Village Celebration

Drums, dancing, a giant buffet. This was the perfect example of what a celebration should be. Despite all the excitement being thrown around, I stood from afar and watched as everyone had fun.

I just can't bring myself to enjoy this party while my friends are still out there. I trust them and I know they'll be okay but that doesn't mean I don't want to see them as soon as possible. It's not just that though. I want to help Bea and the villagers out with their problems. A long shadow has been cast on these islands for a long time and I want to bring light back to them.

"So that's where you wandered off to." A familiar voice called out to me from my left.

I turned my head slightly and saw Felix standing there with a neutral expression on his face. In his hand, he held a plate that was covered in food. It was good to know that at least one of us was enjoying ourselves. I let out a tired sigh and returned my focus towards the excitement of the town's celebration.

"Was there something you needed?" I continued to stare at the celebration.

Felix took a couple steps forward until he was practically right next to me, "I appreciate you doing all of this. Our original deal was for you to just help me find this place but you've even gone so far as to liberate some of its people! Honestly, I think you're incredible." Felix had quietly said that last part, hiding his face so he could avoid me seeing his embarrassed face.

My face burned bright red for a second. I had never really heard someone say that to me before and it honestly felt kind of nice. I can't quite think of the words of what I'm feeling right now so I'll just make it simple and say it made me really really happy.

"W-well it's not like I could just leave those people to fend for themselves. As an adventurer it's my job to protect those in need." I let out a nervous laugh.

"No it's not. Adventurers have no rule that states they need to help those in need. It would be appreciated but it's not like you had to sign a contract that says you're required to help people as much as possible." Felix responded.


"So why do you go so far to help people you don't even know?" Felix got a little closer but didn't get close enough for me to scoot away from him or anything.

I went silent for a moment. To Felix, my silence meant I was trying to find a way to answer his question. That wasn't why I was silent though. In actuality, I have no reason to help others besides I just want to. I guess maybe that was my reason.

I took a deep breath and looked Felix in the eyes, "I do it because I want to. That's all there is to it."

Despite my simple answer, Felix gave me a giant grin as if he was almost relieved. It wasn't like my answer was amazing or anything so why was he so happy?

"What?" I tilted my head a little from confusion.

Felix let out a small laugh, "you remind me so much of him."

So much of who? You can't just say him and expect me to know who you're talking about! What's with Felix anyway? He's usually kind of cold and distant but right now he seems kind of warm. Ugh I don't know how to explain it other than that.

Felix clearly caught on to the increase in my confusion and laughed again, "I guess saying him doesn't explain much, does it?"

No. No it doesn't.

"You see, I'm talking about my mentor. He was the one who taught me how to be a merchant. It's a long tale so I won't tell it to you now though. All you need to know is that you remind me of him." Felix smiled.

I stared blankly at Felix for a moment before cracking a smile myself, "when this is all said and done, I'd like to hear more about this mentor of yours. He seems like a nice person."

Felix's grin grew even bigger after hearing that, "He's the most amazing person in the whole world!"

Throughout the rest of the night, Felix and I kept each other company. Telling each other about all of our different encounters and how we got to where we were today. Thanks to him, I was able to relax a little and not be so focused on my friends who were still out there. And with that, the celebration came to a close.