seemed to be cheering Yuto up and Nagisa was desparate so brought him to Fujikawa's place, hoping he would brighten up after meeting with his father.

Granny Fujikawa was delighted to hear that her grandson was going to England. "Ah, back in my days, your father and I couldn't even travel because we needed to work. But look at you, flying to England in a few days. You need your rest, Yu-chan,". Her wrinkly hands held Yuto's supple ones gingerly, her smile tugging at his heartstrings. "Ah, wait a moment,"She muttered, walking into the next room before she returned with a wooly scarf. Tying it around Yuto's neck, the creases on her face deepened as she smiled. "I knitted that for your father when he was a child. It should keep you warm whilst you're there,".

"I'm not sure if I'm allowed to wear this,"He mumbled, glancing at the intricate pattern that had been knitted. "Okaa-san, about the-"Fujikawa began as he left his home office but when he caught sight of Yuto in his old scarf, he bounced around so much he could suspiciously eradicate the Easter Bunny and take his place. "Yuto!! You look so cute in that! It's like it was made for you to have!"He squealed. It was quite comical to hear his usually low voice become as high-pitched as a mouse's squeak. "Oh my god, can I please have a photo of you? You just look so cute, especially when you hold the fabric like that,"He begged and Yuto agreed, since he asked for permission.

Taking the photo with his cellphone, Fujikawa was ecstatic. "Ha~ My son looks so good in the scarf Okaa-san once made for me,"He hummed to himself, typing on his keypad quickly. "I'm such a lucky father,"He chuckled, smiling at Yuto in a way that revealed his dimples. "Gosh, can I give you a hug, Yuto? I just can't believe how adorable you look in my childhood scarf,". "Of course, Otou-san,"Yuto replied softly and felt Fujikawa's arms around him. "I'm going to miss you, but have fun when you're abroad okay? You don't get the chance to go to England all the time. Take loads of pictures for me, please. Eat lots of new things you've never had before,"He went on and on and Yuto just nodded obediently to each of his requests.

Looking to Nagisa, Fujikawa grinned at him. "Shinji-kun, take good care of him, alright? He's never travelled before,". Nagisa nodded and scratched his head sheepishly. "Don't worry Fujikawa-chichi. England's my second home. I'm just bringing him there to spend Christmas with my foster family,"He admitted and Fujikawa's smile got wider. "I hope your foster family grows to love him. I trust you Shinji-kun,".

Tidying Yuto's hair preciously, he tucked a portion of his stray bangs behind his ear. "Make sure you bring enough money with you. Remember to call me, okay? Try not to rely on Shinji-kun too much. And-"Fujikawa rambled but his mother dug him in the ribs with her pointy elbow. "The poor child's just going to England for holiday. He can't possibly remember all that,". Abashedly looking at his mother, he huffed and gave Yuto one last bear hug.

"Both of us are going to miss you two so much. But, I want you to be a happier person. So as your father, I shouldn't be so greedy,".


Holding Nagisa's hand, Yuto looked around him nervously. 'This place is huge...' He gulped to himself, feeling uneasy. "Nagi, why is the airport so big?"He asked innocently. "Well, it's big because it contains many aeroplanes that take people to and fro,"His boyfriend explained, squeezing his hand gently to comfort him. "I know it's big, and there's loads of people around you and it can be very stimulating for someone as anxious as you. But, you're doing well so far. I'm proud of you for coming this far,"He smiled, feeling Yuto squeeze his hand back.

"Will your foster family even like me?"He mumbled and Nagisa hushed him playfully. "Oh you! If you're the only one they've ever known to go steady with me, you've already won their interest. Promise,"He laughed and Yuto chuckled at the comment, letting Nagisa escort him around the airport. Knowing full well that they were supposed to rest, Satoushi asked Hiroto and another butler to follow and to take care of them until they got back from England. Extra? Perhaps. But it's coming from Satoushi's wallet so it's up to him to decide how to burn his everlasting riches.

