Chapter 3

I woke up when the sun is shining through my window i get up and fix my self i washed my face and went downstairs to eat breakfast as i was walking downstairs i heard a familiar voice it's the voice of Narcissa and Draco. I wonder where Lucius is i walks towards them and says hi. They're eating breakfast with my grandma.

"good morning lyn" says my grandma.

I smiled and sits at the chair. "good morning too and good morning Narcissa, Draco"

"good morning dear are you ready to go to diagon alley?" Narcissa asked.

"yes im really excited" i told her and took a bite of my toast bread.

"thats good you'll be getting an owl so that you can write to me once you get to Hogwarts" my grandma says excitedly.

I just smiled and finished eating my breakfast.

"I'll go now to my room and change my clothes so that we can go early at diagon alley" i told them and stands up.

They nodded and i went upstairs to change my clothes a minute later someone knocks on my door.

"come in" i said.

"hey" draco said getting inside my room.

"hey by the way i liked the gift you gave me" i smiled at him. "thank you".

he smiled. "im glad you like it but why aren't you wearing it?" he asked.

oww chilie "chill im gonna wear it today" i laughed and told him.

I put my earrings and the necklace he gave me and gets up.

"let's go? they're probably waiting for us downstairs" i told him.

He nodded and we both went downstairs when we get there we saw my grandma and Narcissa waiting for us by the fireplace. We both grab the floo powder mom gramma went first then me, draco and Narcissa. We we got to diagon alley.

"whats on your list Kaitlyn?" My grandma asked me.



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupils' clothes should carry name tags


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1) by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope set

1 brass scales" i told her.

"alright you and draco go get your wands narcissa and will be getting the books.

draco and i went to ollivanders wand shop while my grandma and narcissa went to get us an owl. It took us an hour to find the perfect wand for us since the other want didn't choose us we saw my grandma and narcissa waiting for us outside.

"i thought they're both gonna stay there till tomorrow just for a wand" my grandma said.

"i know what took you both so long?" Narcissa asked.

Draco and i just shrugged and laugh.

After that we went to the book shop to get the books then we saw Chloe on the icecream shope we went inside my grandma and narcissa talk with miss amanda they talk about adult stuff again while we three kids talk.

"i can't wait to go to Hogwarts!!" Chloe started.

Draco just nodded.

"me too i love Hogwarts!! I can't wait to explore it" i told then excitedly.

My grandma then walk to us and give us some ice cream we ate some and talk about some stuff then this guy catches my eyes. He walks pass through us its harry and with hagrid i just shrugged it off.

"let's go kids we better get going" my grandma said.

We all stood up and gets outside.

"we'll be going we're gonna buy some perfume" Amanda said while holding Chloe's hand and they wave goodbye.

"bye" i told them and smile.

"we'll be going home now " Narcissa said and hugged me and my gramma.

my grandma nodded.

"bye" i told them and smiled. And draco kissed my hand and waves goodbye.

Once we got home its already afternoon. i put my stuff on my room i decided to just fix my things tomorrow since im not leaving yet i went to my balcony and get some fresh air then this owl went to my way it got a letter i opened the letter and its from draco.

Dear Lia,

Lia do you mind if i hang out with you there tomorrow? its just I don't have anything to do since all i can do now is wait till we go to hogwarts and have fun. Anyway write back so i can know your answer have a good afternoon.

-D. Malfoy

I laughed and went inside i sit on the chair and starts to write him a letter.

Dear Draco,

Hey, of course i don't mind you can come I'll tell my grandma.

-Kaitlyn Simmons

I walk to my owl and goes to the balcony i put the letter on my owls collar and made it fly. I walk to my grandma's room and its big i haven't been in her room yesterday i saw her reading a book.

"hey grandma draco wrote a letter asking if he can come tomor-" she cut me off.

"yea he sent me a letter too" she smiled. " i allowed him anytime" she continues.

"ohh well thats kinda traditional way on some-" she cuts me again.

"oh silly girl don't get me started." she said looking at me. "now i miss your grandfather".

i smiled slightly and hugged her she hugged me back and kiss my hair.

"wanna go for a walk on our backyard with a cup of tea?" my grandma asked.

"is there a bobba tea here?" i asked and laughed.

She moved her head no and stands up we both walk downstairs and told pinky to give us tea at the back yard. Pinky appears again and serves us some tea.

"you need to learn how to dress in this time sweetie as much as possible wear something like in the 90's you know some ideas and you need to learn how to be like a Simmons with a class I'll teach you how to proper hold a spoons and more you'll have draco tomorrow and we will teach you how to dance with a class" she sipped on her tea. "but now stand up"

I did what she told me she stands up too and hold my back and held my chin.

"as much as possible aways straight your  back and chin up" she continues. "now sit down while your back is straight".

I nodded and sits down.

"great your a fast learner just like your mom" she said and smiled.

I smiled at her.

"pinky its already 5pm prepare the dinner" my grandma said and pinky appears and nodded then she vanished again. "do you wanna go shopping tomorrow for your clothes?"

I nodded. "but what about draco? what time is he gonna be here?" i asked.

"Draco and her mom are gonna go at diagon alley tomorrow morning for his robes so probably by afternoon he'll be here" my grandma said finishing her tea.

I nodded.

Pinky appears and says that dinner is ready my grandma and i walks and went to the dining area she sits at the end and i sit in the first chair on her right.

"so everything is gonna happen according to what rights on the book right?" i asked.

She nodded and eats some food.

"can we change something on it? like can i  change draco being one of the death eaters?" i asked her and eat some food.

"i hate to let you down but you can't everything is organized now just stay by his side all he needs is support like in the book he have no one all he did is do what his parents want just stay by his side and don't think about that first that will happen after 6 years or sum" she smiled and continue eating.

After we eat she take me to my room and says good night i went inside and flopped on my bed then i saw a letter again. From draco.

Dear Lia,

See you tomorrow afternoon can't wait to see you how's your day? did you enjoy? I'll just ask again tomorrow but now good night sweet dreams lia.

-D. Malfoy

I smiled and lays on my bed and drift to sleep.