CH 6.2 - Deep Scarring (PU)

Clinking their wine glasses together, Aki grinned at Jaehwan as he watched him sip on his cranberry juice. Of course, Jaehwan would have preferred to have wine. But since he had just recovered, it wouldn't be advisable to go ahead and start filling up on it.

"I hope you don't mind that we're having our date at home, babe. You've just recovered after all. I don't want you to overexert your body by going outside,"Aki smiled, sipping on his own glass of white wine. "I don't mind, babe. Your cooking will obviously be better than any restaurant we would have gone to,". Aki shook his head, beaming as he served Jaehwan a healthy serving of some shrimp and rose pasta. "I noticed that this pasta has been a trend in Korea. I wanted to make some for you, although I'm not sure how authentic it will taste,". Twirling a nicely sized bite with his chopsticks, Jaehwan's smile had never looked brighter.

Especially since he fell ill. "Kiki, that's so sweet of you. Thank you. I'm sure that it will taste amazing, authentic or not,". Jaehwan put his arms around Aki's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm grateful that you seem to love anything I cook for you. I'm also equally as happy that your appetite has been improving," His partner chuckled, returning the peck on the cheek as he held Jaehwan's non-dominant hand. "I only wish for you to get healthier. It breaks my heart to see you living off medication and surgery is out of the question because you're not at an ideal weight,".

Taking a bite of some freshly cooked pasta, Jaehwan listened to his concerns. "I'm sure that if I eat enough, I'll gain weight eventually. Then, I can get surgery and we can live peacefully,"He chirped, his eyes lighting up when the creamy sauce coated his palate. "Kiki! This tastes so rich! The pasta's perfectly cooked too,". Aki nodded, placing some huge shrimps onto Jaehwan's plate. "I'm not as good as your friend, but if you crave for anything, I'll make it for you,". Jaehwan bit on a piece of fleshy shrimp and grinned. "You don't have to spoil me so much. I can cook too,". Chewing on his food, Aki swallowed his delectable bite of pasta before responding. "I know that. But, it makes me elated to be able to cook for you. You usually eat very well too,".

Drinking his unsweetened cranberry juice, Jaehwan giggled at Aki. "Then I should be able to cook for you too. That way, we both get to eat healthily and to eat whatever we want,". Turning to his boyfriend with a peck on the cheek, Aki's cheeks were set ablaze but his heart was full of warmth. "Deal,". After they had washed up from dinner and finished their movie, Aki just couldn't help but worry.

He knew very well that Jaehwan was still thinking about Shujin's apology and his offer. Whether he would accept it or not was another issue. But, when that person pays for the sole thing that keeps you alive (his medicine), Aki wouldn't be surprised if Jaehwan ended up submitting back to Shujin. It was a depressing thought that Shujin, a manipulative fucktard, held so much power over Jaehwan and if he was cruel enough, use his medicine in his own selfish favour to patch back the bridges that he broke with Jaehwan. He really did hope that he wouldn't be such a dick but in the event that he is, what is Aki to do?

To watch Jaehwan's life get controlled and to be manipulated and forced into submission again, all to be able to sleep without a stabbing pain in his chest. It's a no brainer how Aki felt.

'Sometimes in life, we have to do things we hate or even deal with people we don't necessarily like to be able to live. And that's normal'.

Yet, he wanted to be the one to be able to provide for his medication if possible. He knew that Jaehwan was still contemplating whether he'd like to keep his job as the manager at Kuma Kafé and that he had plans to join a modelling agency if he wanted to quit. Really, he didn't want to handicap Jaehwan by paying for all his healthcare and making him feel as if he's unable to care for himself. Rather, he wanted to let Jaehwan know that they were secure enough that he wouldn't have to rely on Shujin anymore.

His partner shouldn't have to lick Shujin's boots and be his docile little puppet anymore.

Instead, he should be confident enough to stand up and against Shujin's bullshit, leaving those muddy boots to be scraped and worshipped by some other pitiful individual.

As Aki had Jaehwan wrapped in his embrace while they cuddled, he was determined to work harder at his job to prove to Jaehwan that he really doesn't have to give a flying fuck about that arrogant pea-brained bastard. Whatever gig he hoped to score next, no matter how fucking tired he would be by the end of it, he would do it.