When they got to a long line of people, Yuto froze. "Nagi...why are there so many people here?"He squeaked and Nagisa patted him on the head. It's immigration, dear. It's just so the government knows we're not travelling illegally,". "Oh....". Yuto shrunk back, hitching his breath as he held onto Chitose tightly in his other arm . To have to lineup behind so many people and so close together as well. With children crying and people talking and trays being slammed onto the conveyor belt, he wasn't sure if he could take such pressure. Hiroto finally caught up to them with their trolley of luggage, confused. "Shinji-sama, I thought we were taking your father's private plane? Why are we staring at the immigration lines?".

Giggling, Nagisa grinned cheekily at the old butler . "I just wanted to show Kirishima-kun what people have to go through when they travel. We're just privileged enough to bypass these stricter checks,". Hiroto shook his head and began pushing the trolley in the opposite direction. "Come, let's head to your father's plane,". Holding Yuto's hand, he prodded him to Hiroto's direction. "My father was really worried about how you'd handle the crowds. So, he gave you a choice,"Nagisa chuckled, noticing Yuto's tense posture relax. "Thank you Nagi,"He whispered, leaning against his partner's shoulder.

Once they boarded the plane, of course, Yuto innocently went ahead and asked about everything to which both Nagisa and Hiroto responded patiently to each of his questions. Although, what surprised Nagisa most was when Yuto whipped out a booklet called '1000+ English Phrases You Should Know!' with a 'Written by Native Speakers' in a loud scarlet plastered on the front page. "Baby, why the book? You're already good in English,"He asked, watching Yuto study the book quietly. "I'm...not that good. I want to make a good impression on your foster family,"He whispered, muttering some of the phrases under his breath. Nagisa thought his pronunciation was actually quite cute.

"But, they speak Japanese too, you know. You shouldn't have to study. You're on holiday,"He added and Yuto turned red. "I....don't want to have to rely on you to get around. I want to be able to speak for myself,". His eyes got wider when he realised what he had said, his head hurriedly shot up and he dropped the book. "It's not that I don't have faith in you or anything, Nagi! I- I-...I just want to show you that I'm capable of being independent...". Nagisa knew that his panicked reaction was because the last time Yuto tried to express his will to want to be more independent by asking to get a part-time job, he lost his temper.

'I'm the one who made him react like that. It's my fault he's so jumpy about matters like this.

Patting Yuto on the head tenderly, he picked up the fallen book from Yuto's lap and opened it. "I understand baby. No, don't worry. I'm never going to get mad at you for something like that again. It was unreasonable of me to lose my temper last time,"He began, lifting the arm rest that separated them. Instinctively, Yuto grabbed his arm and cuddled, leaning close. "I don't want you to be afraid of me, baby. Alright? I'm sorry that my past actions have caused such a fight or flight response within you,"Nagisa whispered to him before pecking him on the forehead.

"Now, why are you studying alone? I should be helping you. After all, I'm the one who lived in England for more than 10 years,"He giggled, nudging Yuto with the book. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to,"Yuto shrugged playfully and Nagisa pouted. "Oi! Who said I didn't want to? What do you think I'm doing now, hm?"He smirked and Yuto smiled that good old tiny smile of his. "You're just bickering with me now. Hehe,". Of course, Nagisa still wanted to pretend like he was hurt but when he heard Yuto giggle, his defences fell flat and his heart had become a puddle. He gave Yuto another peck on the forehead and slumped into his lap. "You win, you win. You cute cheater. You know that I'm weak for your giggles,". Yuto giggled even more, patting his boyfriend on head.

"It's called using your strengths to your advantage, Nagi. Not cheating,". While watching them from the backseat, Hiroto just couldn't contain his smile. He knew that they had completely fallen for each other. Especially since he was aware of another one of Nagisa's mischievous plans.


After a long treacherous journey, they finally arrived at Hampton, a suburban area on the north bank of the River Thames in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. George and Nancy Wright welcomed them into their cosy family-sized abode, beaming when they noticed that Nagisa had brought his special someone with him. "Dear me, Harvey! We haven't seen you in ages, you madlad!" Nancy laughed, kissing him on the cheek (la bise). Nagisa laughed and shifted his gaze to Yuto, stroking him on the head tenderly. "Mum, Dad, this is my boyfriend. His name is Kirishima Yuto,".

