They seem like a Nice Couple

The town seemed a lot livelier than before. Also almost everyone was staring at us, well by everyone I mean every female, and by us I mean Koda.

He'd occasionally wave at some of the girls but for the most part he looked like he was on guard. He'd occasionally look behind him as if he was checking if anyone was following us which made everyone feel a little uncomfortable. Who'd be strong enough to scare someone as strong as Koda?

"There you are!" A woman's voice came from in front of us.

A young lady pushed through the crowd and grabbed onto Koda's collar. She brought his head down to her level and headbutt Koda, leaving a bright red mark on both of their foreheads.

"How DARE you leave me on our date!" She continued to yell.

I went to step up and say something but Alice held me back. She had a mischievous smile on her face which told me exactly what she wanted. I was interested in how this would play out too after all.

"When did you even have the time to switch onto your battle outfit?!" The woman yelled, punching Koda's breastplate.

She recoiled in pain because she just hit a piece of metal.

"Actually, you can tell me later. We're going back to my place." She yelled, grabbing onto Koda's arm and pulling him off into the town.

"What in the? Release me at once!" Koda yelled frantically.

"Shut up!" She yelled.

We watched as the two of them disappeared in the crowd. With how much of a ruckus they were making, the entire town could practically hear them.

"They seem like a nice couple." Akio said.

We all turned our heads towards Akio and gave him a confused look.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, giving us a confused look right back.

Ichiro cleared his throat, "you guys want to grab something to eat?"

My stomach growled which gave everyone my answer. Alice, Akio, and Ichiro all began to laugh. Before I knew it, I had joined in too. The four of us spent the rest of our evening at the restaurant, thus bringing a full close to our quest.