Chapter 1

Kaitlyn's POV

On my way to the airport im on the car with my grandma our driver is driving us to the airport im moving in with my grandma at London after my parents death since we don't have other relatives in California she told me im moving with her at london at the house she stays in when she's bored at our house in the California she travel on london she's the only relatives i have anyway i grow up with her she's the one who take care of me since my parents died they're already dead i only have pictures of them. We got in the airplane and fell asleep from reading the Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire i have this weird dream that im in this beautiful place that i can literally see the view it's like a castle and it looks like Hogwarts i saw this students wearing these beautiful school uniforms that literally doesn't have in the Cali i walk inside the school and i can see the students having fun i was about to approach this girl i saw her uniform says Slytherin i was about to open my mouth when my grandma wake me up.

"Kaitlyn let's go continue your sleep when we're already home" my grandma told me.

I nodded and get out of the plane.

We are now outside the airport when a car pulled up right in front of us and my grandma get inside like who's the driver? There's this guy who got my things and put it in the trunk my grandma give me a confused look i look back at her and sits besides her. We are like in hours at the car we are passing through a bunch of trees after like an hour or two we're already here at a big mansion like what is my grandma doing here on london through the years? I get out of the car and stand in awe at the house like its really big and she's like living here alone?

"Kaitlyn Elianna Simmons welcome to the Simmons Manor" my grandma told me and smiles.

I just looked at her in shock.

Once again she just smiled.

We get inside and she told me she'll help me unpack my things she leads me to my new room and its bigger than my old room i put my clothes on my closet after that my grandma show me the house we have this very big kitchen, living room, dining area and even a library with many books and she didn't forget about my favorite books the original Harry Potter books we went to the backyard and have a cup of tea we talked and talk she asked me how i was and am i comfortable here at the house i told her i am comfortable.

"pinky!" my grandma said i give her a confused look. then this elf show up out of nowhere im like about to faint am i seeing this right or i just need more sleep? like? how? She told the. elf to prepare dinner for both of us then the elf vanished again my grandma look at me.

"What just happened?" i looked at her.

"thats our house elf" she smiled.

i looked at her in shock. "wha- how- i-"

Then the power went off. I jumped a little but then my grandma took out this stick and when i see clearly its a wand.

"lumos" she said then the light come out from the wand.

"grandma i know you i like harry potter you can stop know with the play" i laugh nervously.

"i know but this isn't a play i told your dad you need to stay here in a London so i can tell you about Hogwarts but he just moved to the California with your mom" my grandma told me.

"so your telling me Hogwarts is real? its not makey makey?" i told my grandma.

She nodded.

"but how? does that mean your a-" o asked her.

"yes so is your dad and mom it seems 2016 today but its really 1991 in London for witches and wizard there's a barrier in the airport we are in year 1991" she said.

"w-what?! so there's no phone? how am i gonna contact my friends back in the Cali" i tapped my pockets and my phone is really gone.

"yes there is no phone." she said and sips on her tea.

I still can't believe this is happening like this is crazy.

I just stared at her then the power went back she put her wand back on her bag. Then the elf show's again.

"madam dinner is ready" pinky says then vanish.

"lets go eat dinner sweet heart" she said.

I smiled and nodded she stands up and starts to walk i stand up and walk behind her as we are eating dinner i heard someone knocks on the front door but my grandma seems not to care then pinky appears on my side causing me to jump a little.

"madam Mr. Lucius Malfoy is here" pinky said.

I looked at my grandma in shock is this where im gonna die? is my role here gonna end?

"continue eating dear im just gonna do some business" she told me then drink water and smiled at me.

She went to the living room and talked to Mr. Malfoy. I drink my water and sneak out side the living room i know its wrong to eavesdrop but i couldn't help im confused as i read at the book Lucius is a bad guy and now he's talking to my grandma and i couldn't lose her either!

"i heard your granddaughter is already here does she already know that she's a witch?" i heard Mr. Malfoy.

"yes she is already here but i haven't tell her yet im taking this slow she's still a kid after all who lost her parents 11 years ago you know she grow up with me just me lets just take some time her parents died because of James Potter" i heard my grandma.

Wait What? because of Harry's dad? im so confused right now. What did really happen? I was about to look at them when someone spoke.

"im pretty sure i know you know its wrong to eavesdrop" says of this blonde guy that im pretty sure is Draco Malfoy.

"oh yea uhm-" i can't form a word know that he's right with that statement.

"im Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he smiled while offering his hand.

"Kaitlyn Elianna Simmons" i smiled and shook his hands.

"nice name but too long" he said.

I rolled my eyes and walks to the garden "you can call me love" i smirked and laughed.

"alright love" he said and followed me.

"im kidding most of my friends calls me anna or lyn" i said while walking and inhaling.

"I'll just call you lia since no one is calling you in that name" he said.

So he's really nice after all?

"alright whatever" i said looking at the star.

"so how's your trip?" he asked.

"its alright just tiring" i said looking at him. "uhm how about you how's your day?"

"it's alright too just following what my father said all say" he said while looking at me.

"ohh" then it hits me in the book he doesn't have a choice can i change that?

"lia?, lia?" he said.

Then my thoughts were interrupted, i looked at him.

"are you ok?" he asked a little bit sounded concerned

"yea yea im just tire-" i smiled.

"draco!" i heard my grandma at the back door i saw her there standing while calling draco.

We looked at each other.

"i guess its time for me to go home?" he laughed a little.

"i guess so" i giggled.

We both stands up and walked to my grandma she smiled at us and said.

"i see you already met each other" she said and smiled at us.

And walks to the living room draco sat beside his father and i sat beside my grandma.

"Kaitlyn this is Lucius Malfoy and Draco im sure you already know draco" my grandma smiles.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Malfoy" i smiled.

"Oh no its a pleasure for me to meet you Ms. Simmons" says Mr. Malfoy

Now im getting confused i give him a slightly confused look and a slight smile.

"Oh perhaps you still don't know I'll just let your grandma tell you" says Mr. Malfoy.

"Yea i haven't tell her yet" says my grandma.

Tell me what?

"anyway it's getting late draco and i should be going now" Mr. Malfoy

"oh yes its nice having you here Lucius you should bring Narcissa for my granddaughter's 11th birthday tomorrow I'll invite our other friends" my grandma said as we're walking to the fire place with a floo powder on the side.

"ahh yes she's eleven too? draco's birthday is last last month, you should've pick up Kaitlyn earlier so you both attended" says Mr. Malfoy

"right but there's always next year" my grandma says.

They both just laughed Mr. Malfoy grabs the floo powder and draco did the same.

"happy late birthday draco" i told him and smiled.

He smiled back and nodded a little.

"Malfoy Manor" draco and mr. Malfoy said before the vanished in our fire place.

"grandma you need to tell me all about that I thought Lucius is a bad guy plus isn't he a death eater?" i started.

"tomorrow after your birthday I'll tell you" she smiled. "let's go you had a long day its better if you get some sleep" she said.

i guess i can wait right? she hold my hand and walk me to my room and give me a news paper. There i see my grandma and i at the airport "THE LAST HEIR OF SIMMONS JUST ARRIVED" i didn't know we're famous in wizarding world now my grandma really need to explain a lot tommorow.

"rest my sweetheart you have a big day tomorrow" she said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled and nodded.

Before my grandma walk out i asked her one last thing.

"what's our families house on Hogwarts?" i asked a little bit nervous since she invited the Malfoy's tomorrow on my birthday.

"Slytherin" she said and walks out of my room.