
We ran as fast as possible from the chicken but no matter how fast we ran it was always right behind us.

"You have a bow Ashe, use the damn thing to kill it!" I yelled. I turned my head around so I could look at Ashe and noticed that he seemed embarrassed. 'Please don't say what I think you're about to say.' I thought to myself.

"I just got this weapon not to long ago so I'm not that good with it." Ashe said. I gave Ashe an annoyed look before turning my head back around.

'That chicken's too big for us to fight here. Our best bet is to keep running and hope we find the exit.' I thought to myself.

As I was thinking to myself I was caught off guard by the person in front of us. He had a pompadour and was carrying a pick spear. As I observed him I noticed that he had a smile on his face. Before I could notice anything else his spear passed by everyone's face and hit the chicken.

"I am friggin awesome." The man said. I turned around to see what happened to the chicken and saw it laying on the ground with blood coming out of its head. I turned back around to look at the man and all of a sudden he was in front of me.

"Woah, personal space buddy." I said, taking a couple steps back. The man looked to be a couple years older than me and was completely ripped. He let out a small laugh and removed his spear from the chicken.

"You're welcome for saving you. Allow me to introduce myself, I go by the name of Jaeger. I placed third in the last challenge, how about you guys?" Jaeger said. Jaeger seemed to change his pose every second and would constantly comb his pompadour. As everyone looked at Jaeger a girl with purple hair and glasses turned the corner.

"Sorry about Jaeger, he's really energetic. I hope he didn't cause you any harm. How rude of me, I should introduce myself. My name is Holly and I've been friends with Jaeger since we were children." Holly said.

"No no, he didn't cause us any harm. In fact, he just saved us from that chicken behind us. Would you guys like to find the exit with us?" Asked Steven.

"I don't have. Problem with it." Said Holly shrugging. All of a sudden the maze began to change shape. Once it was done changing I saw something I wasn't expecting so soon, the exit.

As we exited we entered what looked like a coliseum. We could hear people cheering all around us. As we walked towards the middle of the arena I saw Daz in the middle smiling at us.

"It looks like our first three teams have made it out. Let's hear a round of applause for these people ladies and gentlemen!" Daz said. The crowd cheered for us but I wasn't feeling happy, I was feeling confused.

"Since when was this here?!"