What Now?

I didn't want to leave the area. I wanted to continue fighting Kerrin and Ren so we could get Eli's diamond back. I began walking back towards where Kerrin was but was stopped when I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going? Jyn already has the magic sword user covered and I'm one hundred percent sure Veronica and Erika can handle the duplication user." Gene said.

"Let us help out at least. We were fighting them long before you guys arrived." I said, removing Gene's hand off of me.

The ground below us began to shake suddenly. I looked around to see what was causing it but saw nothing. 'Maybe it's that hammer girl?' I thought.

A large bright light appeared above where Kerrin and Jyn were last seen fighting. The light was a bright blue and took the shape of a ball. I looked back to see if Gene knew what was going on but his face showed that he was as confused as I was. I turned back around and saw that the ball suddenly began to collapse on itself until there was nothing left.

"Well that was weird. Any guesses on what that thing was?" I asked.

'Did Kerrin do that?' I wondered. An explosion soon appeared where the ball once was causing everything around us to shake. A small dot could be seen in front of us getting larger by the second. When the dot got close enough I realized that it was a person coming directly at me. Before I could react the person crashed into me. I laid on the ground for a moment. The person was still on top of me making it hard to get up.

"Sorry about that. That magic sword user caught me off guard and blew me away." The person said, getting off me.

At that moment I realized it was Jyn who had fallen on me. I was surprised with how easily he just brushed everything off. He just fell from the sky and landed on someone and acted like he wasn't hurt.

"Do you need any help, Jyn?" Gene asked.

Jyn looked at Gene for a moment before looking at us. He observed me for a moment before looking down at my weapon. He made eye contact with Genki and just stared at them. He then returned his eyes to me.

"Since you're holding a Genmochi I'm sure you can handle yourself. Come help me defeat that magic user." He said, offering his hand out.

"Alright, but just so you know that magic sword users name is Kerrin. Just thought I'd let you know." I said, taking his hand so I could shake it.

Jyn nodded and began running towards where Kerrin was. I followed closely behind him staying on guard if any of Ren's clones would jump out at me. Before I got to far away I turned around to face Alice and waved them goodbye.