NEMU changes the tone of his voice, after a while.

She feels that, she did not have the courage to have supported in the battle as she would have liked.

KEKI immediately flips around, not believing what NEMU is saying.

KEKI corrects her, without the support of her and her family... (paused) our... family.

Of each of them.

We would never have succeeded.

You were a great support for me.

Also, carrying the power of the star wasn't easy.

NEMU tells him that it was only possible because, he did it unconsciously.

KEKI speaks to him seriously.

He tells her that, it's not just anything.

Although she was conscious at the time.

She didn't own his body.

NEMU is intrigued.

He doesn't know what he's referring to.

KEKI explains that, the power of the star was the one who fought against AISU and against that being within the portal.

She has no merit in anything.

Even to this day, he feels how that presence, at times, tries to take control.

She can't guarantee that, whether it's a good thing or not.

It just knows that it has terrifying potential.

NEMU cares.

KEKI promises to keep it under control.

If necessary, I would ask them for help.

KEKI promises to become stronger and more reliable to help her when KEKI needs her.

KEKI looks at her with a smile.

NEMU hugs KEKI, the subject of hugs is still young for KEKI, who reciprocate the hug a little self-conscious.

NEMU asks KEKI, will he leave?

KEKI answers yes.

NEMU, in a rogue tone, with him?

KEKI blushes a lot and separates a bit from NEMU who laughs at seeing her blush.

KEKI asks that you do not misunderstand things.

They will do things right.

NEMU knows this.

KEKI, thanks the warmth with which they have received her within the family.

KEKI mentions that his family (referring to INKU, OKE, TOIRE, WAPURO, ESU and UISUKII) has been strengthened with them 3.

Both look at each other with nostalgia.

NEMU observes KEKI, thinks that, there is a small resemblance between KEKI and the NAINARI of his dream.

She wishes with all her heart that that face would be that of her mother.

NEMU leaves the room.

As he exits, he looks at TOIRE sitting on the floor.

Eating what you bring in a tray about 3 meters from the door.

NEMU tells him with a smile that, KEKI is waiting for him.

TOIRE is careful when getting up with the tray on top.

NEMU takes one of the muffins that TOIRE has on the tray and winks at him with complicity.

TOIRE is satisfied, if NEMU is calm, then KEKI too.

TOIRE enters the room.

He observes that there is no one in the room, he walks to the terrace, looks at KEKI sitting, looking at the sky.

Feeling that, TOIRE has arrived.

She asks for something to eat, TOIRE sits next to her.

They start eating, KEKI mentions that, now if they can leave the castle.

TOIRE looks at him intrigued.

KEKI tells her that she and NEMU finally talked.

He has no unfinished business in the castle.

However, he plans to visit the city in the short term.

TOIRE asks.

When do you plan to leave?

KEKI assures you, the next day.

TOIRE agrees.

After eating, they go to sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, KEKI warns them that, they should leave as soon as possible.

TOIRE is amazed at the lightness with which KEKI announced his departure in the middle of breakfast.

But it was his surprise to see that, only NAIFU was surprised with the news.

KIRO AND NEMU were already waiting for it.

TOIRE takes the floor.

They can't leave without KIRO's approval.

KIRO looks at him intrigued, but he knows what he will hear.

TOIRE gets up from his seat, walks to the place where KIRO is located.

She kneels before him.

KEKI gets petrified, she didn't think TOIRE would do something like that so soon.

NAIFU is full of excitement.

NEMU, although, I expected it, excites him.

UISUKII, gives you warnings about the responsibilities that come with marriage, children, feeding them and changing diapers.

It brings a smile to TOIRE, who, although, the comments of UISUKII, have helped to relax, this step in his life, is something serious.

TOIRE asks KIRO for permission to marry KEKI.

KIRO with a laugh, gives as an answer, that, a person would normally first ask permission to woo a lady.

He has been very daring upon arrival, first by marriage.

KIRO asks if they have reached more privacy than necessary?

TOIRE AND KEKI blush in sorrow and deny such facts.

KIRO laughs again, followed by his daughters.

They know that TOIRE would do no such thing.

KEKI is also not so daring.

KIRO asks What are the plans they have?

TOIRE, mentions that, in the village of NAUM, TOIRE owns a house, there they will settle until they finish a house by the river, on the outskirts of the village.

Sure, that's over time.

What really matters is that, they want to get married in two weeks.

Everyone is surprised, even KEKI.

She throws a scream of scare.

TOIRE turns to look at her, he loved seeing her with a fuckful face.

KEKI knows it's too little time.

Just getting to NAUM will take about 5 days on horseback.

There is not enough time.

TOIRE explains that, before separating from WAPURO, SATORI and ESU.

They offered to prepare everything in the castle for the wedding day.

A few days ago they received the confirmation letter.

PRINCESS SATORI will allow them to get married in THE UNDERWORLD castle.

Things in the palace have improved has been restoring order and lost balance.

This surprise brings tears to KEKI.

She feels a pressure in her chest, TOIRE approaches her, hugs her.

He apologizes for causing him some wrong.

KEKI apologizes as well. question, is it right to feel so happy?

This causes a joy in others.

TOIRE kisses her cheek tenderly.

KIRO breaks the atmosphere after a while. exclaims that, it is not appropriate to approve the relationship.

He gives them the blessing for their marriage.

It only asks them one thing.

Both pay attention.

May they always be honest with each other.


They thank them for taking care of them and promise to see each other soon, on the wedding day.

In fact, NEMU and NAIFU, remind them that, it is customary, one night before the wedding, that the bride and groom spend the night in the company of their friends.

They gladly accept. KIRO warns them that an entourage will guide them to NAUM.

They give up, it's not necessary.

They only ask to be lent two horses.

KIRO asks them to choose a couple to be their wedding gift.

When they are ready to go on the trip, they visited the barn.

The manager showed them several horses and recommended a couple, who will give good offspring and who are in good age to procreate.

Having done this, KEKI and TOIRE depart from kiro's kingdom for NAUM.