Chapter 4

I woke up with the sound of knocks from my door i got up and opened it its my grandma.

"good morning sweetie are you still sleeping? break fast is ready" she said smiling.

"yea i just woke up just wait for me on the dining room I'll be down in a bit" i told her.

She nodded and i closed the door and  went to the bathroom to wash my body i change to some clothes that's kinda trend but in 90's way and went downstairs i sit near her and begin to eat.

"straight body Kaitlyn don't forget what i teach you" my grandma said while eating french toasts.

I nodded and straighten my body and chin up. After we finished eating we went to diagon alley again and buy my robes while my gramma is waiting at the line to pay i told her I'll wait at the icecream shop we went yesterday she nodded and i went to the icecream shop on my way there i saw draco and he runs to me and hugged me.

"hiiiiii" he said.

"hey" i laughed. "i see you missed me"

"of course its been hours since that last time i saw you" he said.

"whatever hi narcissa" i greeted his mom.

"hi sweetheart where is your grandma?" she asked me.

"she's at the line waiting paying for my robe" i told her.

"oh okay where are you going by the way?" she asked.

"im going to the icecream shop i told her I'll wait for her there" i told her.

"you both go wait there I'll find your grandma" Narcissa says.

Draco and i nodded and walks to the icecream shop while narcissa walk to the robe shop. Draco and i ordered some chocolate ice cream and sits down.

"we're going to Hogwarts tomorrow" he said while smiling.

Yea i think your gonna have fun roasting harry.

"oh yea im excited i can't wait have you packed your things?" i asked him.

"yes what about you?" he asked back.

"not yet once i get home i will" i told him and eats my icecream.

"we'll you better pack once we get you your manor or else we can't hang out that much" he said while licking his icecream.

"i will you sound like my gramma" i rolled my eyes and laughed.

We've like waiting half an hour when Narcissa and my gramma show's up.

"ready kids?" my gramma greeted us.

"yes!!" draco says and hugged my gramma.

Well thays heart warming.

"yep" i told my gramma.

"well I'll just pick up draco at dinner" Narcissa said.

"oh no take Lucius with you let's have dinner at the house since the kids are leaving tommorow" my gramma told her.

Narcissa nodded and we says our goodbyes and went to different way. We got home after another 30 minutes.

"draco you can go with Kaitlyn on her room while she packs or you can go explore the manor while i cook some lunch." my grandma told draco.

We both just nodded i went up to my room and draco followed me. I went to my closet and get my luggage and pack my things after 20 minutes i saw draco walking to my side table looking at my baby picture.

"you're such a cutie" he told me while looking at my picture.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"you're such a player" i told him and zipped my luggage.

"what do you mean im being nice" he laughed.

"yea sure" i told him.

"look what i saw" he said and show me another picture of mine at my side table. "this is mine now" he said and put the picture in his pocket.

Then pinky appeard and told us that lunch is ready we both went down and sits on the dining room.

"there you two are come eat already draco we need to teach lyn how to dance after" my grandma said eating steak.

"why? is there coming events soon?" draco asked.

I just continue eating my food cause they're topic is so boring and im not used to those events.

"when you both got home after a year at hogwarts your parents and i are thinking for a celebration" my grandma said.

Draco just nodded and continue eating. Once we're done eating we went to the backyard.

"are you done packing your things lyn?" my grandma asked while we're walking around.

"yes gramma" i told her.

"ahhh your growing up so fast" she smiled. "anyway lets get started" she said.

Draco and i nodded. Draco put his right hand on my waist and hold my arm on his left hand we begin to dance and i stepped on his foot.

"i am so sorry" i told him.

"its alright i didn't hurt anyway" he chuckled.

We've been dancing for hours my feets starting to hurt i guess i learned a lot. My grandma left us both once we're done she said she's gonna prepare for dinner i lay down on the grass because im really tired and draco lays beside me.

"the stars are so beautiful" i said while looking at the sky.

"not as beautiful as you" he said while looking at me.

I blushed. Hopefully he didn't notice.

"i had fun today" i told him.

"there you kids are" Lucius said while walking towards us.

"hi Lucius" i greeted him while standing up.

"hello lyn how's your day?" he asked.

"great" i told him.

"hey dad where's mom?" draco asked.

"she's inside with amora she told me to call you two cause dinner is ready". Lucius told us both.

"alright lets go inside" i told them.

We walk inside and i sit near my grandma again in the dining room while draco sits beside me he's in the middle of me and his mom.

"how's your day kids did you enjoy the time?" Narcissa asked.

"yes" draco and i both says at the same time.

"thats great how about tomorrow? just stick with each other like always have each other's back" Lucius says.

"draco please watch after my granddaughter i trust you" my grandma says.

"of course you have my word Miss Amora" says draco.

"very well then lets continue eating" my grandma said.

Once we're done eating the adults have some talk and draco and i went to the backyard again.

"write at me once you get home" i told him.

"i will don't worry" he told me.

"i feel like im not gonna sleep easily cause of my excitement" i laughed.

"me too don't worry" he told me.

"draco lets go" i heard Narcissa.

We faced her and walks inside the Malfoy's walk towards the fire place and gets some floo powder i waved goodbye and they left.

"you should go get some rest you have a big day tomorrow" my grandma told me.

I nodded and we both went upstairs she stays at my room for a while.

"gramma snape gave me a gift right?" i started and she nodded. "how did he became my godfather?"

"oh snape and your dad are best friends too since they both are Slytherin they are best buddies so your parents gets snape to be your godfather" she looked at me and smiled "Severus also wrote a letter saying he can't wait to see you at hogwarts Tommorow" my gramma continued.

Now i got more excited.

"Go get some rest we need to leave early tomorrow" my grandma says while standing up and kisses my forehead.

"alright good night" i told her.

"good night" she says and leaves my room.

As i lays on my bed draco's owl is on my balcony i got the letter and thanks the owl and reads the letter.

Dear lia,

Im already home hope you enjoy today cause i did i can't wait for tomorrow go get some rest I will see you tomorrow i will wait for you at the platform. Whatever tomorrow's bring we'll face it together looking forward for more adventure and time with you good night have a nice dream.


D. Malfoy.

I smiled and place it at the side table i read the book about potion the one my godfather gave me and the last thing i know is i fall asleep while reading.