Chapter 27

Chloe and pansy looked at me I mouthed them "help" they giggled an i followed professor snape.

"Did i do something wrong?" I asked professor snape.

"No you didn't but I sense something is off between you and Mr. Malfoy" he said in his cold voice. "Did you two broke up?" He asked.

"Oh uh-" what if he told grandma and the malfoy's what if-, i snapped out of my thoughts when someone spoke.

"No professor we didn't right love? Why would you think that?" Says draco.

I looked at professor snape and nodded.

"Very well then" he said and left.

Draco is now looking at me, this is so awkward.

"I talked to my father i send him a letter about us i told him we broke up and he didn't want to believe me" he looked at me in the eyes. " im also worried that this might ruin the relationship between our parents"

"Well we can pretend that we're still dating when we're at the manor or at the family gathering write back to your father saying you're only joking and bored something like that" i told him.

"Alright thanks your the best" he said.

"No worries-" i said.

"There you are lyn lets go back inside Dumbledore have to say something" i heard chloe and drag me away from draco, draco followed us behind and sat back on our usual sits.

Once the golden plates had been wiped clean, Dumbledore stood up again. A pleasant sort of tension seemed to fill the Hall now. I felt a slight thrill of excitement, wondering what was coming. Several seats down from them, Pansy and chloe were leaning forward, staring at Dumbledore with great concentration.

"The moment has come," said Dumbledore, smiling around at the sea of upturned faces. "The Triwizard Tournament is about to start. I would like to say a few words of explanation before we bring in the casket just to clarify the procedure that we will be following this year. But first, let me introduce, for those who do not know them, Mr. Bartemius Crouch, Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation" - there was a smattering of polite applause - "and Mr. Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports."

There was a much louder round of applause for Bagman than for Crouch, perhaps because of his fame as a Beater, or simply because he looked so much more likable. He acknowledged it with a jovial wave of his hand. Bartemius Crouch did not smile or wave when his name was announced. Remembering him in his neat suit at the Quidditch World Cup, he looked strange in wizard's robes. His toothbrush mustache and severe parting looked very odd next to Dumbledore's long white hair and beard.

"Mr. Bagman and Mr. Crouch have worked tirelessly over the last few months on the arrangements for the Triwizard Tournament," Dumbledore continued, "and they will be joining myself, Professor Karkaroff, and Madame Maxime on the panel that will judge the champions' efforts."

At the mention of the word "champions," the attentiveness of the listening students seemed to sharpen. Perhaps Dumbledore had noticed their sudden stillness, for he smiled as he said, "The casket, then, if you please, Mr. Filch."

Filch, who had been lurking unnoticed in a far corner of the Hall, now approached Dumbledore carrying a great wooden chest encrusted with jewels. It looked extremely old. A murmur of excited interest rose from the watching students; Dennis Creevey actually stood on his chair to see it properly, but, being so tiny, his head hardly rose above anyone else's.

"The instructions for the tasks the champions will face this year have already been examined by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman," said Dumbledore as Filch placed the chest carefully on the table before him, "and they have made the necessary arrangements for each challenge. There will be three tasks, spaced throughout the school year, and they will test the champions in many different ways.. their magical prowess - their daring - their powers of deduction - and, of course, their ability to cope with danger."

At this last word, the Hall was filled with a silence so absolute that nobody seemed to be breathing.

"As you know, three champions compete in the tournament," Dumbledore went on calmly, "one from each of the participating schools. They will be marked on how well they perform each of the Tournament tasks and the champion with the highest total after task three will win the Triwizard Cup. The champions will be chosen by an impartial selector: the Goblet of Fire."

Dumbledore now took out his wand and tapped three times upon the top of the casket. The lid creaked slowly open. Dumbledore reached inside it and pulled out a large, roughly hewn wooden cup. It would have been entirely unremarkable had it not been full to the brim with dancing blue-white flames.

Dumbledore closed the casket and placed the goblet carefully on top of it, where it would be clearly visible to everyone in the Hall.

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet," said Dumbledore. "Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward. Tomorrow night, Halloween, the goblet will return the names of the three it has judged most worthy to represent their schools. The goblet will be placed in the entrance hall tonight, where it will be freely accessible to all those wishing to compete.

"To ensure that no underage student yields to temptation," said Dumbledore, "I will be drawing an Age Line around the Goblet of Fire once it has been placed in the entrance hall. Nobody under the age of seventeen will be able to cross this line.

"Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become a champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are wholeheartedly prepared to play before you drop your name into the goblet. Now, I think it is time for bed. Good night to you all."

"Yeah, that's Harry Potter," said a growling voice from behind them. I looked at them.

Professor Karkaroff spun around. Mad-Eye Moody was standing there, leaning heavily on his staff, his magical eye glaring unblinkingly at the Durmstrang headmaster.

