Relentless Slaughter

Uriel and Guage stood at the bottom of the stairs a look of disbelief on their faces. What the hell was Onze trying to do to them. If not for the parchment and Ames spell, even with a five man team they would never have been able to complete this mission. As of right now they were looking at no less then 1000 enemies and they were all in the same area. As soon as they attacked it would have been a one sided slaughter. However with Ames spell the tables have turned and now they would be the bully.

" Well should we introduce ourselves, as we are I don't think anything down there is going to be more then one hit, but the sheer volume of enemies is going to take forever to get through." Uriel assessed the situation and figured they'd probably need the full four hours and they were wasting time.

"How much experience is down there?" Guage had to wonder but he felt like there could easily be as many as ten levels. They were going to become targets of other players right away there was no way that the equipment and items down there were going to be any worse then what they got out of the chest.

"It depends there is no foot soldiers down there and it looks like quite a wide variety of enemies I guess it depends on how well this army is organized. If it's just goblin elites and a few high level trolls maybe ten, but if they are organized and there is the full gambit of what those two forces can bring to bear we could be looking at 15 to 20 levels each." Uriel gave his honest opinion on the matter, but he was leaning more to the latter as he could easily see file and rank all around the cave. "Ok no more chatting let's go time is wasting and we don't know if they'll swarm us which would be the best case scenario. Or if they see our strength and try to fight us in a war of attrition which with our limited time that would be the worst case scenario."

Uriel followed his own advice and started running down the ramp straight into the enemies. Guage with his new armor quickly caught up and passed him. Once Uriel made it too the base of the ramp Guage was dancing through the enemies, only death followed where ever Guage's hammer struck. It was perfect as all the focus had gone on Guage, Uriel waded into the sea of monsters immediately he recognized 4 different types of Goblins

Goblin Elite

Hp 2000/2000 Def 25

Mana 0/0 Dmg 100+15 Exp 350

Goblin Sergeant

Hp 2500/2500 Def 50

Mana 125/125 Dmg 200+ 20-32 Exp 500

Goblin Sergeant can cast blind lvl 1 wisdom needs to be higher then 8 to resist, blind still has a chance to affect it's target of 15% success Cost 25 mana

Goblin Commander

Hp 3000/3000 Def 80

Mana 130/130 Dmg 220+20-35 Exp 750

Can Cast Stand Together (Unique) Stand Together buffs the defense of all goblins in a 30*30 area costs 100 mana

Goblin Wizard

Hp 500/500 Def 10

Mana 500/500 Dmg 5+6 Exp 1500

Goblin Wizard can cast lvl 2 Fireball cost 25-Mana Dmg- 100-125

Normally the Wizards would be hard to take care of but with Guage taking all the action right off the hop. None had noticed Uriel still coming down the ramp he easily came up behind the wizards and in less time then it would take to kill a foot soldiers normally he ended 10 wizards and continued on from the back taking out everything in front of him. Meanwhile Guage had thoroughly enraged the goblins they were going to swarm him and nothing could stop them, except Guage himself who had a circle nearly 10 feet around him of death. Every hit was a massive critical he had even witnessed a couple goblins exploding from the force of the impact, in less then ten minutes they had cleaned out the first area, and gained 3 levels each.

"No time to level up, I counted no less then 15 areas coming down the ramp it seems that each section won't join until the one preceding it is defeated however that was about 10 minutes, I'd say we wasted the same getting down here and analyzing the situation. If these fights start getting longer we could easily run out of time before we make it to Drogon."

Guage didn't say anything, he just took off for the gate to the next section. Lowering his shoulder he simply smashed through it, it looked like twice as many enemies as the first area however they were all still goblins. As with the first area once the killing started the swarm came at them, once again they never stood a chance with Guage on point and Uriel in the mop up role, the first four area's fell like domino's. Guage and Uriel stopped to discuss strategy, this was taking to long they'd never make it in time. Guage came up with idea to run and kill all the way to the second last area, he hoped that everything would follow him all the way there. It would be so crowded that no matter where they swung there weapons they would be killing something. Uriel agreed and they put there plan into action.

Guage started off and went ahead as usual and Uriel followed after one minute, the plan was working as Uriel came into the next area there were a few stragglers that he had to pick off. As he went into more and more area's more and more stragglers needed to be cleaned up. By the time he got to the third last area he was fighting a whole area by himself.

Damn I need to get to that last area but there is to many of them, I need to pick up the pace. He needed to kill more with less swings, maybe if I hit them just hard enough to kill them and then send them into there companions I'll be able to clear a path, it was his only chance. Uriel implemented his plan. It was working it was only another 10 meters to the door then him and Guage could work together hopefully leaving some time to clear the final room.

Guage was waist deep in bodies, he knew that Uriel was coming but there was easily more then a 1000 enemies in this room plus he was pretty sure the same amount was in the room behind him. Suddenly goblins started flying through the door. Uriel appeared and was making a bloody mess as goblins were being flung into each other so hard that two or three would die at a time. that looked like a great idea, Guage stored his weapon and grabbed the nearest goblin and threw him through the crowd so hard that at least 10 goblins died.

Uriel couldn't believe his eyes Guage was a maniac, I'd hate to have to face him in battle. What a weird strategy but it looked like it was working so he followed suit. A hour later the last goblin was dead they had gained another 8 levels and they probably had about 45 minutes left on the spell.

" What were you thinking when you started throwing them in to each other like little goblin bombs?" Uriel could still see the surprise look of the first goblin he had done it to. Thanks to their monstrous stats plus using goblins like bowling balls they had managed to get to the last area with plenty of time to spare.

" What do you mean I was just coping you, when you came through the door I thought that's what you were doing." Guage gave him a questioning look. " When I seen goblins flying around so hard they were killing each other I just thought it was a great idea."

" Well I'm glad you did, because seeing you do it made me think it was a great idea." Uriel chuckled a little. " Alright shall we proceed to the last room my friend? I think once this fight is over we'll probably loot bodies till long past our 4 hour weakness period." As duo they move to the last door and busted it down.