
Tia stopped both Alice and Garelend. Getting a pledge from another dragon was a very personal matter and as such would only be done between the parties involved.

Firnarock was an Earth Dragon and as such was quite a bit larger then most dragons of the elite level. If most elite level dragons could be considered the size of a large shed, Firnarock would be considered the size of a large house. Although this gave them an advantage in battle, it made for their flight speed to decline.

Firnarock eyed Tia, he could tell that she was royalty, he could even tell that she was in the succession line. What he couldn't tell was where in the line she was. His innate senses told him that his life was about to shift. Firnarock eyed Tia but didn't say anything.

Tia also just stared at Firnarock. She tried to get a sense of him, but it seemed he was good at hiding his aura. Finally Tia couldn't take it any more. 'Hmm it seems like you don't acknowledge royalty without first getting a good impression. My name is Tia the Moonlight Princess, it is a pleasure to meet you Firnarock.'

'Oh I see, so even though you are full of yourself, you still have manners.' Firnarock was pretty sure now she would ask for his pledge, so he decided to test her patience.

Tia was taken aback, how dare he talk to her this way, however she needed him.' I do not believe I'm full of my self, I'am first in line for the throne after all.' That should put him in his place.

'Oh so you're stuck up as well. You come into my lair all alone, you don't even bring a gift nor do you wait for me to invite you. Would you simply walk into the Matriarch's lair and declare yourself the new queen. It seems like you're naive as well. Well I guess I should just eat you it'll save me a lot of trouble.' Firnarock threw a couple more insults on the fire just for good measure. Let's see her stay calm after that.

Tia scrambled back a couple of steps, before she forcefully stopped herself. How dare he, I'll show him Tia raised her self up. 'Now you listen here you over grown rock eating lizard. Who's so full of themselves that they believe they can insult royalty. You must be the biggest idiot in the realm. If you're brave enough go ahead and eat me, you giant overstuffed wyvern.'

'Ahahahahahaha,' Firnarock's laugh shook the cavern. Tia was a little taken aback, he really was powerful.' Good, good if you were too much of a push over I really was going to eat you.

Haha, overstuffed wyvern haha. Now since you have only evolved I believe you are looking for your first subordinate.'

Tia wasn't impressed, however she had a feeling he would test her. She just didn't think it would be a test of character. She nearly died, as her first instinct was to back off and try to soothe his feelings. Tia gulped, she realized why Earth Dragons made such good generals now. 'Well yes I'am, Firnarock may I have your pledge?'

'Of course, but do you want to show up to the royal court with a lowly elite. We'll have to find some crystals to upgrade my status before we go.' Firnarock could think of a couple places they could go.

'As for the crystals that won't be a problem, as I've already got three. As long as I can get a bow from you they are yours.' Tia didn't want to beat around the bush, it seemed like her human was in a bit of a hurry.' Exactly how many do you need.' Tia didn't believe in coincidence, and even though Garelend seemed to be a competent Dragon Knight, it would be two more levels before they could communicate. Tia believed that it would take all three and maybe they would have to find one on the way.

'Hmmm well aren't you a resourceful little princess. Luckily I only need two. However you should give me all three, as it will guarantee a better unique status.' Firnarock then bowed.

Tia retrieved the crystals from Alice, and informed Garelend that his dragon would be evolving and he needed to start the process.

"Excellent I'll start it right away, then we can be off. If there is anything you need to do please do so Firnarock's evolution should take an hour or so."

Alice decided to contact Marcus, he should be arriving in the capital today or tomorrow and he needed to know not to go off and start with out her. She also decided to inform him that she's already made some enemies.