
"Stay on guard, kid. Those clones can pop out of anywhere at anytime." Jyn warned.

I nodded my head and ran next to him. Despite the big explosion there didn't seem to be much damage but it was still strong enough to cause Jyn to get launched towards us.

"Is there anything I should know about Ren's clones?" I asked.

"We don't know the style of clones he's using. It's hard to tell if the clones he's using are as strong as him or weaker. It would be best if they got weaker with each copy." Jyn said, keeping his eyes forward.

The thought of Ren's clones being as strong as him scared me. Though I myself never fought Ren, I saw what he did to my friends. My thinking was suddenly cut off when four Rens came out of nowhere and nearly hit me. Jyn ended up blocking all of their attacks and pushed them back.

Jyn changed his stance and suddenly began moving around all the Rens at a fast speed. He was going so fast that I could only see a blur. Jyn suddenly came to a stop and was holding his sword as if he had just slashed something.

"The hell was that supposed to be? You didn't even leave a scrat-" Ren's voice suddenly came to a stop as his eyes went blank. He, as well as the other three Rens fell to the ground.

I watched as the copies of Rens suddenly turned to dust. Jyn let out a deep breath and sheathed his weapon. 'Guess that means there's nobody around that's an enemy.' I thought, sheathing Genki.

"I'm surprised Veronica and Erika allowed some clones to escape. They must have been caught off guard." Jyn said.

Jyn began running back towards Kerrin again, leaving me to catch up to him. The area was looking more damaged as I got closer to Jyn. As I got closer to Jyn I noticed he had completely stopped moving. I began to slow down and stopped when I was right next to him.

A medium sized crater was in front of us. In the middle of the crater stood Kerrin. He suddenly took something out of his pocket. On closer inspection I noticed it was Eli's diamond.

"If you're done staring at him let's go." Jyn said, suddenly jumping into the crater.

I let out a sigh and jumped down as well. Kerrin seemed to notice us because he turned towards us. He put the diamond away and summoned his magic weapon.

"Let's pick this up where we left off shall we?" Kerrin said, suddenly appearing in front of Jyn.

Jyn blocked Kerrin's attack in the blink of an eye. 'Guess I should wait for an opening.' I thought, unsheathing Genki.

Jyn pushed Kerrin away and appeared behind him. Kerrin seemed to predict his movement and ducked underneath his attack. Jyn kicked Kerrin away from him and jumped back.

"Alright, Ren. You can come out now and take care of John." Kerrin said.