The guards run towards the visitors, all of them young teenagers, men and women, a total of 15.

All former squires like OKE, whom they welcome with joy, through tears, can glimpse a future without war.

SATORI enters the palace, the young people helpful, attend and accompany SATORI.

Only a few adults have been left alive, no priest has survived.

While SATORI AND WAPURO talk about solving the problem by looking for priests all over THE UNDERWORLD.

OKE's gaze is lost within the walls of the palace.

She has memories of her father in the corners, she can't help but have a burst of nostalgia shake her soul, tears come out profuse.

INKU, goes to her side, he watches her and hugs her delicately.

OKE tells him about his father.

She tells her how happy she was to find him when she no longer had hope in life.

He sheltered her in her room, fed her, taught her that her life was valuable, and gave her a purpose.

He forced her to live long enough so that she could find INKU.

INKU looks at him in shock, hugs him tighter and kisses his forehead.

She only goes so far as to say that she deeply thanks her father for keeping her safe until she met her.

INKU asks OKE to stay by his side.

OKE, ask INKU.

Even if she is jealous?

Crazy, snatched and angry?

INKU smiles, says yes.

As long as I love him and fight by his side.

OKE kisses INKU, who reciprocate the kiss.

As the days go by, the relationship of KIRO, NAIFU, NEMU and KEKI has improved, although, it is not so close due to the nature of KEKI, it is comfortable to talk and be alone with them.

TOIRE enjoys seeing KEKI happy, carefree and thinking about a future, like she never did before.

KEKI and TOIRE go for a walk through the palace gardens, while the two are sitting on the grass.

TOIRE asks KEKI if he has any plans?

That is, where will he live?

Will he stay in the palace?

KEKI denies staying in the palace long, she would have wished to leave days ago, before, it was harder to do so.

She's not used to getting fond of people, if she does now, she may not want to leave anymore.

KIRO told him that's also his home.

She is the granddaughter of NAINARI, with it, her family.

KEKI thinks it may be true, but, he will not be happy in the palace.

She desires the campirana life next to TOIRE.

TOIRE blushes and is surprised by the comment, KEKI was never so direct.

She says TOIRE taught her a way of life, free, let-free, interesting and fun.

To be able to travel, to know and to have a place to return to after that adventure.

TOIRE relates that, it is something he would like to live again... all his life.

They both turn to see, blushing, almost holding their breath.

They approach their faces little by little, deflecting the face very close, leaving their mouths in the ear of the other.


Won't you regret it?

TOIRE replies. do you have doubts?

KEKI doubts if she can be a good wife for him.

TOIRE in a soft voice, deflecting his face to almost touch his lips, both with his eyes ajar.

TOIRE claims to learn with her to be a good husband until she hates him.

She rests her lips on KEKI's, she takes him from the nape of the neck so he doesn't escape the kiss.

KIRO passed by one of the corridors facing the garden, looking at them kissing.

He remembers NAINARI, KEKI has a resemblance to his late wife.

When KIRO arrives at a room where NEMU is with some women folding clothes, KIRO expresses that, it is possible that KEKI will soon leave the palace.

NEMU worried question why?

KIRO, somewhat nostalgic, exclaims that, KEKI is a woman who has found her man.

NEMU knows you need to hurry up and talk to KEKI.

That night, in the room they would have shared in the past with friends.

KEKI AND TOIRE are found in adjoining beds.

They talk about the last time they saw their friends, after settling into TOIRE's house, they must think about what they will do for a living.

TOIRE is a hunter, KEKI possesses knowledge of alchemy, esotericism and possesses the gift of healing.

She will dedicate herself to the healing of people.

TOIRE remembers how delighted she noticed KEKI, when they came to visit the waterfalls or were near a river.

For this reason, TOIRE asks KEKI.

Would you like to live next to the river where you first saw her?

Well, not exactly, but, it could be because of the part of the river that is near the village.

KEKI immediately turns to see him.

It gives her a self-conscious smile.

They knock on the door.

The two get up quickly.

They approach somewhat worriedly, as if they had been doing something wrong.

TOIRE opens the door, KEKI is behind him.

It's about NEMU, it's alone.

She observes KEKI, TOIRE realizes that she wants to talk to KEKI.

He asks for forgiveness, he has been starved, he will go to see if the lady in the kitchen can give him something to eat, he jokes as he leaves the room, he will offer to wash the dishes.

NEMU walks into the room and walks a little inside.

KEKI looks at NEMU.

TOIRE silently closes the door.

He knows that, although they have been together, there are things that have not been said.

KEKI invites NEMU to sit next to her on the terrace.

The fresh air greets them with a blanket of stars above the sky.

They both look in wonder at the sky.

The atmosphere is a bit uncomfortable.

TOIRE walks away from the door.

He will really go for food, not that he is hungry, they have already had dinner, however, he cannot come back empty-handed.

NEMU is the first to look down on KEKI.

NEMU confesses that, he doesn't remember his mother's face very well.

KEKI looks at NEMU at times so as not to bother her.

NEMU does not know if the face he saw in his dreams in the cavern with TESUTO, is his mother's face.

After what happened when NAINARI awarded him his star, it's as if a blanket of fog invaded his mind.

Some of this fog was cleared when NEMU handed over its star to KEKI.

KEKI felt a mind alien to her when she received that power, it wasn't herself who moved her body, it was someone else.

He wasn't acting out of hatred, however, it was something KEKI couldn't control.

A pain that froze the blood.

He doesn't know whether to say this to NEMU or not.