(Short story) Spark's first date

                                                                             Spark's POV

So, today i asked Di out on a proper date, to the Ice crystal caves. "but what about classes" Di asked me "oh don't worry, i told them we wouldn't be there today, got the assignments early, and finished them last night while you slept." i said, "don't worry about it Di, i love you, and i want to have a perfect date.", "and i can stay there waaaaay longer than any other non ice type, because of my ability i can send sparks through my body without getting harmed", "ok if you say so, i don't want you getting a cold Sparky, i wouldn't forgive myself if you got harmed" she said to me "Don't worry about me, i can intercept attacks with thunderbolt and discharge. Here, hop on" i said "ok Sparky" she said "here, lay down on your back, look at the sky, it's gonna take a while." i said "why not just super speed us there?" Di asked "i've decided to stay calm, and walk not run, i want to SEE my surroundings not just zip by them" i said "wow, you've matured finally" Diamond said "hey!" i said "At least i cook", "haha, you got me" Di said "Fine i'll speed up a little bit, so we get back home before the ghost type Pokémon are out, because a certain Gengar has a grudge on me" i said "did you fight him?" Di asked "nah, he hates me because i didn't fight him." i said "oh, thank you for not attacking him". "we're here" i said "OH WOW!! i mean i've already been here with, ugh, Thunder" she said "wait?! ugh? i didn't think you had a dislike bone in your body" i said, my fur cackling with electricity, "you're to sweet to have one", "awwww, i'm glad you think that, but i really really really, dislike him, and he scares me because of his Flamethrower" she said "Awwww, don't worry Di , i'm here, and will always be here for you" i said, "Awww thanks Sparky" She said and tried to nuzzle my neck only to get shocked "ouch" she said "are you ok? i didn't hurt you did i?" i asked "no, i hurt myself from stupidity, i tried to nuzzle you while your fur was charged up" she said "oh, i'm sorry, i didn't notice, i would've de-charged" i said, and i did "go ahead" i said "you know you want to" i taunted. She tackled me, we both ended up on the ground, i charged myself, and we layed head to head

                                                                              Diamond's POV

As we lay there i said "wow, this has been 15x better than that date with Thunder". "i have a question" Sparky said "shoot" i replied "if you had a dream place for a date, where would it be?" he asked "umm that's tough, my final answer is wherever you are" i said "first of all, awwwwww. second of all, awwwwww (i got nothin, writers block)" he said, "well it's getting late, we should head back" Sparky said "awwww, come on you can super speed us back" i said "alright, fine, but only, because i love you and i want you to be happy" he said, after two hours of lying on the ground and staring and the ice crystals while holding hands, we left to go back home "hop on" Sparky said, so i did and we took off home. When we got home i went to bed, and after a few seceonds of not being able to fall asleep i suddenly felt warm and safe, i opened my eyes and saw "Spark?" i asked "yeah, i couldn't in good heart lest you be restless all night, I love you Diamond, now go to sleep" he said caringly. "ok Sparky, love you" i said, and fell asleep.

                                                                               Spark's POV

I did i, i took Diamond on a real date. Ans it seemed like she loved it. After we went back home, we went to bed. I got up to get some water, and noticed she was restless and shivering (why though? shes an ice type). So i uhhhhh, hopped in bed with her "Spark?" she asked "yeah, i couldn't in good heart let you be restless all night, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i did? But i love yoo, now go to sleep. we have school tomorrow" i said caringly "Ok Sparky, love you" she said, and fell asleep. "I can't believe I got in her bed" i thought to myself "i guess she didn't mind, this is the only time" i told myself, knowing that isn't true.

Hope you all enjoyed, Now im tired -O- *yawn*. XD, i'm actually enjoying writing this, a lot. I didn't think i would. I was baking food yesterday, and got green food coloring on myself, and now i have a green thumb.

Anyway, i'm running low on chapter ideas, so suggestions are welcome. ^_^


Date of story added- 4/27/20