The color drained from Karkaroff's face as Harry watched. A terrible look of mingled fury and fear came over him.

"You!" he said, staring at Moody as though unsure he was really seeing him.

"Me," said Moody grimly. "And unless you've got anything to say to Potter, Karkaroff, you might want to move. You're blocking the doorway."

It was true; half the students in the Hall were now waiting behind them, looking over one another's shoulders to see what was causing the holdup.

Without another word, Professor Karkaroff swept his students away with him. Moody watched him until he was out of sight, his magical eye fixed upon his back, a look of intense dislike upon his mutilated face.

We walk to the dungeons on our way to the common room I entered my room and chloe followed me.

"So what did you and malfoy talked about?" Chloe asked.

"We're gonna pretend dating in front of our parents we don't want to ruin their friendship" i said laying down on my bed.

"Make sense" she said. " im going to my room im tired, night lyn" she said and walks to the door.

"Night" i said and got up and change to my pajamas and tried to sleep, it's almost midnight im still not sleepy i got up and walk out of my room i heard someone humming at the living room i went to look who it was and its draco.

"Hey" i said.

He looked at me. "Hey, why aren't you still asleep?" He asked.

"I actually can't sleep" i said.

He nodded. Gosh its getting awkward again.

"Im just gonna go out side" i said and walk out.

As soon as i walk out of the common room i bump into professor snape.

"Going for a walk miss Simmons?" His cold voice is terrifying.

"I-uh-" i got caught shoot.

"Cancel it i have something to tell you" he said as he walk inside the common room i followed him.

I sat at the sofa i saw draco walk back again to the living room, professor snape sat infront of me with sadness in his eyes.

"Sorry about this miss Simmons but your grandma passed away today" he said.

My heart just crushed, the only person who take care of me till this day is now gone. I looked at draco seeing him in shock he rushed to my side and hugged me, as soon as he hugged me i burst into tears professor snape rubbed my back.

"I- i want to go home i want to see her" i said crying.

"Go pack your things I'll talk to professor Dumbledore" professor snape said.

I nodded and he left.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Draco asked.

"No i know your looking forward watching this triwizard go enjoy" i said as i got up.

"Alright be safe Kaitlyn" he said.

I nodded and went inside my room as soon as i got in i breakdown the fact that draco is now calling me on my full name and the fact that im all alone now is just too much i want to leave here now. I packed my things and change my clothes i went out of my room with my luggage i saw professor snape waiting for me at the living room talking to draco.

"Your excused for this year you can go back here anytime you want since it just triwizard" professor snape said. "Ready to go?" Snape asked as he carry my luggage.

I nodded.

"Take care Kaitlyn " says drco. I just smiled.

"Hold the key Kaitlyn" says professor snape. 

I did what he said and apparated to the Simmons manor, as soon as we got to me manor i went inside i saw my grandma at the coffin her beautiful face is now pale, she looks so peaceful i couldn't stop crying every hang outs with her run though my thoughts. Our alone time in the library, the laughters shared together, our travels together, the teaching magics, the shoppings together. Now it won't happen again. I feel someone rubbed my back i saw Narcissa and Lucius, i hugged them both.

"Im sorry for your loss sweetheart" says narcissa.

"Its time to put amora at the simmons cemetery " i heard snape. 

We all nodded and went not far to the backyard. There we buried my grandma's coffin.

"We better get going is it okay for you to be at this manor alone?" Narcissa asked while rubbing my back.

"Yea the house elf's are still here anyway I'll be fine" i looked at her and smiled.

"If you need anything our manor is always open for you" says Lucius.

"Thank you" i said and they both left.

I looked at my grandma's grave again and tears are coming out of my eyes again.

"Kaitlyn im going back to hogwarts, I'll pick you up at yule ball day you can't miss it alright?" He said and hugged me. "Im here anytime alright? I'll give you time" he said.

"Thank you professor snape" i smiled and with that he left.

I went inside the manor and went straight to my grandma's room. It smells like her, i miss her presence. I looked at the table on her room there's a letter I opened it.

To my dearest granddaughter,

You're probably reading this when im probably... You know? Im sorry grandma have to leave you already, be strong my princess. Grandma is so proud on where you are right now. Stay safe as always, I've been sick this past few days sorry I didn't tell you I don't want you to be worried just always remember im always in your heart. Remember i always love you having you is the best day of my life i watch you grow up and as you grow up i grow older and those are the best day of my life. I am the luckiest grandma in the world for having you as my granddaughter. You already know about everything the papers are already named at you. I love you so much take care of your self.


Amora Elise Simmons.

I burst into tears after reading the letter i lays down on her bed smelling the fragrance of it which exactly smells like her and fall asleep. And with that im the last heir.