New friend

Hmmmmmmm, how am i gonna do this??? i have a plan, but i caaan't figure out the best way to execute it. But i'll give it my best try. Warning this chapter is almost entirely in Hunter's POV

                                                                                   Amber's POV

I'm a nature explorer, strange right since I'm a Flareon. But I love nature, but what i don't love are the pokemon who attack you for wandering through their territory. That's what happened to me. "wow what a great day" i thought out loud. I was just walking through the forest, when all of a sudden a group of beedrill surrounded me "please, i don't want to fight, i was just passing through" i said scared, i'm not very strong. "Oh well in that case just go on through" one of the beedrill said "oh really? thanks" i said smiling. But one of them used toxic and it hit "Flame charge" i said, and dashed away, but the poison was weakening me. i slumped up against a tree, but right before i passed out i heard a gasp. Then, darkness.

                                                                                 Hunter's POV

Me and Spark were hanging out going on a nature walk. "hey Spark? How's things between you and Diamond?" i asked "It's going great!" he said, "thats good, i hope i find someone like Diamond" i said "I'll bet you will" Spark told me. Then i smelled smoke "do you smell that?" i asked Spark "yeah, i smell smoke" he replied, "let's go check it out" i said. While we were running some beedrill ganged up on us "lookie here, three tresspassers in one day, yay more fun" "Ge-" Spark cut me off "let me handle this, these Beedrill are known for using toxic on pokemon in their territory" he said "Leave them to me, you go look for the injured pokemon", "right" i said. He used Charge and the battle started. "come on, come on, come on, where are they???" i thought, then the scent of smoke got stronger, i followed it to a sickly looking Flareon "*GASP*", then i shouted "SPARK, COME HERE, I FOUND HER", "BE RIGHT THERE, JUST LET ME USE DISCHARGE AND DEAL WITH THESE FOOLS." he said, "what a cheeky bugger he is" i thought. This Flareon looks nice, and cute. 20 seconds later he appeared, with a pecha berry "yup, she's poisoned all right" he said, and crushed the pecha berry and fed it to her. The poison dissipated, but she was still passed out. I noticed he was limping "you ok?" i asked him "hmm? oh yeah, they just got the poison off from poison sting" he replied "Help her on my back" Spark said "I'll bring her to your place" "Alright, but the second you get there, put her on my bed, and race back and get me ok? unless the poison gets you" i asked "ok" he said, and he Raced off. While i was alone i thought about this Flareon, she looks nice, probably likes to explore, and is a new. Spark came back grabbed me "hold on to my neck" he said, i did, and he took off at full speed "OI MATE, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN" i yelled. "i thought you wanted to get there as fast as possible?" he said smirking "fine, keep going" "no need, we're here" he said, "it would appear we are" i said. i got off his back, and went in and waited for her to wake up. Spark curled into a ball and fell asleep, fair enough i mean he ran back and fourth, carrying the Flareon, and then me. He deserves a little rest plus the poison ☠, I called up Diamond, and told her to come over. When she got here, she saw Spark curled up and said "awwwww, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps", "who's this?" she asked "I don't know, me and Spark were hanging out in the forest, we smelt smoke and discovered her, she'd been poisoned by a beedrill" i said "but Spark found a pecha berry and cured her". "oh, mind if we stay here tonight? to help keep an eye on her?" she asked "i mean, Spark here is already asleep. So sure" i said, i went and got my extra bedroll, "here" i said "you can sleep on this, i'm not going to sleep tonight in case she wakes up", "makes sense good night" she said "goodnight" i said. While i was pacing the room i noticed that Diamond was shivering, so i picked up Spark (this boi is lighter than he looks) and placed him right next to Diamond. The next morning i noticed the Flareon's eyes twitching. so i woke up the other's "Hey mates, wake up, the Flareon is waking up" i said, their eyes snapped open. Then they noticed they were sleeping together, both of their faces got really red "err, umm, s-sorry Diamond, i m-m-must've walked o-over in my s-s-sleep" Spark stuttered. "Umm, why are you saying sorry? your fur is comfy and warm, i might fall asleep again" Diamond said "errm, o-ok?" Spark replied, still blushing. Then we heard a voice "Where am i?"

