Chapter 2

I woke up early as i opened my eyes i saw tons of gifts in front of my bed am i seeing this right? i walk to it and look where its from there's names but i don't know who i decided to just leave it there and get ready as soon as i stand up my grandma knocks on the door.

"good morning my dearest granddaughter! how's your sleep?" my grandma asked.

"good Gramma" i said. "uhm where are this from?"

"oh from my friends sweetie the Malfoy's gave you gifts too" she said and smiled.

"I'll thank them later"i smiled.

"okay go get ready now your party starts at 10 am once your done just change into comfy clothes then after breakfast you can get ready for the party" my grandma said.

I nodded and went to the bathroom and washed my face, then wear something comfortable i went down to go to the kitchen and eat some breakfast.

"so if you are confused why lucius is here last night its because he knows what happen to your parents" my grandma started while reading the news paper. "Lucius is one of your dad's best friend he went here to see you cause the last time he saw you your still a baby, your parents are attacked by James he thinks your parents are death eater's but don't worry they're not and Lucius knows it and he respect your father's decision on not joining them because they are best friends" she continues.

I felt relief at least we're not associated with the dark lord stuff but i hate it so thats what really how you feel when some important people in you life is now gone because of the parents of your favorite Harry Potter. Now im starting to hate harry because of her parents my parents are gone.

"i don't know if i feel bad for harry or what..." i told grandma. but mostly happy but at least i have someone besides me now.

"its okay dear" she smiled. "eat now we still have a lot of talk at the library after your birthday"

I nodded and eats. After eating i went up and saw pinky preparing this dress i need to wear today all day, it's green and sparkly and a pair of high heels. I wore them and as i was doing my make up my grandma walk in she looks at me and smiles.

"you look beautiful you look like your mom and dad" she smiled.

"thank you gramma" i smiled and fixed my hair.

"everyone is already downstairs they're waiting for you." she smiled.

Then nervousness hits me, i don't know those people how am i gonna approach them?

"its okay I'll introduce you lets go?" she said and kissed my forehead.

I nodded and we both walked out of my room we walk down the stairs and everyone looks at me in awe. i just smiled at them.

"everyone please meet my beautiful granddaughter. Kaitlyn Elianna Simmons" she says and everyone clapped their hands as i smiled at them

My grandma introduce me to this Cooper family.

"Amanda im glad you came by the way this is my granddaughter" my grandma started.

"hi nice to meet you" i smiled. she looks like at my grandma's age

"you're so beautiful darling this is my granddaughter Chloe" says amanda. "she's Eleven too im pretty sure you'll get along together like your grandma and i" she says excitingly

I looked at Chloe and smiled "nice to meet you chlo!"

"pleasure to meet you what should i call you hmmm" she says thinking. "lyn" she giggled.

"look at them already getting along" my grandma said. "alright everyone lets gather and eat im pretty we're all hungry" she said and went to the dining where the food are. There's so many guests i step aside so they can go and get some food.

"hey happy birthday lia" that familiar voice its draco.

I smiled to my self and slightly blushed, i turned around and saw him his dad his mom him in the middle.

"thank you draco" i told him.

"happy birthday sweetie" Narcissa greeted me.

"happy birthday Kaitlyn" Lucius told me.

"thank you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy" i smiled and hugged them.

Now i miss my parents. I wish they're here suddenly sadness hits me. They pulled aways and when they saw my face full of sadness they hugged me once again.

"its okay i miss your dad too my best friend" Lucius whispered.

"we miss our best friend" Narcissa rubbed my back.

We pulled away and smiled.

"thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy" i said.

"no problem just call us in our name" Narcissa smiled.

"alright you should go eat now" i told them.

They nodded told me they'll just talk to my grandma and went to find gramma.

Draco stays in where i am.

"having fun?" i asked him.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"i find these kind of parties are boring" i told him.

"oh sometimes-" he cut of when chloe called me.

"lynnnn happy birthday once again here's my gift for you" she said.

"thanks" i told her and give her a hug.

I saw draco rolled his eyes.

"did i just saw you rolled your eyes?" i asked draco.

"maybe" he said.

Chloe rolled her eyes too. what the heck is happening.

"okay tell me what's happening" i told them both.

"she's my cousin" he told me. "mom's side"

ohh. well thats not in the book.

"he's kind of a bad influence lyn don't get attached to him" says chloe.

"i think he's nice" i told chloe.

"hear that cousin" draco says smiling.

"yea sometimes not most of the time" chloe says and laughs.

"anyway let's-" i got cut off when i saw three owl entering the back door going in our way and let go of the letter their holding i look at it and its from Hogwarts!!

Amanda Cooper (Chloe's grandma) Mr. And Mrs. malfoy and my grandma went to us to check the letter.

"I've been accepted!!! gramma!" i told her and hugged her she hugged me back.