Nobody should have to go through mental and physical abuse for the second time, at the cost of their health.


"I'm going to attend a sports meeting, okay? Don't miss me too much, Jae,"Aki snickered, zipping his tracksuit up. "Of course I'll miss you. I won't have anyone to cuddle for the night,"Jaehwan huffed, pretending to be annoyed. That irritated expression immediately melted into a smile so bright Aki almost thought the lights no longer served any purpose. "I'm just kidding. I hope you have fun. You've never gone to one of them before so enjoy yourself while you're out,". Jaehwan hugged Aki from behind by the waist, nuzzling into his broad back.

Laughing, Aki pulled Jaehwan closer to him, stroking his hair. It seemed that Jaehwan misunderstood what he meant by sports meeting. Jaehwan must have thought that the kind of sports meeting Aki was attending was with likeminded people and they just talk about the sport they like and watch footage together. But, Aki was actually attending a meeting with another coach who coaches a national junior team, who was forced to stop due to health concerns as well as the team's manager. It took a lot of asking around on job portals and a lot of digging but Aki did it for Jaehwan's sake. If that coach liked Aki enough, Aki would take her spot as an official coach.

Compared to his current part-time job at Keisetsu Academy, the salary and the benefits were night and day. Though, the job was certainly more demanding and he had to put in more hours, especially when it got closer to competition day. But, if it meant that Jaehwan wouldn't have to rely on Shujin anymore for medications, he would do it in a heartbeat. There wasn't so much pressure for him to be Asuna's sole provider anymore because Sumi had agreed that they would both take care of her since she was their little sister. So all he really had to do was make sure that he and Jaehwan could afford monthly maintenance, which if he did get the new job, wouldn't be such a struggle.

"I'll be back by tomorrow evening, I think. I'm going to be super lonely tonight but the bolster at the hotel will have to do,"Aki sighed, pecking Jaehwan on the lips. "I'll miss you so much. But, I hope to come home to you with good news,". Aki held Jaehwan by the waist, pulling him into his arms to kiss him. He wouldn't have let go if Jaehwan didn't pull away from the kiss and push him playfully. "Didn't you say that your cab was 5 minutes away? Go and wait for your driver,". Like an alarmed puppy, Aki immediately picked up his duffel bag from the floor, gave Jaehwan one last goodbye kiss and a quick hug before he was out the door faster than he could lose his temper at Shujin.

Shaking his head as he stared at the door, he folded his arms. "He really forgot that his taxi driver would be waiting for him..."He giggled to himself, walking towards the door to shut it. Scarily enough, a familiar yet ominous black polished shoe stopped the door from being closed and Jaehwan knew what was up.

The figure who stopped the door from shutting, peered at Jaehwan, revealing himself.

The fucker was back.




"Did you miss me?". Jaehwan sighed and turned to look at Shujin, who was taking off his shoes at the door. "Why are you here, Master?". The older man walked up to Jaehwan and sat him down in the living room. "I heard that you wanted to quit your job at Kuma Kafé and I wanted to ask you why,". Jaehwan rolled his eyes, his hands clasped together as he made eye contact with Shujin. "Isn't it obvious, Master? I don't want any of your money anymore,".

Shujin swore he could have laughed when he heard that. "My, who would have known that you would have the guts to say something like that to your Master's face?". Roughly yanking Jaehwan by the collar of his shirt , he put his hand on the ring of scars around Jaehwan's neck. "Is it not your Master, the one who gifted these to you? Is this not a sign of my ownership of you? Isn't this a sign of your obedience towards me?". His heart was pounding out of his chest. He didn't know what Shujin would do to him. It was obvious that he waited for Aki to leave the house before he would go and meet Jaehwan.

Gripping Shujin's hand tightly, Jaehwan tried to pull him off. "It was a sign of my obedience. Was. Tense is key, Master,". Shujin's hand around Jaehwan's neck tightened for a split second before he forcefully let go, almost strangling Jaehwan. He tossed Jaehwan onto the floor as if he were a ragdoll. "Ever since I let you date Nakanishii-kun, you've become impertinent. Perhaps it was a mistake to let you be free,". Jaehwan groaned in pain, sitting up. "He taught me how to stand up for myself. What you consider a mistake is what I consider a blessing, Master,".

