Chapter 5

I woke up on someone knocking on my door.

"just come in" i said.

"wake up sleepyhead you need to eat breakfast we can't be late on the platform" i heard draco's voice.

"fine fine" i got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face.

"i'll bring your luggage downstairs I'll meet you at the dining" i heard draco.

"alright thank you" i told him and once i heard the door closed. I got out of the bathroom and went to my walk in closet and out of nowhere pinky appeard.

"good morning miss kaitlyn madam amora told me to bring you this clothes to wear today." Pinky gave me the clothes and i nodded then she vanished again.

I took a look at the dress and it's quite luxurious. I don't want to be late so i put it on already then i went downstairs i saw narcissa and my grandma talking while draco is eating some bread. They all looked at me in awe.

"hi good morning " i smiled. And sat beside my grandma.

"gramma don't you think is is overdressed?" I asked her.

"no honey you look amazing " i heard narcissa.

I looked at her and smiled. "thank you"

Draco looks at me and smiled and i smiled back. We finished eating around 9:40 am we arrived at the platform around 10:30 am there's already a lot of people draco says goodbye to his mom i went to hug narcissa and says goodbye.

"always write to me every night your godfather is waiting for you in hogwarts he'll be looking after to both of you"says my grandma.

I nodded and hugged her. "Im gonna miss you"i smiled.

"me too" she said and kissed my forehead. "look after my granddaughter draco i trust you" my grandma told draco.

He nodded and holds my hand and we both went inside the train and wave goodbye to narcissa and my grandma. As we are looking for a sit draco drag me to this compartment some kid greeted him while other are looking at us i think it's because of what we're wearing we both are wearing luxurious clothes but I shrugged it off. Went to this chair and there's this beautiful girl and this guy draco let me sit by the window and he sit beside me.

"lia this is pansy and blaise, pansy blaise this is kaitlyn" draco introduced me.

"we already know her draco" says this guy named blaiseand laugh. And pansy just nooded.

"pleasure to meet you kaitlyn" says blaise pansy just smiled.

"nice to meet both of you" i smiled. "how do you know them draco?" I asked.

"oh we three are neighbors " he said.

I just nodded and look out of the window enjoying the view.

Pansy and draco are talking on how their summer went while blaise is just listening to both of them so are they like dating or sum? I looked at pansy when she said "can't wait for us to hang out again this coming summer"

She looked at me and said "i order you to stop looking at me"

"you order me?" I said standing up and leaning towards her. "you order me?" I laughed.

She looked a bit scared i heard draco telling me to stop.

"I order you to shut your mouth cause I didn't do anything to you" i told her.

She stands up "you cannot order me to do anything" she said and almost slap me but draco stands up and stop her.

"wanna bet? your in my kingdom now" i said and rolled my eyes on her. I went to get my clothes and robe leaving them there.

I went to the bathroom and change my clothes to robe and went to find chloe i saw this familiar boy in one of the compartment so Harry Potter is in the train. I saw her after draco's sit i walk pass through them and sit with chloe i saw draco's eyes not getting them off me.

"hi chloe" I approached her.

"hey lyn i heard what happen are you okay?" She said.

"of course im okay" I laughed and told her.

"forget about pansy she's just really like that" she told me. "she just really have a crush on draco and they're friends since like 5 years old"

"ohhh that's why anyway which house do you think your gonna be in" i asked her.

"i-" chloe got cut off.

"hi gryffindor is the best house" its harmonie i heard her voice and that line!!!

Chloe rolled her eyes "i think ravenclaw or slytherin since my mom is a slytherin and my dad is ravenclaw "

Harmonie's eyes went wide. "By the way im Hermonie Granger and you two are?"

"im Chloe Cooper" she smiled.

"im Kaitlyn Simmons" i told her.

"merlins child! I guess its my lucky day i met Chloe Cooper, Kaitlyn Simmons and Harry Pott-" i cut her off and push her to sit besides chloe.

Draco looked at us and and i smiled and sit beside and looked at chloe and hermonie.

"what is that for?" Hermonie asked.

"nothing" I shrugged. They gave me a weird look.

"anyway lets change the topic how's y'all summer?"i asked them.

"great" hermonie said.

"hermonie what house do you think your gonna be in" chloe asked.

"im not sure but i want to be in gryffindor " she said excitedly.

I laughed and saw draco on his robe, he's so cute i saw him looked at me and went his way to our chair and he sat beside me. The train stopped and i look out side and its already dark we got out of the train and followed hagrid we get on the boat draco went first and offered his hand and help me get on the boat and he helped chloe too i sit beside chloe while draco sit infront of us i looked around to find hermonie but I couldn't see here anywhere. Once we got to the deck I couldn't help but smile it's truly beautiful . We walked inside the castle and we are welcomed by Ms. McGonagall.

"Welcome to hogwarts." She smiled. "Now in a few moments you will pass through this doors and join your classmates but before you can take your seats you must be sorted in to your houses" she continued and looked at us "they are gryffindor,hufflepuff,ravenclaw and slytherin now while you're here your house will be like your family your triumphs will earn you points any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year the house with the most point will be awarded the house cup-" she got cut off.

"trevor" says this guy while picking up his frog. Ugh gross.

Ms. McGonagall looked at him and we laughed the he looked down "sorry" this guy said and went to the place he was standing before.

"sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" she said and walk inside the door.

