Chapter 28

I woke up the next day i went to my room i looked at my self at the mirror my eyes are puffed from crying. The manor is now so quiet I don't know what to do with my self my mind is now so messy.

"Miss Kaitlyn, pinky prepared breakfast for her" says pinky.

"Thank you pinky I'll be down in a second" i said to her.

"Okay miss Kaitlyn, pinky's pleasure" she said and left.

I went to the bathroom and washed my body i put a bathrobe on and opened my closet. And there i saw a emerald green dress with a note sticking on it.

Ellianna wear this on yule ball.

-love grandma.

Tears slipped my eyes

Days went by i stayed at the manor, cleaned my grandma's room. And today im going back to hogwarts, im pretty sure yule ball is today, i get in the shower brush my teeth and wear the emerald dress my grandma gave me, I fixed my hair and wear light make up, i got my fix luggage and gets the key professor snape gave me to apparate back to hogwarts, i went downstairs to find pinky.

"Pinky" i said.

"Yes miss Kaitlyn?" Pinky appeared infront of me.

"Just call me lyn" i said,"oh and im going back to hogwarts now please always clean my grandma's room"

"Pinky will do lyn" says pinky.

"Thank you im going now" i said.

"Lyn must be safe" says pinky smiling at me.

I smiled back to her and just in time professor snape arrived in time we both apparated at the Slytherin common room. I saw there's no one in the room they're probably at the great hall now. I put my luggage at my room, looked my self in the mirror, then i went out of my room and went to the great hall, i went inside the big door and everyone looked at me i just smiled at them.

"LYNNNNN" i saw chloe running to me and hugged me, "i missed you" she said.

"I missed you too chlo" i hugged her back.

"Im so sorry for your loss" she said.

I just smiled at her and my eyes went looking for draco. And then i finally saw him talking and laughing with...rose. My heart is now once again crushed, he looked at me in shock he's now walking on my way. I told Chloe im not feeling well and I'll just go get some fresh air outside and left the greathall and walk into the hall way.

"Kaitlyn wait up" i heard draco's voice.

I turn to him, "what do you want?! Why did you left your date?!" I asked him.

"I thought you won't be here tonight so i went with rose.." He said.

"There's so many girls out there and you decided to go with that..girl!" I said, "and of course i will come I thought its been always us"

"Of course it will always be us Kaitlyn, i just really thought you'll not come im sorry" he said looking in my eyes.

"It doesn't matter anyway, she's probably waiting for you malfoy"i said walking away.

I can sense he look shook probably the fact that he didn't expect i will call him in his last name.

He grabbed my wrist making me look at him "I don't want her lyn" he looked at my eyes.

"Isn't she your date?, Im tired malfoy im going to bed tell Chloe im in my room" i said walking away again but then he stopped me again and smashed his lips to my lips and pulled back.

"Good night darling"he said and lets go of my wrist.

"Baby there you are" says rose walking up to draco and wraps his arms around draco.

I looked at them and tears are wanting to escape my eyes, i just smiled at them and walk away i heard draco telling rose to leave him alone and he shouted "wait lyn" at me but I shrugged it off i went to my room my make up is ruined i went to the bathroom to wash my face, i change into a comfortable clothes after that i went out of the common room to talk with professor snape but before I knocked I heard him talking with professor Dumbledore.

"The kid needs to know" i heard professor Dumbledore.

"She's still a kid who lost her grandmother" says professor snape.

Are they talking about me?

Im about to knock but the door opened, "uh did I disturbed you? I can come back later or tomorrow?" I said.

"Tomorrow will do lyn take some rest" says professor snape.

I nodded and went back to the common room i saw draco sitting at the sofa.

"Draco she's not in her room!!!" I heard chloe.

"Calm down woman she's here" says draco.

Then chloe saw me "there you are, you didn't come back to the greathall" she said.

I laughed. "Where's pansy?" I asked.

"Eating blaise's face" says chloe and laugh.

"Ew" i said and laughed.

"You should've seen rose's face when draco shouted at her" says chloe.

I heard draco chuckled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well rose doesn't want to leave draco to run after you so he shouted at her to leave him alone" says chloe. "Im going to sleep im tired night lyn, draco" she said and went to her room.

"Night" i said and sit at the sofa.

"Where did you go?" Draco asked.

"None of your business" i said while reading the book i saw at the table.

"Feisty where did that attitude came from?" He said sitting beside me.

"I don't know what your talking about malfoy" i said continue reading.

"Well im going to sleep Simmons good night" he said and kissed my head before standing up and walks to his room.

After 10 minutes i went to my room i saw my grandma's patronus a lynx with a letter on it as soon as i got the letter the lynx vanished i opened the letter.

Dear Kaitlyn,

Its time for you to know about your mother, your mother went to Beauxbatons for 4 years then I transferred her at hogwarts to continue her studies she got sorted to slytherin i have no doubt since she's a pure blood. And that's when she met your father they've been friends and soon lover. And then you came to their life, somehow your father wanted to hide you cause he thinks you're gonna ruined his plans so he told your mother to give you to me and raise you but its too late you're still in your mother's womb your mother got strucked by the curse i used my magic I learned from the Beauxbatons to save you and i did i raised and loved you with all my heart and protect you, and thats when the war started. I cleared our name in the wizarding world "Simmons" is the last name of your mother and i. I didn't want to put your father's last name to you. I'll let snape explain about your father.


Amora Elise Simmons.

As soon as I finish reading the note i hide it, I couldn't stop thinking about it why do i feel like my father is voldemort, after many hours of thinking I finally fall asleep.