I can’t Fight a Demon!

A right hook across the face took me off my feet again. Before I could even fall, the man raised both hands and slammed them into my back, hitting me into the ground. I could feel him grab onto the back of my cloak.

He raised me up from the ground and just held me up. I could see Onar's fight thanks to that and it looked like he was also losing. Great.

An idea popped into my head as the man held me up. Even if it didn't hurt him, it'd create some distance between us. Having that in mind, I summoned my rainbow colored sphere on my hand and grabbed onto the man's wrist causing an explosion.

The smoke made it impossible to see anything but I knew for certain that I wasn't moving at all. Despite the explosion I just created, it didn't even make the man flinch.

"You'll have to try harder than that to escape from me-" the man had noticed that I had my other hand aimed at his face, also attached with an orb.

I slammed my palm into his face, this time it actually caused me to get away from him. Thanks to my little getaway, I ended up losing Genki.

I landed on the ground and put my guard up. The smoke from the explosion was still there but I doubt it would be up for much longer. Just as that thought crossed my mind, a white line appeared in the middle of the smoke.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

The smoke almost instantly disappeared leaving only the man holding onto his scythe. His stance told me everything I needed to know.

"I can't fight you at full power if you don't have your weapon." The man said, throwing my weapon right past my head and into the wall behind me.

The only thing that I could think of to beat this guy was using my aura. I'd do what I did last time and clear my head but Ichiro told me that wouldn't always work. He never did tell me how to activate it.

"Can you please pull me out of this wall?" Genki asked.

"Right, sorry." I said, removing Genki from the wall.

As the man began to walk over to me, I noticed that Alice was up and was aiming a spell at him. I knew that I had to stall for time until Alice was ready.

"So why are you helping a giant who wants to kill humans?" I said.

As I was hoping for, the man stopped in his tracks.

"Boss's orders." He responded, shrugging his shoulders.

"Do you mean Kerrin?" I asked.

The man raised his eyebrow when he heard me mention Kerrin. He lowered his scythe and changed out of his fighting stance.

"What? He's far from the boss in rank. Where'd you get the idea that Kerrin was the boss?"