Jade Fire Mine

Uriel and Guage had almost made it to the capital when they were ambushed by a gang of thieves. If they hadn't had the luck they had at the very beginning they might not have survived the attack. Along the way they had dealt with mostly goblins and hadn't really progressed much because the goblins were mainly foot soldiers with an occasional elite mixed in. The gang of thieves changed that. They had just passed Jade Fire town when they were attacked by 100 Thieves.


Hp 1200

Dmg 45

Skill pickpocket: can steal one item or 50 gold per battle they are in

Exp 1200

It wasn't that the thieves were strong it's that they were heavily outnumbered. " Guage we need to treat this like a battle of attrition quick equip your healing potions, I'm going to do the same. Once done lets just get to work and over power these guys." Uriel didn't believe that it would be a hard battle since they were already so high leveled.

"Got it do you want to fight together or separate. I don't think that these guys will present much of a problem. What do you think?" Guage was already swinging his hammer and just like the wrecking ball he was, he was already destroying things. "I think we should fight alone this time it seems pretty easy."

Uriel just shook his head and smiled. It looks like Guage has his end under control I guess I'll get going too. Just like Uriel had guessed it turned into a war of attrition, by the end of the fight he only had 10 heal potions left and Guage had only 5. Guage went and sat down with his luck only being at 2 he decided not even to think about loot. After about 10 minutes Uriel had picked up 20 weapons, 2 leather armors, 3 accessories and one letter. none of the weapons could help either of them and both of them were paladins so the armor was out too the accessories though were 2 Rings of vitality which improved vitality by 5 points and the Necklace of Luck improved luck by 4 points. Uriel couldn't believe his luck, was this do to his already high luck stat. He equipped the necklace himself and gave both the rings to Guage. Guage Just grinned.

"Getting used to me being the punching bag aren't you." Guage laughed at his own joke as he equipped both rings. "What did you get that you don't need either of these? It's not like your luck is so good that you'll never get hit." Guage figured that the necklace was probably equal to both the rings at least.

"Well speaking of luck, that's exactly what the necklace gives me, four more luck to be honest. I thought of giving it to you, but as it wouldn't get you above 10 I figured a 1000 extra life would be the better way to go." Guage just shook his head he really messed up on the whole luck thing but what could he do. " Anyway it looks like my luck is good enough to get items with luck so well be able to change your stat in the future anyway. I got a letter lets find out what it says." Uriel opened the letter.

Ding Special Quest: Jade Fire Mine

Rewards +1 level and one piece of class equipment enchanted

Penalty Jade Fire Town will become a haven for Dark Forces and Players.

Quest: Clear out Jade Fire Mine of Jade Fire Thieves and Assassins Association before they successfully take over Jade Fire Town and make it their base of operations from now on.

Time limit: 1 day

"Well what do you think Guage we just fought a group of 100 and we didn't level up. According to the npc's in Jade Fire Town the capital is still a half a day away and we can't buy any skills from Jade Fire town. However we can go and get healing potions and magic potions. There is a map on the back of this letter now and it shows that there is only 3 caverns in the Jade Fire Mine. On top of all that I plan on taking the Forger subclass so I can repair and make my own armor. I bet that we can also buy mining equipment and get forging materials from the mine, saving us some money in the future." Uriel really wanted to do this quest, he didn't know how formidable dark players were going to be but he wanted to start his guild in the capital not far from here. Having a dark player haven this close to the capital could be a major problem. Plus the he was trusting his luck skill now that is was already at 32.

"I've always fancied myself a hero, so let's get rid of the evil doers." Guage was straight forward about it. "Plus I was planning on taking the Forger subclass as well. I think you should probably mine the materials though at least until I can figure out how to improve my luck." Guage looked a little sheepish at this point if he knew this luck stat was going to bite him this hard he definitely wouldn't have gone the route he did.

"No worries you can pay me for some of the good materials." Uriel smiled at Guage, Guage only shook his head.

"Well I guess you can be first in the cavern's since your luck is so good, you probably won't die."

"You know maybe I can just give you some of the good materials. I mean what are friends for right." Uriel frowned it's not like I would have charged him that much.

Uriel and Guage headed back into town and bought some potions and mining equipment.

" Are you two young fellars heading to the Jade Fire Mine by chance?" The Clerk who looked to be not much older then either of them asked. " If you are, well you just shouldn't there is a gang up there and they are definitely not friendly. Most who go up there don't come back and those that do have been harassing us to leave town before they make us leave town. If you insist on going you should talk to the Mayor first and get a clear idea of what's going on."