George gasped and held out his hand to shake hands with Yuto. "Look at the tyke, darling! He looks like an angel!". Yuto shook hands with him and his wife meekly and even bowed to them. "Hi, my name is Yuto. Thank you for having me,". Nancy was chuffed at his adorable introduction and she clapped her hands in delight. "Oh George, it's a wonder how someone so sweet fell in love with a rascal like Harvey,". George laughed at her remark and offered to help Yuto take off his coat. "Well, you've had a long journey, haven't you? If you're feeling knackered, you lot can go rest up and Nancy will call you boys for tea,".

Nervously turning to Nagisa, Yuto whispered to him. "Nagi? What's 'knackered'? Why does it sound like 'cracker'? Is it food?". Nagisa snickered and shook his head. "No, it's a slang baby. It means 'tired',". Yuto nodded to indicate that he understood and politely allowed George to help him with his coat and scarf, afraid that if he rejected, it would come off as rude. Slowly, Hiroto helped them with their luggage and led them to Nagisa's old room in the loft. "It's a humble room in this humble house. Shinji-sama spent a lot of time in his room,".

Clean white bedspreads had clothed the mattress and the bed had the fanciest wooden posts Yuto had ever seen. There was even a quaint looking fireplace in the corner of the room. Dropping his bags, Yuto sank into the bed, sighing contentedly. "Yeah, I wanted to marry my bed the last few times I came here. It just felt so good,"Nagisa agreed as he helped Hiroto undo the many amounts of tape and plastic wrap around their luggage. "Nagi, your room has a skylight?"Yuto gasped as he pointed to the window on the roof. "Yeah, it's one of the only bedrooms to have a skylight. But no one wanted it because it was in the loft and there used to be minor water leaks here when it rained,"He explained, unpacking Yuto's bag for him.

"But, when I moved in, Mum got it fixed because she didn't want my room to smell like rotting wood,". Yuto nodded and sat up, looking around his partner's room. It did look nice. Simple but cosy. He liked it. "How did you meet Wright-san?"He asked, tucking Chitose into bed. "Oh, Dad? Well, he and Otou-san are actually childhood friends. But one day, Dad had to sell everything he owned to pay off debts that their late family owed,". Yuto slid off the bed, wanting to help Nagisa, Hiroto and Junta unpack while he listened. "Otou-san knew that Dad was in a tight position. And he still had 3 young children to school. So, he offered to let Dad take care of his house in England and in return, Dad would get paid,".

"So this is Shinji-chichi's place?". Nagisa nodded and took out a pile of folded clothes carefully. "But because of Otou-san's offer, Dad was able to afford to send his daughters to school while also affording living expenses with a place to live. And Otou-san didn't have to worry about his property in Hampton because it would be taken care of and in mint condition. Both of them win,". Yuto cocked his head, interested. He didn't know that Shinji-chichi was that generous of a person. He and George must be very close then, to propose such an offer. "Baby, you can go and walk around the house first, if you'd like. We'll unpack and then meet you for tea, alright?".

Putting on some fluffy slippers, Yuto began trudging around the house quietly. He knew he needed to familiarise himself with the place so that his anxiety wouldn't be so bad. Looking at the interior of the house, it was just rustic and there were a few antiques littered around the place. It felt different compared to when he was back in Japan. George caught him staring at the framed paintings on the wall and chuckled. "Getting used to the house? You'll be here until a little after Christmas,". Yuto furrowed his brow before he remembered Nagisa telling him that his foster parents could speak Japanese. "Ah, yes. I'm settling in well,".

