
Drogon looked at the two intruders, he thought to himself only the two. No matter the time has finally come. " Well it would seem that you two came prepared, however it looks like Ames is behind your magnificent power. How long do you have remaining on the spell?" Drogon looked tired it had taken him a long time to amass the army he had and in less then a day it had been utterly defeated. " Hmmm it looks like a royal court incantation, no wonder." The two intruders looked baffled. Drogon chuckled. " It would seem that you two are in the dark. Come sit I'll not attack, it's been to long since I had any real company." Drogon was by himself, and with no other monsters there Uriel and Guage decided that this might be a good way to gather info." Please come sit, my time is almost up and there are vital details that you should know. I promise whether you destroy me or my time runs out I'll not survive this encounter." Now Uriel and Guage were more curious then afraid. As one they moved to sit." Ahh wonderful, now young man," Drogon pointed at Uriel," if you could tap me on the shoulder it'll ensure my power remains with you two and not flow back into the darkness" Uriel did as instructed, however no reaction occurred." Hahaha I see you're confused, well first I have to die which is probably not long and will be even shorter once I finish doing a favor for you two." With that Drogon snapped his finger suddenly there was a large pile of treasure just off to the side. " I've collected all the loot from the rooms you have cleared, quite impressive isn't it?" Suddenly Drogon coughed up blood. " Ahhh! That took a lot more then expected, those clever goblins must have raided more then I was allowing. Well to no end anyway."

"Ummm, sir?" Uriel questioned.

" No time for question, only time for listening. This story is going to directly affect you young man." Drogon nodded towards Uriel. " Where to start, I guess I'll Start with telling you about the 6 Royal Court Magisters. Roughly 150 years ago there was 6 of the Magisters, they were the most powerful mages in the entire continent, in fact they were so powerful that there arrogance knew no limits. In there hubris they believed that none would ever be able to stand before their might. Of course, there is always something stronger, this strength first appeared in the form of a man. None of the magister's thought too much about this man he was merely an up and coming wizard." Drogon shook his head as if he still did not believe it." Now as you might figure most of the Magisters ignored this man, as they felt secure in their own superiority. It was maybe 25 years later that strange occurrences started happening around this man, firstly he was taking on enemies much harder to deal with then what his current ability should have allowed him to do, or at least so we thought. It turned out that he would absorb every type of monster that he defeated increasing his power drastically after every battle in a short amount of time he began to rival the magister's in power." Drogon's facial expression conveyed sadness so profound like part of his soul had been cut away. " Soon the magisters had no choice but to anoint a seventh Royal Court Magister. However even though this man now had access to all the knowledge and spells of the kingdom, he never came to the Royal Library to study or use any of it. Only Ames thought something was amiss well the rest believed the man only wanted to carve his own path. Of course they thought this way only because it meant that they would not have to give up any of the power they thought rightly belonged to them. You see all 6 original magisters had taken nigh on a millennia to acquire the power and knowledge required to secure the seats of power that they occupied, meanwhile the seventh man had barely lived half a century at this point. Ames began to investigate the seventh man and what he found frightened him. Once he brought this to our attention it was already to late to act. However this did not stop them from trying. A plague was coming to the land that could easily destroy the world. Hordes of monsters numbering in millions had amassed under this man. However these monsters were infected, tainted if you will. The strength and resilience of these monsters far surpassed their brethren. For a while this seventh man ruled the land." Drogon's look said that he was still in disbelief.

" What was his name?" Guage interrupted.

