Invisible: Part 1

The palm trees swayed side to side, the water crashed into the sand, and the light source the tree gave us was shining bright. This town was nothing like what Serene said. She said it was a small village but this could be considered a town. The streets weren't as crowded though so that was nice.

"So why exactly did we come here? It's not summer so I don't see a need for anything beach related." Alice said, looking around.

"I wanted to check out where Serene lived. I also wanted to see how she was doing, I mean she traveled with us for a long time after all." I answered.

As we walked through the town I could hear what sounded like a guitar playing in the background. I looked around to see who was playing it but saw no one. The sound got even louder as time went on. Alice didn't even seem to notice the guitar playing which weirded me out. Were we being attacked?

I finally pinpointed where the guitar was coming from and looked up at one of the rooftops. Someone who looked around our age was standing up there. He didn't have a guitar in his hand, instead he had his sword drawn. I could see a smirk on his face as he looked at us.

"Alice, do you not hear any guitar playing right now?" I asked, just to make sure.

"No? Do you hear a guitar?" She asked.

I nodded my head and pointed up to where the person was standing. Alice gave me a funny look before turning away and walking off. I watched as she left and stood there in silence for a moment trying to figure out what just happened. When I turned around the kid was right in front of me.

"Please don't tell me my eyes are deceiving me! Can you actually see me and hear the music?!" The kid asked.

I nearly jumped back out of reflex from the kid. I could see some people give me a funny look as they walked by. I looked at the kid's weapon and noticed that it had the same markings as Genki and the other Genmochi I came across.

"Don't tell me that your Genmochi's power is that it makes you invisible to everyone and plays music." I said.

"Genmochi? Is that what this weapon is called?" He asked.