Trying not to let his anger peek through his solemn face, he pulled out a dog's leather collar from his pocket and chucked it at Jaehwan. "I had a new one made for you. It would soothe my anger if you put it on,". The gold tag had been replaced with that wretched ring Shujin had bought for him and Jaehwan shot him a disgruntled look. "I told you to give that ring to your new boyfriend,". Shujin scoffed and pulled Jaehwan up by the arm without an ounce of care. Fastening the collar around his neck, Shujin tightened the strap on purpose to make him choke. "And now, I'm telling you to shut up and behave yourself. If you don't do as you're told, I'm going to rape you,".

Holding his tongue so that he wouldn't say something he'd later regret, Jaehwan let Shujin wear that dreadful collar around his neck. "That's how you should be looking. With that bratty mouth of yours zipped shut,". Jaehwan scowled at Shujin, before he was pulled onto the man's lap. "Jaehwan, I think you should keep your job at Kuma Kafé. We can put all this behind us and I'll double your salary. Fair?". Jaehwan crossed his arms, not really in the best mood to deal with him. "No, I want to work elsewhere. I don't want any of your money or your help,". That seemed to throw Shujin off.

"So what do you want to do, then?". Jaehwan looked away from him and hugged his knees. "Why should I tell you? I don't want any of your help,". Clutching onto Jaehwan's wrists, he pinned Jaehwan onto the sofa, glaring at him. "You'd better keep that unruly attitude to yourself before I start with the belt. I don't want to hit you because it hurts me more than it hurts you to have to strike you with the belt but if you behave so badly, it may leave me with no choice,". Shujin's hand fumbled with his belt buckle to threaten Jaehwan, his facial expressions nothing but disappointment.

Yet another sigh escaped his lips. "I never knew that Nakanishii-kun was such a bad influence on you. But today, I finally got to see it. You used to be so sweet and obedient..."He leered. What could have happened next, he would have never expected. Jaehwan screamed at him and thrashed around to free himself. "Master, just leave me alone! You did this to me! Why do you keep asking questions as if you didn't even know that you were neglecting me for the past few months?! Move!".

To hear Jaehwan screeching at him was one thing but to have his weak darling push him off before he ran to the bathroom to hurl, he had never thought that it would ever happen to him. "My little angel, does it really make you that upset?"He asked, holding Jaehwan's head and stomach as Jaehwan threw up in the toilet. "I' miserable because of you. I've lost..even more weight I needed stronger medications...because of you. How do you think I feel..."He weeped, coughing into the toilet bowl. Jaehwan hacked hard, trying to rip the tight collar off his neck so he could breathe properly but his attempts were futile.

Getting a damp washcloth and a glass of water, Shujin wiped Jaehwan's mouth before letting him rinse his mouth. "Why are you still pretending to care for me? Didn't you want to rape me earlier?"Jaehwan sobbed, still trying to yank at the collar. "I only said that because I was angry. I'm sorry, Angel. You were scared, weren't you?". Skinny arms were wrung around Shujin's neck, Jaehwan still coughing and crying. "O-Of course. How..else would I feel?". Shujin hugged him, thumping him on the back sharply. "Take it easy, Angel. Okay? If there's anything you want, without me leaving your side, just ask for it,".

Hiccupping, Jaehwan wiped his teary eyes. "Please..*hic*...let me work in peace...I'll *hic* do anything..". Shujin wiped his tears with his handkerchief, smirking. "Dry those tears, little Angel. Then, admire that diamond around your neck before I reply to your request, okay?". Jaehwan's head felt like a fuzzy mess. He knew that Shujin was just trying to deflect the situation off him but he still listened. Wiping his tears with his Master's handkerchief, his eyes fell on the diamond ring that was attached to the collar and he sighed.

'He tried to make me shut up because he didn't like the way I was behaving. He's so used to having so much power over me and to see me stand up for myself, he didn't like it. It broke the ideals that he had about me'.

