Thomas The Sanctified

As Marcus was coming out of the armory another paladin and player were coming to the armory. " Hey you what are you doing here did you break in?" The paladin leading the player asked.

"No the quarter master Tom let me in." The paladin gave him a funny look.

"I'm the quarter master, my name is Gunther," Gunther checked the door, the lock was broken." Wait here I have to outfit Guage here, what is your name?"

" I'm Uriel." Uriel was pissed not only did he not meet the quarter master but he was probably about to lose the equipment he'd purchased, on top of that he probably didn't have to buy it." Can I ask you a question?" Uriel said.

" I guess, what is it?" Gunther gave him a sympathetic look. This puzzled Uriel even more.

"How much does starting equipment cost?"

" Ahahaha, starting equipment is free," Gunther responded laughing " Wait here I'll take you to the barracks commander." Gunther went in with the other player still laughing. Uriel was now really upset he probably got the worst equipment possible and it didn't seem like the quarter master cared. On top of that now he had to go see the Barracks commander, this was not a good start. Just then Gunther and the other player came out, the other player had a full suit of iron armor, an iron hammer and a wooden kite shield.

" Alright Guage go find the Barracks store and buy one skill and two potions find me and Uriel here when you're done. Come With me Uriel, I don't know if you are the unluckiest guy I've ever met or the luckiest." Uriel was confused, now he wasn't sure if he was in trouble or if his fortune had come, all he knew was this encounter was getting a bit weird. As they climbed the barracks Uriel seen training areas, also the barracks store as well as beds, that looked like they were for new recruits." Here we are," Gunther said as they walked up to a plain looking door. Gunther knocked.

"Come." A gruff voice from behind the door replied. " Gunther, how are you my friend?" There was genuine care in the commander's voice. "And who do we have here a new recruit?"

"Yes sir, however I found him coming out of the armory, and he already had the gear he has on now." Gunther gave a helpless smile, and the commander gave him a stern look.

" Hmmm how exactly did he get it, That lock should be able to keep out a full grown troll?" The commander didn't sound happy, but he was giving him the same weird stare that Gunther had. " Are you telling me he's a troll in disguise?" Come young man regale me with your tale from the time you arrived." The commander gave him a look that said it had better be good.

" Commander I do apologize, I..."

The commander slammed his fist on his desk, that one strike shook the room. " I didn't ask for your apology I asked for you tale." The commander said sternly, Uriel knew that this was his last chance.

"Well you see commander when I got here, there was an old man named Tom feeding the ducks. I mistakenly took him for one of your order, after I answered one of his questions he took me to the armory and outfitted me with what you see I have on, also he robbed me he took all my copper." Uriel looked dejected he hoped that the commander wouldn't take his equipment. However when he looked at the commander the commander looked hopeless.

" So you believe the man who helped you wasn't one of us?" Marcus nodded. " Well your half right he is and isn't, Thomas The Sanctified." Uriel had seen that name in one of the write ups on the company forum promoting the game but he couldn't quite recall much about him. " Thomas happens to be our founder, can't say if it's a good thing he took an interest in you, and I wish he'd just get a key for that lock, Gunther you can go," Gunther hesitated " yes what is it?" the commander asked.

" Well sir we actually got two recruits today, and I was hoping to send them on a mission." Gunther stated.

" Hmmm that seems reasonable however since Thomas has taken an interest in this man, I believe I will give them there first mission. I don't mean to step on your toes Gunther but I need to know what we have here. Is this ok with you?" The commander definitely cared for his subordinates. Gunther saluted with a fist to his chest. " Good can you go find the other recruit and bring him here?" Gunther again saluted and let himself out. " Now young man my name is Commander Onze, but you can call me Onze or commander either is fine. Can you show me what Thomas gave you?" Uriel obeyed pointing at his suit and pulling out his mallet. " Well that's unexpected, can you unequip that mallet?" Uriel tried to unequip the mallet, suddenly a message appeared mallet can not be unequipped, can not be dropped, can not be traded or sold, weapon is soulbound. " That's what I figured, come here." Onze looked at the mallet, suddenly an aura surrounded the commander. " There can you tell me what it says now about it?"

Uriel opened the status window, Thomas' The Sanctified's Magic Hammer-Strength +6. Uriel relayed all the info to Onze.

" Well that clinches it you must have really impressed him, you'll never need another weapon that is a magic growth type weapon. That old bastard rarely gives out anything to anyone. What you have there is quite amazing you'll see. As for your money I can't help you there or rather I won't that hammer is probably worth a fortune, however I also can't let you go off into the world with out proper skills, so I'll give you these two skills consider yourself lucky most would only get one, but that old bastard never gave you a shield which is a paladin's bread and butter so to speak." The commander handed Uriel two skill books.

Heal- level 0 of 5- At level 0 heals 2 points per second cost 1 mana/second can be leveled at level 0

At level 1 heals 3 points per second cost 1 mana/second can be leveled at level 1

At level 2 heals 5 points per second cost 2 mana/second can be leveled at level 5

At level 3 heals 8 points per second cost 3 mana/second can be leveled at level 10

At level 4 heals 12 points per second cost 5 mana/second can be leveled at level 18

At level 5 heals 24 points per second cost 6mana/second

Heals self for continuously until de-activated

Hammer's Holy Strike- level 0 of 3 at level 0 inflicts 200% of strength + vitality cost 10 mana can be leveled at level 0

At level 1 inflicts 200% of strength+ vitality cost 8 mana can be leveled at level 3

At level 2 inflicts 225% of strength + vitality cost 8 mana can be leveled at level 7

At level 3 inflicts 250% of strength + vitality cost 6 mana

Hammer's Holy Strike is instantaneous and is effective within melee range.

" Thank you." Uriel was happy his luck was amazing, a magic growth weapon and two decent starting skills.

" Well I'm only doing this because if you lose that hammer Thomas will hunt you like a wild dog." Onze looked at him with pity.

" How can I lose it? Isn't it bound to me?" Uriel was confused.

" Well it's true you can't get rid of it, enemies can raid it off your corpse, so this is why I gave you the heal spell, by being creative you may never need a shield, but I'll leave that to you can't help you too much." At that time there was a knock at the door." Alright learn those skills it seems time you and our other recruit go on your first mission." As Onze said this Gunther entered the study with Guage.

" Commander this is our other new recruit, This is Guage." Gunther stated.

" Good, good two recruits in one day we are blessed this week it seems, almost no one ever joins with us. Well you two I'd like to impart to you what it means to be a paladin. You are to Serve and Protect the populace from evil, no matter the form always remember this, and you shall be blessed by the divine. Now I Have a mission for you. To the north about one hour is a goblin cave that has been harassing caravans bringing supplies to town I want you to go and clear them out, leave none alive for this to be a success, and bring me their leaders head." A window popped up with the Quest Goblin's Retreat- Quest Rare minimum party requirement 2 maximum 5. Uriel and Guage accepted. " Good now go and don't show your face till it's done, support each other like your lives depend on it." Onze then dismissed them and went to the window. "Thomas you senile old fool I hope you know what you're doing."