" There in lays part of the problem, you see no one could remember, it was like he had been erased from every part of existence. He soon became known as Dragoth. The magisters of course couldn't let him continue to rule, he had started to absorb power directly from the land. His power was that of darkness. When he would finish a section it would at first just become barren, but then strangely the land would slowly turn back. However it was like a shadow had become a permanent part of the land and the land gave birth to the dark legions. It was at this point that Ames had finally found a solution. Paladins from across the land still bathed in the light were summoned and interviewed. Of them all only one stood out. Young man I believe you already know this man. Of course I'm talking about Thomas. Do you know why he's known as the Sanctified?" Uriel shook his head he believed it was because he had been a Holy pillar. " Thomas was given the same hammer as you now possess. You see sometimes evil needs to be fought by evil. This of course was Ames solution. Thomas was of made aware of the danger, once bonded with the hammer his power would grow but he would be tainted. Eventually the hammer would turn him as evil as Dragoth. He knew the risks but accepted anyway. For nearly 40 years Thomas waged a war against Dragoth, many battles between involving massive armies had occurred. Soon Thomas became as despicable as Dragoth, but even thought he had absorbed all that evil he still fought. The Magisters believed they needed to be prepared for Dragoth's eventual defeat. As Thomas's power grew Dragoth's shrank. Finally Thomas and Dragoth had a Direct confrontation, Thomas came out the victor. In the magister's haste to prevent Thomas from becoming another Dragoth the magister's moved in and performed a Sanctification ritual on Thomas. Thomas screamed that it wasn't done that Dragoth hadn't been defeated but the magisters didn't listen. They of course believed that Thomas had been corrupted and was only trying to preserve his power. As the ritual ended there was of course a backlash, 5 of the 6 magister were transformed. I took the name Drogon and monster's gave me the name of the immortal. Ames was the only one unaffected. Thomas was saved however Dragoth lived even if he was terribly wounded he fled and has not been heard from since. At least till now, I've felt him stirring it is faint, however it is why I was building an army. Once again though my hubris has out stripped my abilities, the army grew to large for me to control in my weakened condition. On top of which I could feel my energy being drawn to Dragoth it is strength that he would use to conquer the land once again. I believe the other 4 magisters are in the same situation. You must find them and liberate there power as well or I fear if Dragoth gets even one of them then there will be no stopping him. Seek out Ames I know he is still connected to us all as I can feel his gaze everyday." As the words left Drogons mouth he slowly started to fade, and his power slowly drained into Uriel and Guage. Once this process was over a Quest screen popped up.

Find and Absorb the Power of the 4 remaining Royal Court Magisters


Rewards- ???



Uriel looked at Guage. Guage just nodded as usual. Accept. Quest accepted

Uriel looked into his stats nothing changed, did the old man rip us off.

"Quickly look at our skills!!" Guage exclaimed. " I think it's a Berserk skill."

Skill Endless Abyss lvl 0-10

lvl 0 cost 20 mana stats increase 5% for 3 min can be leveled up at lvl 20

lvl 1 cost 35 mana stats increase 10% for 5 min can be leveled up at lvl 35

lvl 2 cost 35 mana stats increase 12% for 10 min/ stat increase can be shared with/up to 5 people can be leveled up at lvl 50

lvl 3 cost 50 mana stats increase 20% for 10 min stat increase can be shared with/up to 5 people can be leveled up at lvl 60

lvl 4 cost 55 mana stats increase 20% for for10 min stat increase can be shared with/up to 10 people can be leveled up at level 80

lvl 5 cost 100 mana stats increase 30% for 20 min stat increase can be shared with/up to 10 people

can be leveled up at level 100

lvl 6 cost 150 mana stats increase 30% for 30 min stat increase can be shared with/up to 10 people

can be leveled up at level 120

lvl 7 cost 250 mana stats increase 30% for 1 hour stat increase can be shared with/up to 15 people

can be leveled up at level 140

lvl 8 cost 500 mana stats increase 50% for 1 hour stat increase can be shared with/up to 30 people

can be leveled up at level 180

lvl 9 cost 1500 mana stats increase 50% for 1 hour stat increase can be shared with unlimited people can be leveled up at leveled up at level 225

lvl 10 cost 3000 mana stats increase 100% for 2 hours stat increase can be shared with unlimited people

Cool Down 24 hours

" What the hell are we going to be fighting?" Guage was amazed and a little excited, things were about to get interesting.