Carrying Jaehwan to the sofa, Shujin pulled a blanket from underneath and wrapped him in it. "Alright, here's what I'll allow you to do. You can keep your job at Kuma Kafé if you want however, if you have another job you'd like to pursue, you have to tell me,". Bundling up to his soft thin blankets, Jaehwan nodded, looking away from Shujin's face. "I'd like to pursue modelling if it's possible,". His Master gave him a look before clearing his throat. "Angel, you're too thin for that. You can't even fit into regular clothing,". "That's why I said, 'if possible', Master,"He whispered in response.

Hugging him, Shujin petted him on the head. "Why don't you continue working at Kuma Kafé first? I'll figure something out,". Jaehwan shook his head. "I want to figure it out myself. Please let me do something for myself, Master,". Shujin laughed at him and pulled him closer by the hazardous diamond collar. "My dear Angel, you don't even know how to do your taxes or to manage your savings. I'm sure we're both aware that I do them on your behalf, right?". Jaehwan wanted to retaliate but Shujin jerked the collar roughly, making it impossible for him to breathe. "Uh-uh, good boys don't shout at their Masters and act like brats that don't appreciate what their Masters have done for them,".

Jaehwan held his throat, staying silent before he felt the pulling force on his neck dissipate. "Good, looks like I'm finally getting a more disciplined Angel for tonight,". Eyeing at the reddening around Jaehwan's neck, Shujin tapped on the straps. "If you promise to behave, to be good and to let me have you for tonight, I will loosen this by a considerable amount. Okay, Angel?". Nodding desperately, Jaehwan's breath was getting heavier. When you've got your breathing constricted, you'd do anything to be able to breathe normally again. The straps were moved down a notch or two and Jaehwan could finally fucking breathe without wheezing.

An inflamed red ring was left where the rough leather collar clung onto. Hopping up with Jaehwan in his arms, he looked at him, grinning smugly. "I'll leave you in bed. I'm going to get some ice cubes for your neck, since it'll swell and hurt if I don't take care of it,". He left Jaehwan in the guest bedroom, a miserable and quiet mess. He just felt so stupid. So stupid to have fallen for one of Shujin's manipulative tactics again. But, did he have any other choice?

Between the choice of being stupid and falling for the same bear trap again, or being choked to death, what other choice could he have made when he wanted to have Aki come home to him in smiles and not tears?


Later that very next morning, Aki called Jaehwan. "Jae, I'll be on my way home soon with some good news! I missed you so so much! That bolster at the hospital just didn't cut it for my addiction to cuddling with you,"He sighed and Jaehwan put on a smile. "Y-yay...We can cuddle at home, Kiki,"He croaked, his voice even coarser than the grains of sand at the beach they went to for their first monthsary. "Woah, your voice...Did you fall ill again?".

The amount of worry in Aki's voice was uncountable. But while on video call, Aki could also see that wretched red ring around Jaehwan's neck. "Babe! What happened? Is eczema developing around your neck? It's red and inflamed!". Jaehwan touched his neck gently and writhed at the stinging pain. "Yeah, I guess so,". Aki groaned and looked behind him, telling the lady behind him something. "Okay, okay. She said I can head home first. I'll come home and medicate your neck, alright? For now, I think there's some aloe vera gel in the top drawer. Rub that on your neck to soothe the irritation,".

Opening the drawer, Jaehwan took out the gel meekly and showed it to him. "". Aki nodded, doing motions with his hand. "Yes, please put that on your skin and sit tight. I'll be home in a few hours with some medicated cream for you, if I can pop into the clinic in time,". Tears began to rush out of Jaehwan's eyes, almost as if he just couldn't control them anymore. "Kiki, it's not necessary. Please just hurry home,"He sniffled, blinking rapidly to minimise the amount of tears flooding his lap. "Jae, what happened? Are you okay?".

It didn't take long for quiet sniffling to break into heart-wrenching sobs. Aki shifted his bag to the floor and dialled something on his phone. "Babe, wait, I'm cancelling my cab to pay for an express one that will take me home much more quickly. Would you like me to stay on the line?".

Solemnly nodding while he tried to dry the tears coming from his red eyes, Jaehwan wheezed as he weeped.

"Please, it doesn't feel safe without you around me anymore,".