I’ll Face Myself: John

The sound of dripping water echoed throughout the chasm. I opened my eyes and began to observe my surroundings. I was standing on top of a very small amount of water which showed my reflection. There weren't any walls around me, just a white void that seemed endless.

My reflection beneath me suddenly moved away and moved to the opposite side of the area I was in. Slowly, the water over there began to rise and take the shape of someone.

Without thinking much, I unsheathed Genki and slashed the rising water. To my disappointment, I saw that my attack had done nothing to stop whatever was happening.

The water had finally taken a form which looked identical to me. Every time I moved, it moved. It mirrored every one of my moved perfectly.

"What are you?" I asked, pointing Genki towards the water monster.

The monster didn't mimic me that time. Instead it took a fighting stance and rushed me head on.

I deflected it's attack and went in for my own only to end up with the same result as my doppelgänger. Each attack we made was easily blocked one after another. Whatever this thing was had perfectly copied my fighting style as well.

Before I could even begin to think of what to do next, the doppelgänger lunged itself towards me and hit my chest. Though it wasn't a deep cut, it still hurt like hell. Unfortunately for me, the assault wasn't over yet. It's weapon began to be surrounded my flames.

"It knows my spells too!" I yelled, using my own Flame Slash to block the attack.

This time I managed to give myself a small window of time to attack whatever I was fighting. I also seriously needed to come up with a name for this monster.

Using the opportunity I had made, I kept my Flame Slash up and went for another attack. Using all the power I could muster through this spell, I slashed my blade through their torso.

"Hopefully that work-" I cut myself off when I saw that the creature was reassembling it's body using the water around us.

"Of course you wouldn't go down that easily."