On The Way

On the way to the goblin's hideout Uriel took the time to go over his skills, stats and equipment, it turned out his hammer was indestructible however it's base damage was abysmal it only had a base damage of 6, however damage was strength x 3 plus the weapons damage. This meant he was doing 42 damage per hit. Mana worked on the same principle only x10 of intelligence, so he had 130 mana to spend on his one spell and skill, it wasn't bad however it wasn't great. The rest of his equipment had only early level durability his chainmail shirt had a durability of 15, well his pants and boots had a durability of 10. He had also asked Guage what his skill was and what his durability of his armor and shield, no surprise there it was all low. Meanwhile his skill was quite surprising He had managed to get his hands on Holy Invulnerability.

Holy Invulnerability level 0 of 3

at level 0 Invulnerable for 5 seconds cost 12 mana can be leveled up at lvl 5

at lvl 1 Invulnerable for 10 seconds cost 20 mana can be leveled up at lvl 10

at lvl 2 Invulnerable for 10 seconds cost 15 mana can be leveled up at lvl 15

at lvl 3 Invulnerable for 10 seconds cost 10 mana

cooldown 30 minutes

It turns out that the Barracks store owner was a bit of a gambler and lost a dice roll to Guage, Guage had bet all his money against the skill which he couldn't afford and managed to out roll the owner by 6 which was also part of the bet, which also allowed Guage to get 4 small potions 2 health and 2 mana. However although they had good luck to start out, there luck wasn't good enough for another player or two to start as paladins. Hence they were on the mission alone. They'd been on the road for less then fifteen minutes when they were attacked by a couple of goblins

Goblin Foot Soldier x 2

Health 950/950

Mana 30/30

Damage 40 + 7

experience 75

Well they weren't that tough, but according to commander Onze the cave was going to be over an hour away. " Hey Guage I don't have a shield, do you think we can have you block incoming attacks and I'll try to hammer them from the side." Guage nodded, it seemed like a good idea hopefully they wouldn't take to much damage. At that point the goblins seen them and attacked and they were fast Guage got in front and took the first strike perfectly taking no damage, Uriel was impressed, Guage was obviously experienced. Uriel struck at the first goblins knee just as the goblin connected. Uriel got a critical hit adding 20% damage and making a crippling effect that would last one minute also cutting the goblin's agility in half and dropping his hp by 50. The second goblin took the opportunity to hack at Uriel, Guage once again took the attack perfectly again avoiding damage. Uriel then attacked the first goblin hitting it twice more in the crippled leg adding even more damage, the first hit adding 50 % more and the second 75% more dropping his hp by 63 and 74. The Goblin foot soldier motioned to the other goblin and he took off running. " Damn, Guage you need to stop him he's going for reinforcements!" As Guage went after the second goblin Uriel went into a flurry on the first goblin with an all out attack striking him consecutively on the leg scoring even more critical damage however it seemed 75% was the max damage out put for critical hits, Uriel quickly finished off the first goblin and started running after Guage and the other. Just as he caught up to them Guage was finishing off the second Goblin. " Wow Guage your amazing." Uriel was truly impressed.

Guage nodded but he seemed a little embarrassed. " Well actually he looked back at me when we were running and tripped hitting his head on that rock there, he pretty much killed himself, I was able to flurry him because he was in a confused state for most of our fight." Guage was truthful Uriel was even more impressed. " Anyway I'll loot this one if you wanna go loot the other one." Guage followed his own advice and started searching the goblin, while Uriel went back to the first one, Uriel found 20 copper and a iron dagger it wasn't to heavy so he stored it.

" So I got 20 copper and a dagger, how bout you." Uriel said.

" Well I didn't find anything good, actually I didn't find anything except this broken helmet." Guage looked upset. " I don't think I should search the bodies anymore my luck was low to start with, In fact it was only a 2, but my strength was a 32 I couldn't resist." Guage looked heart broken.

" Damn 32 for strength, no wonder you finished off that goblin so easy my strength is only at 14 but that luck," Uriel made a whistling noise to make a point, "you're going to have a hard time leveling up that luck you need items for that and they are rare." Uriel didn't envy Guage he was probably going to have to buy items, armor and weapons. " No worries Guage, stick with me my luck is 28, its probably why this goblin tripped." Guage nodded his head in agreement. " Alright lets keep heading to their hideout.

Guage and Uriel ran into two more troops of two and three troops of four, before they got to the cave gaining 675 experience each, both leveled from 0-1 at 500 experience gaining 3 stat points and 1 skill point. Uriel put all his stat points to strength and leveled his Heal to level 1, allowing him to heal 3 points/sec instead of 2. Guage put his stat points to his agility, taking it from 12 to 15 saying his chance to block would be better. Since he only had the Holy invulnerability he couldn't use his skill point, he wouldn't be able to level it up till level 5. Uriel raided the bodies coming up with mostly copper however he did find a steel hammer, which he immediately gave to Guage improving his weapon damage to 20, Guage questioned Uriel about this, Uriel explained it away by saying Guage did more damage therefore he should have the better weapon for now, he wasn't sure if he could trust him with the info about his hammer quite yet.

" Well there it is, how many goblins do you see on that side?" Uriel asked through the chat. " I have at least 12 over here they are all foot soldiers."

" Your not going to like this." Guage sounded worried. " I have at least 18 over here and there is 1 Troll sergeant." I don't think we can do this by ourselves at the level were at right now. What should we do?" Guage asked.

" I have a plan, stay there I'm coming to you." Uriel couldn't believe his luck Trolls were notoriously stupid.