Her Majesty

When Alice got back to Dromis there was a lot more stares and even some glares. Those glares came from a group that was surrounding Brock, however no one dared to even come talk to her. Alice went straight to the Dragon Master she needed to leave Dromis, to do this she needed a Pass to the the capital and she also wanted to find out about the mysterious crystals.

Garelend was surprised not only did her dragon evolve but it had the unique scales of dragon royalty. "Can you tell me if your dragon can talk to you?" Garelend could barely contain his excitement.

"How did you know?" Alice didn't even get to ask about the pass and her crystals yet.

"Quick ask her where she ranks in the royalty." Garelend had a huge smile on his face, if she was at least a Barron he would be able to upgrade his rank and head to the Dragon Guild in Tri-Destrum. All dragons knew where they stood in order to the throne, it was born into them as an innate trait.

'Well at least there is one smart human here, you may let him know that I'am The Moonlight Princess and first in line to the throne.' Alice gawked. Tia was royalty.

"Umm, Tia says she's the Moonlight Princess and first in line to the throne." Alice whispered this not really believing her luck. Garelend had a completely different look on his face.

"Your majesty please allow me and my humble dragon Firnarock to deliver you to the capital with all haste, I'm sure your Matriarch will be happy to finally have a worthy heir." Garelend shook, his future was now in the hands of this new born. If she refused he would never move up, if she agreed he could become a Barron himself. "Of course I would never ask you to do this for free, I have 1 royal crystal that you may consume." Garelend had been saving it for Firnarock, but it would be years before his dragon would have enough power to consume the crystal.

Tia eyed Garelend, if he truly had the crystal then she would definitely allow it. 'Tell him this deal is acceptable as long as he actually has the crystal, also tell him that we have three elite level crystals. Also I would like to know what level his Dragon is at.' Tia was definitely royalty she didn't even consult Alice.

'What are these crystals and why haven't you asked for the three I have to eat, if you are going to eat the royal one? What's the difference?' Alice thought at Tia.

'Simple the crystals are based on hierarchy, I can't eat anything less pure then the royal crystals or I could affect the natural authority I wield over other dragons.' Tia was straight forward.

'Umm on the way to the capital could you educate me on everything I should know?' Alice felt there was a steep learning curve and she would need to know all of it. Tia nodded to Alice as if it would only be a matter of course. "Garelend, Tia says this deal is acceptable as long as you have the crystal. Also she told me to tell you that we have 3 elite crystals. She also needs to know what level your Dragon is at."

Garelend was ecstatic, not only would he improve his standing but he might be able to barter for at least one of the Elite Crystals thereby improving Firnarock's power. "May I barter for one of the Elite Crystals. Firnarock has been stuck at the elite stage for quite awhile. I think one or two more crystals and he should be able reach Unique status. I have Scale poultice I could trade for one."

Tia didn't want the Scale poultice, however she needed a proper escort and at least one subordinate to meet the Matriarch.' Tell him I'm willing to give him the crystals he needs as long he agrees to become my subordinate.' Alice relayed the message to Garelend. Garelend agreed without hesitation. 'Good now all I need is the pledge from his Dragon. Tell him we need to meet him.' Again Alice relayed the message.

"Of course your majesty, I'm sure Firnarock would be happy to pledge to you." Garelend was happy he was no longer stuck only training new recruits. He may even be able to become part of the royal court. "Firnarock is very steady, he is an Earth Dragon after all. In all my years I've never come across a dragon as patient as him." Garelend seemed very proud of his dragon.

'An Earth Dragon, is perfect they rarely ever fail to pledge loyalty, as long as I don't accidentally offend him we should have our first subordinate.' Tia talked to Alice as they wound there way through the compound.

'Are you worried, I thought that you're royalty. Why wouldn't he pledge to you?' Alice felt that something wasn't quite right.

'Well I'm young not even a month old, if he feels that I can't protect him then he can refuse. If he refuses then I'll have no choice except to challenge him, If I win he'll then pledge, but if I lose I'll lose my royal status.' Tia didn't sound very happy about the whole process.' Dragons are a very proud race, we rarely ever bow are head and especially not to each other, whether we are newborn or a millenia old Dragons show respect by looking each other in the eye, the only time this is not true is when royalty receives a pledge. If you receive a pledge from another dragon they are putting their life and fortune in your jaws. If you fail your subordinates they may even kill you themselves. Being royalty only means the chance to excel in life, not a guarantee like you humans, one slip up can cause disaster and death.' Tia told Alice all this while Garelend lead them down underneath the barracks.

Finally Garelend got to a door. "Firnarock is in here please follow me your majesty."