"Sorry, I haven't had to speak Japanese in years. Usually, Harvey just speaks English with us so I don't have anyone to practice with,". Yuto fiddled with his hoodie strings. "Wright-san, how do I pronounce his English name? Is it Haavii?". The old man laughed throatily. "Your pronunciation is lovely to hear. It can be pronounced whichever way you're comfortable in. I'm sure we'll all understand,". Yuto mumbled Nagisa's English name a few times, trying to get used to it. Both of them chatted for a while, George asking Yuto about how he met Nagisa and about his family and he seemed sympathetic when Yuto revealed that he was from an abusive family.

Crossing his arms, George sighed in relief. "Glad to know that Harvey treats you well. But if that bloke ever lays a finger on you, I'm sure Edmond'll turn his fanny a bright red,". "Wright-san, who's Edmond?". "Hm? Oh, Edmond is his father. I'm sure you've met him before,"George explained as his friendly honeyed eyes met Yuto's green ones. "Oh, Shinji-chichi. He's very nice to me,". Looking at Yuto's innocent yet curious face, George was full of thoughts. 'He's never travelled before. He's soft-spoken and gentle, like a little lamb. He's quiet as well. Dear me, it's not a wonder how Harvey is heads-over-heels for him.'

"George! George Allen Wright! Could you get the boys for me please? I've got to take the cakes out of the oven!" Nancy called out while she was leaving the kitchen. She saw them in the living room and grinned. "What are you doing, you old man? Boring Harvey's boyfriend with one of your equally old love stories?". George shook his head and smirked at his wife.

"If I were to tell him any love story, it'd be about the time we met in spring,". "Oh shut it, George!". He put his arms around his wife and hummed happily. "You did call me Mr. (W)Right,". Nancy just hummed along with him. "Am I wrong though, Muffin?".

When he was watching them, Yuto felt like he was intruding on their privacy and turned away to head back upstairs to Nagisa but instead, bumped into him at the staircase.

"Whoa! Be careful! You're not in England to import a bruise home now are you?"Nagisa laughed, steadying Yuto with a hug. "No, but I missed you,"Came his partner's quiet voice and Nagisa just melted at his response. "You really can't bear to be without me, even for just 20 minutes yeah? It's fine, neither can I. I missed you too, baby,". He pecked his younger boyfriend on the forehead and smiled to himself. Nancy noticed them getting all cute and cuddly at the staircase and decided to break it up by calling them to tea. "Boys, sit down for some tea. I've got tongue sandwiches, chocolate cakes and ginger biscuits that are getting nice and warm in the oven. I'll get George to make you a nice cup of tea,"She said before disappearing into the kitchen once more.

Like an ostrich poking its head out of the ground, she poked her head from the entrance to the kitchen. "Oh yes, do tell the butlers that they are invited to tea too,". "We get the message,"Hiroto nodded and looked to his apprentice, who also obediently accepted the invitation to tea.

Almost as if he had forgotten that he was in England, Yuto absentmindedly walked to the kitchen only to be shooed out by Nancy. "No love, you're a guest. I don't expect you to have to make your own tea and treats. Sit down with Harvey and give me five minutes to serve you the cakes and biscuits first. Thank you for being a dear and wanting to help though,". Nagisa shook his head and welcomed Yuto back into his arms. "She just likes doing things by herself. I wasn't allowed to do housework either because she was scared I'd break something,"He laughed, staring at Yuto's flustered face.

Ah, it seems that Yuto will have to get used to things not being in his control. He might not be so used to it now, since he usually commanded the kitchen and monitored the cleanliness of their house like a hawk. But part of recovery is being able to let go; to not overthink about things you can't do anything about. To let responsibilities fall onto other people's shoulders instead of you trying to pull off a one-man concert when you know it's beyond what you're capable of doing.

By spreading the weight of your responsibilities, you'll end up feeling more relaxed. It's like the good old stand on a carton of eggs experiment. When you stand on one, it cracks, breaks from all the pressure and force. But when you stand on many, the whole carton is unaffected.

Munching on a slice of chocolate cake peacefully, Yuto finally realised how nice it was to let someone else take the reins from his horse of responsibility for once. It wasn't easy for someone so anxious and task-driven like him to sit back and to let another person take charge. But baby steps are important, right? Even a smidge of progress is still progress.