                                                                                   Amber's POV

"Where am i?" i asked, my eyes were adjusting. I thought i saw a Beedrill, so i screamed "AHHHH, GET AWAY BEEDRILL" and i used swift. "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH" the Beedrill said, tanking all the shots "I am not a Beedrill, I am Jolteon, my name is Spark, i'm the one who brought you here" he said, I blinked a few times, my eyes adjusted, and i realized he was right. "oops, my bad" i said, i looked around and saw a Jolteon a Leafeon and a Glaceon. From the way the Glaceon tilted her head on the Jolteon, i assumed they were dating. "So who here do i thank for saving my life?" i asked "that would be me" said the leafeon, "My name is Hunter it's a pleasure to meet you", "oh, umm hello" i said blushing lightly, oh boy... English accent. "Im Amber, but you can call me Amb" i said "ok, i will then, Nice to meet Amd" he said smoothly.  "ok enough flirting" the Jolteon said "your parents are probably worried about you", "Oh, my parent died 2 years ago." i said, making things awkward "Do you have anywhere to stay?" the Jolteon asked "No, i don't, umm sorry i never got your name" i said "Oh right, Im Spark, and this is my girlfriend Diamond" he replied "Hello" Diamond said "Hi" i said back "You could stay with me" the leafeon, Hunter, said "sure, why not" i said "cool, hey want to meet our other friends" Spark said "Sure!" i said smiling "they live pretty far from here, so we'll be walking. But Hunter could give you a ride" Spark said smirking at Hunter who went -_-. "Sure, i'd love that" i said

                                                                                    Spark's POV 

"psst, hey Diamond" i whispered "yeah?" she asked "what do you think about Hunter and Amber?"  i asked  her "i think they're perfect for each other, just like us" she said, nuzzling my neck, causing me to blush "how come you always nuzzle me?" i asked "i'll stop if you want" she said teasing me "you don't have to, i was just wondering" i said "i do it because I like teasing you" she said "how rude" i said laughing. "I want you to know that  i was the one who brought the pecha berry" i said "but i let him have it". "aww how sweet" Di said. "HEY HUNT? you ok"  i asked "yeah im fine", well hurry up, im walking and i'm still going faster than you" i taunted him, knowing he'll try to prove himself to Amber. Diamond turned around and layed on my back, on her back, so she could stare at the sky "isn't it beautiful?" she asked me "it sure is" i said "what do you see in the clouds?" i asked "i see two pokemon holding hands" she said, "i see a heart" i said. "awww" Di replied

                                                                                       Hunter's POV

I can't believe that Spark said i would carry Amber, i would love to, but i'm not very strong. As we were walking i saw Spark, and Dia, whispereing, then Diamond, satrted nuzzling him. We got to Flare's place and i introduced them to Amber "Mates this is Amber, me and Spark found her while we were walking in the forest. She was poisoned by some Beedrill, so i found some pecha berries i crushed them up, and fed them to her. After that Jolteon ran her to my place, and then ran me back, he was tired, so i called Diamond over to see her sleeping boyfriend, she suggested they stay the night. and now you know the story so far." i explained. "Bye, i'm leaving, i want to study for tomorrow's test in Geography" i said "bye mates, Amber you coming?" "huh? oh right, bye friends" she yelled, and jumped on me "oof" i said, that got me by supprise, apparently she like to jump on Pokémon. "Hey want to go for a ride/run around town?" i asked her, Leafeons can run deacently fast, not as fast as Jolteons, but faster than Glaceons and Flareons. "Sure" she replied so i sped up to a swift run.

                                                                                Amber's POV

Wow, i've never been able to run this fast, "THIS IS AMAIZING" i yelled "if you think this is nice, then asks Spark for a ride and tell him to go full speed, which is like 5x this" Hunter said "nah i'd perfer catching a ride on you (nothing bad is meant by this, don't even start)" i said "oh really?"  he asked "yup, because i like you more silly *boop* and because Spark is dating someone, which would make it awkward." i said "fair enough" he said. When we got home, i went to sleep on the couch but Hunter said "nuh uh uh, you get either my bed or the guest bed, and i'll take the other", "oh, i'll take the guest room" i said "nope, now it's you room" he said smiling "oh" i said "goodnight sleep tight" Hunter said. "you too" i replied. And right before i fell asleep, i saw Hunter come in and Sit down.

oooooooooooooooooooooh, things getting spicy here.

Date of chapter added-4/26/20