"that means we need to go get these things on diagon alley" says chloe.

"well this is exciting" says draco.

"lets go kids time to eat lunch" my grandma said

Draco and Chloe goes to the dining room i sits down near to my grandma draco sat next to me and to her mom we ate the adults talk about something i don't know after eating lunch i told my grandma I'll just take a walk at the back yard.

As i was walking i saw Chloe looking around.

"hey chlo" i approached her.

"hey im so excited we get to see each other again at diagon alley" she said with the voice of excitement.

"i know me too!!" i told her we took a walk. We are at the rose field of our backyard now. she told me she'll just get some drinks inside.

I still can't believe this is happening. I mean im against harry potter. I miss Cali i sigh. I miss my old friends i can't even contact then and tell them im going to Hogwarts i can't even post this on my Instagram this is so unfair.

"here's our drinks" chloe said.

I saw draco walking behind her

"i didn't know Malfoy's a drink" i told her. and then she looked back and rolled her eyes.

"hey what time are you gonna go home chloe?" draco asked her. I just sipped my drinks.

"I don't know ask grandma" she said.

"she doesn't wanna tell me now you tell me you're the favorite grandchild anyway" he said.

"how about you two just wait on what time you guys are-" i was cut off again.

"there you three are" pinky said appearing again out of nowhere. "you three are being called by madam amora" then she disappeared again.

"lets go" i told them.

We walk back to the house and my grandma told me its time for the slow dance i looked at the clock its already 5 pm few more hours they're gonna go home im gonna sleep. Yay. my grandma whispered something in my ear i couldn't even hear and she pushed me in the middle and draco is pushed by his parents. He puts his arms on my waist and i put my other arm on his shoulder and we begin to dance.

"your a good dancer huh" i told him.

He just chuckled.

I think we've been dancing for hours there are camera's flashing around us i know its gonna be all over the news paper again knowing i am famous now i understand what it feels its so annoying.

In the end i found my self saying goodbye to the Malfoy family thanking them the others just left the house.

"open my present for you lastly" draco says kissing my forehead. I hope he didn't see me blush. Oh no.

"alright goodbye" i told him and smiled.

They went to the fire play and grabs the floo powder then they vanished.

"i see your in good terms with draco now." i heard my grandma. "he's a nice kid i trust him but you guys are still young and everything takes time" she said.

Yea i know that i didn't even think of that kind of thing anyway.

"lets go to the library lyn" my grandma said as she went up the stairs going to the library.

She sits at the chair and i sit facing her.

"i know you already know whats going to happen. But this is different your not on the side of harry potter in this story we are not in either the side of the dark lord for doing what he did on harrys parents or the side of harry we don't want any of the connection from him cause all we want is peace for your future we know draco will be with the dark lord but its part of the plan but now as the dark lord is gonna come back as you read on the story Lucius and i agreed that you need to somehow obey the dark lord there is gonna be a war just stick to draco alright? and stay safe." she said i listen to her carefully. "Just stick with each other in this war many of the people will pass away and once harry defeat you know who and you and draco are safe that's when we knew the plan work just like in the story then you both are good for the rest of your life you know what i mean." my grandma says smiling.

"oh wow" is just what i said.

"now you know everything let's get you to bed." she said

I nodded and gets up and went to my room she's just behind me.

"oh i forgot. more presents came earlier." my grandma said.

i laughed " wanna watch me open them all?" i asked and she nodded.

I received a lot of books im just gonna put it in my book shelf in my room then there's this one name i saw its from snape yea professor snape i looked at my grandma. Its a potion book.

Welcome back my goddaughter i missed you can't wait to meet you at hogwarts see you soon Happy Birthday.

- S. Snape

then there's this picture of me and snape when i was a little he is carrying me.

Professor snape is my godfather wow my grandma just smiled at me then i opened the gift of Narcissa its a clothes that probably cost a lot of money, i opened Lucius its a book that has a note,

Happy Birthday Lyn this is the book your father and i read on our young days please keep this safe and pass it on your childrens.

-Mr. Malfoy

Lastly i opened dracos. Its a necklace that has a green diamond its very beautiful. I slightly blushed i love it.

"its getting late sweetie you better sleep now we're going to diagon alley tomorrow morning so we can catch up with the Malfoy's and Coppers" she told me as she stands up.

I nodded. And puts the necklace draco gave me on my vanities drawer.

"pinky put all the books on her book shelf and all the clothes to her closet" my grandma said and pinky appears and did what my grandma said.

I change to my comfy clothes and sits on my bed and with that pinky is finished and left my room.

"grandma" i said she looked at me "thank you for today i enjoyed it" i smiled.

She walk to me and kissed my forehead "no problem anything for my granddaughter" she paused "you can't tell anyone about what you know and what's gonna happen next only the both of us know okay? good night"

i nodded.

and with that she left my room and i went to sleep