I looked around and draco began to speak it made me jump a little bit and looked at him.

"it's true then what they're saying on the train" he said.

"Harry Potter has come to hogwarts." We both said at the same time draco looked at me with wide eyes then looked back at harry.

I forgot he doesn't know i know what's gonna happen next and the scenes well shoot.

"harry potter" i heard some whispers.

"This crabbe, kaitlyn,chloe and goyle"he said and walk infront of harry "and im Malfoy. Draco Malfoy " he said offering his hands. Then im for sure ron is gonna laugh.

Ron laughed and draco look at him fast.

"think my name is funny do you? no need to ask yours red hair and a hand-me-down robe you must be a weasly"he said and look at harry again. I kinda feel bad for ron. "you'll soon find out that some wizarding family is better than others potter you don't wanna go make new friends with the wrong sort" draco said looking at weasly then back at harry. " i can help you with that" he said offering his hands again.

"i think i can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks" harry told draco.

Then with thats Ms. McGonagall come back and taps dracos back draco then look at harry one more time and stands with us again.

"we're ready for you know follow me" says Ms. McGonagall.

We then walk through the doors and all i can say is wow its so pretty.

"can you wait along here please" says Ms. McGonagall and we stopped. "now before we begin Professor Dumbledore would like to say something a few words."

He said something about the us first year and the forbidden about the 3rd floor which im guessing is the sorcerers stone.

"now when i call your name you will come forward i shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will me sorted into your houses" Ms. McGonagall said. Now im getting nervous. "Hermonie Granger"

She looked at me and i smiled at her and she smiled back and sits at the chair.

"ahhh right there mmmm.. Right okay Gryffindor!!!" Says the sorting hat she smiled and wave goodbye to me and went to the gryffindor table.

I looked at draco and he gave me a angry look. I just shrugged it off.

"Draco Malfoy" Mr. McGonagall said. Draco walk through me and sits at the chair the sorting hat haven't really touched his head and it already screamed "Slytherin!!!" Then he smiled get off the chair and walk pass me and paused.

"good luck lia" he told me and my head nodded.

"Sussan Borns" Ms. McGonagall said and this girl walks up "Hufflepuff!!'"

"Rose Maple" Ms. McGonagall said and this pretty girl sits at the chair she looks intelligent and focused. "Ravenclaw " she smiled and i smiled. "Just like Rowena Ravenclaw" i said to my self. I looked at Draco looking at rose part of me got hurt and I don't know why i feel that way I snapped out of my thoughts when harry walk passed through me and gryffindor table are cheering for him.

"Kaitlyn Simmons "i heard Ms. McGonagall. I walked and sit the great hall went silenced.

"ahhh...the last heir of Simmons, brave as a gryffindor, faithful as a hufflepuff, intelligent as a ravenclaw, ambitious as a SLYTHERIN!!!" Says the sorting hat. I smiled and chinned up just like what my grandma and narcissa told me.

I walk to the slytherin table and draco gave me a sign to sit beside him.

"why didn't the sorting hat gave me those kind of words" draco whispers at me and i just laughed.

"Chloe Cooper" we heard Ms. McGonagall and draco and i both look in front.

I can feel draco is tensed so do i i hope she's on slytherin.

"Slytherin!!!" I heard the sorting hat.

She run towards me and hugged me.

"ahhhh congratulations!!" I told her.

"well this is a good news for our family tonight chlo" i heard draco.

Chloe just rolled her eyes and sits beside me.

"let the feast begin" we heard Dumbledore and with that food appeared in front of us we ate nicely and with class i looked in the gryffindor and looked at ron and just laughed and rolled my eyes.

"once every house is done eating 7th years please assist the first years to the your common rooms thank you" we heard Dumbledore.

The slytherin stands up and follows im about to follow them but then Dumbledore talked again.

"except for you miss Simmons." I looked at him. "what did i do?" I asked my self.

Draco and chloe looked at me.

"I'll meet you at the common room" i told them and they give me a worried look and nodded.

I went to Dumbledore.

"did i do something wrong?" I asked him.

"oh no you didn't i just want to ask you some things is it okay in the teachers lounge?" He laughed and starts to walk.

I nodded and followed him when we got there snape is there too.

" Is there something you need to tell me?" Dumbledore told me.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

"i- uh" I can't form a word. "no professor"

I saw snape walk to us. "the kid is probably tired headmaster thats why she's uncomfortable earlier at the greathall"

"perhaps your right snape assist her to the common room" says Dumbledore.

Snape and i walk to the dungeon.

"congratulations lyn in pretty sure your parents are proud of you" i heard snape and i hugged him i feel him hugged me back we went to the slytherin common room and he bring me to my room and it has my name on the door since the slytherin students has a lot of money i think its part of where we have our own rooms in our common rooms i saw the living room and they study area its screaming luxury. I saw the other door and its draco's room.

"I'll let you get some rest your things are inside get some rest." Says snape.

I nodded and went inside.

The room is big and i have my study area bookshelf and big bed,vanity mirror and a closet the bathroom is nice too. My room also have a window and you can see the underwater view i change my clothes and went to the living room so i can talk to the other slytherins and there i saw chloe and draco taking to pansy and blaise. I walks towards them and says hi.

"lyn im sorry about earlier i just didn't know draco-" pansy got cut of because draco put his hand on her mouth.