"Thank you where can we find the mayor?" Uriel asked

" The Big House at the center of town is where you'll find him. Good luck."

Uriel and Guage headed for the Mayors' house." Do you think either of them are in on it? I mean it doesn't seem that coincidental that he would just know that we are heading there just from what we bought. Seems more like he's spying for them." Guage didn't like the way the clerk seemed to worry about their business.

" Not sure but I'm going to trust my luck on this one, I'm hoping that the mayor can give us some better intel like a head count on the thieves. I'd like to also know what kind of material this mine produces, the whole time I was a beta tester I never really got to know this game and what good materials are. So info is what we need right now." Uriel was really gambling here as it seemed that Thieves and Assassins' Association is only one step away from taking over. "If it's a trap we'll fight through. I'm sure that there will be some kind of hint or clue that will better help us attack the mine. Either way we win. If its a trap it'll be a mini boss maybe letting us level up. If it's not a trap we get info on the Association. So quick equip them healing potions and be ready for the worst. Let's go." Just a Uriel said that they arrived at the Mayors' house. Uriel went up and knocked on the door.

"Coming, coming just give me a minute, don't get your hair in knot." The Mayor sounded like a big man as his voiced seemed to boom from everywhere. If this was a trap then everyone around would know. Also if it wasn't everyone would know that someone is there. The door opened and their was a man half as round as he was tall with a big smile on his face. "Oh you're not Taggert, that dammed shop owner is never on time we're supposed to play chess today, O' well you look like travelers come on in, the Inn is on the other side but you can come from this side it's no big deal. Isabelle will be mad but then she's my wife and always seems mad, but she's a good woman keeps me inline anyway." As the door closed Mayor spun quick as a top and had Uriel by the throat against the wall. "You're not from that damn Mine are you, if so I'll break your neck before you ever lay hand on my family."

"Hahahaha, Uriel you're right he's not with them." Guage couldn't help but laugh. "No good sir this is Uriel and I' am Guage we are Paladins and we came to rid this town of that evil." The Mayor dropped Uriel and smiled.

"So the King hasn't forsaken us we sent a messenger 2 weeks ago with a letter and a map of the caverns. When will the rest of the regiment be here." The mayor smiled. "I'm sorry sir paladin it's just those damn thieves have gotten worse, they are threating to kill everyone in town."

" No problem sir, but your messenger never got through." Uriel pulled out the letter. "I'm afraid it's only us. Any information you can give us about the thieves up there will help us tremendously, for starters the head count would be the best. And the best way to get to that mine with out alerting them, and how many outpost they may have." Uriel got right to the point.

"Well that's no good, poor Taggert is gonna take a strip off me the messenger was his son." The Mayor looked sad." Come in I've got maps and all the info you need is on there." Suddenly there was another knock at the door and then it opened it was Taggert.

"You two again, must not be thieves. Well Brandyn let's get to playing some chess, I'm sure Isabelle can handle these two." Taggert noticed that the mood wasn't good. " Well what's going on out with it I'm not young and I don't like guessing." Brandyn handed the letter to Taggert. His Face Fell. "Are you two going after them no good for nothins' " Taggert looked at Guage and Uriel.

"Sir we are and we promise not to let one of them go." Guage looked furious as he told him.

"Wait here I'm coming, Brandyn the shop is yours from now on."

"Taggert you're to old for this." Brandyn said softly.

"AND JAYUN WAS TO YOUNG!" Taggert slammed the door.

"He's coming and you can't stop him best if you just let him come along, he may not look it but he was a battle mage in the kings army for 50 years before he settled here. I'll get the maps, Taggert shouldn't take long you should wait out side. I'll be right out. They nearly have a small city up there. Last count was nearly 1200 men." Brandyn pushed them out the door. When Brandyn came out he had two swords hanging from his waist and 3 daggers across his chest. " I was a scout, all these maps come from my work I may not be much help in a fight anymore but I'll get you 3 to that mine without a problem probably take out their scouts along the way.' Brandyn moved like he was a 100 pounds lighter then he was.

"Oh so you remember that you're not useless hey Brandyn." Taggert showed up he had a sword and bracelet attached by chain five rings one for each finger which gave off a slight glow. "Lets go."