Gut Feeling

The rock made contact with my arms and began to push me back. My hands were burning because of just how fast the rock was spinning. This whole situation just sucked.

Using every ounce of strength I had left, I somehow managed the throw the boulder just high enough to where I could move out of the way.

"Well how about that?" I said, before falling face first into the ground.

"Hmm. I'll give you a ten minute break before making you spar with Akari." The man said, before walking off into the forest.

Exactly ten minutes later I was doing everything in my power to dodge Akari's attacks. Even without her aura activated, she was capable of beating me in a couple of hits.

"Is dodging all you know how to do?" Akari said, just barely missing my face.

"No, it's just all I can do!" I said in a sarcastic voice.

Akari let out an annoyed sigh before knocking me off my feet with a kick. I saw that she was charging one of her punched up and made the split second decision to create an explosive sphere to blast me away.

The burning sensation I usually felt when I used that spell kicked in as I flew back into a tree. I fell to my knees and raised my head up to check the distance between the two of us.

Akari had somehow managed to get right in front of me in such a short period of time. She went in for a punch and would have ended hitting me too if it weren't for the old man yelling her name.

"Did you really have to beat him half to death? We want to train him not scar him for life." The old man said, letting out a sigh of dissatisfaction.

I slowly edged away from Akari's fist and started making my way over to the man. The man stopped looking at Akari and put his attention on me.

"Well you can certainly dodge I'll give you that. I'll teach you a fighting style that'll definitely help you out defensively." The man said, walking over to me.

"So I take it you think it's normal to basically kidnap someone and bring them into a forest just so you can train them?" I said with a pissed off look on my face.

"Normally no, but something big is about to happen and we're going to need as many fighters as possible if we want to combat whatever's coming." The man said, a concerned look crossed his face. One that told me he was scared of what was coming.

"I see now. So you felt that something was off too, right?" I said, somewhat understanding the man and his choice.

The comment caught both Akari and the man off guard. Just like them, I just had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. I did come all the way here because of it after all.

"I have some friends back at the town. If you wouldn't mind, could you please train them as well?" I asked.

All the concern on the man's face was gone, it had been replaced with a big smile. The area around us suddenly transformed into the outskirts of the town.

"You have until sunset." The man said, pointing towards the village.