Chapter XXX

As far as I could tell, Spencer was doing quite alright. He wasn't winning, but he wasn't losing either. Margo hasn't shown up yet, which meant she probably hasn't figured out a way to crack the safe.  That was when my phone rang. The screen showed it was my Nana. I excused myself to Spencer and walked to one of the balconies because it seemed quieter. 

"Hi, Nana."

I was greeted by a very nasty coughing sound.

"Nana, are you ok?"

"Yes honey, don't worry. It's just a cold. I'm just calling you to see if you heard from your father. I can't reach him."

"Um, no. I haven't."

"Could you find him for me please?"

"I'm not home. I'm at this party. Is it really urgent?"

"No. It's fine. Have fun at your party."

"You can try Victoria."

"Yes, I-I will."

She started coughing again.

"Are you really ok? Did you go to the doctor?"

"Yes, they said it's just a cold. Now, go and have fun."


She hung up. It didn't sound like she was fine. I went back inside, with a lingering feeling something was wrong. Being completely lost in my head, I didn't pay attention to where I was looking. When I realized I was standing behind Kathleen, my mind focused. Because I could see her cards. And, as a cheater at heart, I couldn't pass on the opportunity. 

She had two aces, which, I gathered throughout the game, was good. I stationed myself behind Spencers' chair again. I knew that, if I just leaned in and told him, it would be obvious. I glanced down at his cards. I didn't know if they were good or not. So, I decided to google them. They were nothing special, except for the pair of queens which don't beat hers. Suddenly he raised. For a lot. He probably thinks she was bluffing. I had to tell him. But how? I wish I knew morse code or something like those agents from movies...

Oh. OH! I got an idea. I really hope he gets it.

"I really thought poker was more exciting."

Spencer turned to me: "What?"

"I mean, I thought it's going to be more like in Casino Royale or something."      

"Sorry to disappoint," said Kathleen with boredom in her voice.

Spencer was staring at me. I wanted him to read the message from my eyes. Daniel Craig with two aces Spencer, come on!

"I thought you didn't like James Bond," he said softly, almost like he didn't want anyone to hear.

"I don't. But as the only poker-themed movie I've ever seen, It really set the standard for the real thing."     

  Come on Spencer! Use that pretty head of yours and think. He bit the inside of his cheek and a second later met my eyes. 

  He figured it out.

"Good to know," he said and grinned.

"I raise five hundred," He said and threw a few black chips on the table.

What the fuck?! He should have folded! What was he doing?

Kathleen, who had to go all in to call, was still short. Up to this point, it wasn't her night. She reached down, opened her clutch and pulled out a very elegant, yet old looking watch. Holy shit. She has it with her. It's not in the safe. Margo was wrong. Spencer pushed his phone in my hand and pulled me down by my shirt. His lips were on my ear again. 

"Call her. Now."

I nodded and quickly walked away. I frantically went through contacts to finally find his sisters'. No one picked up. I called again. And again. I send her a very panicked message. I saw Vanessa and practically ran to her. 

"Where's Margo?"

"Uh, I think she is still, um, looking for her earing in the bathroom,"  she said while glancing around if someone was close enough to hear.  

"Well, she won't find it. Because Kathleen has her earing."

Her eyes widened.

"Oh, shit."


"Have you seen it. Where is it now?"

"On the poker table."

"Ok. You guys keep Kathleen busy and I'll go up and find the idiot."

"Ok. Good luck."

"You too."

We hurriedly went our separate ways. 

Spencer was almost broke now. Why the hell did he raise? I must be missing something. He wasn't that much of an idiot. It was Spencers' last hand. He had so little money, he needed to fold or go all in. I leaned down to him again: "Margo is still upstairs. Vanessa went to get her. We need to stall."

He nodded subtly.

"Could you stop whispering ˝sweet-nothings˝ to him, so he can play uninterrupted."

"Jealous?" he replied without missing a beat, "I call."

They were the only two left playing. They revealed the cards and Spencer won. The game went on and I kept glancing towards the staircase if they were coming. There was still no sign of them.

She raised and Spencer had to fold.

What the hell were they doing so long?

I glanced at Spencers' cards. They were...good? His face was perfectly blank. I think it was a straight or a flush. Or whatever that thing is where you have all the numbers. She raised and Spencer went all in. There was still no sign of them. Ok, so Spencer wins this one and that buys us a little more time... 

"A straight flush. Good game Aron."

She stood up and Spencer turned to me questioningly. Ok, so we don't have more time.

"No, they are not down yet."


 He turned to the staircase and his eyes widened: "There they are."

They were running down the stairs. Kathleen, who was still putting her chips into her clutch, will leave at any moment. Her bodyguards were about to turn around when an idea popped into my head.

I pulled Spencer closer: "We need a diversion. So punch me in the face."


"Punch me in the face. Now."

He just stood there motionless. I glanced at Kathleen who stopped packing and turned to go. Margo and Vanessa will be seen in a few seconds.

"Just do it, you idiot. Punch me. Now, you moro..."

So he did. And motherfucker did it hurt!

"Ugh, fuck! You really enjoyed that!"

He has a mean right hook. 

I didn't notice everyone staring at us at first, but I guess getting everyone's attention was the goal.

"It's not my fault you lost!" I yelled at him.

He looked confused for a second, but then, like always, read what I wanted to do perfectly.

"If you didn't bother me I wouldn't have."

If there was one thing we knew how to do, was fight.

"Maybe you are just incompetent."

"Or maybe if you actually understood the damn game I wouldn't need to spend my time telling you what was happening!"

"Are you sure you knew?"

He got closer to me: "You sure you want to be a smartass right now?"

"Can't help myself. At least one of us has to have IQ in positive numbers."

He pushed me away: "Asshole!"

I pushed him back: "Prick!"

We traded insults with very weak shoving. In a few instances, he seemed like he was about to start laughing.

Suddenly he nudged his head slightly to my left and from the corner of my eyes, I could see the security guys coming toward us.

But then someone grabbed my hand. Margo was holding my arm firmly and it seemed like Vanessa was doing the same to Spencer. 

"I am sorry, I think they've drunk a little too much. I think we'll retire for tonight. Thank you, Kath, for a lovely evening."

They dragged us towards the opening gates.

"Come on, at least pretend to be tipsy," she murmured to me.

I tripped over my own feet for effect.

As soon as we were out the door, we practically ran to our car. When we got in, there was a tense silence for a moment, just heavy breathing. But then...Spencer started laughing. Really laughing. I don't think I've ever heard him laugh this much and this openly. It made me laugh as well and soon we were all just guffawing. 

"Oh god," said Vanessa when we all calmed down a bit "This one was for the history books."

"Kathleen will never let us forget it."

That gave me pause. I didn't even think about how all of this can affect their reputation.

"Are you worried about that?"

His attention was now on me with an expression very foreign to me. It was soft and his eyes were almost smiling.

"Not even a little."

"Honestly what happened is not even that special. So don't worry, there are always fights at these things," Margo added.

"Also thanks for the diversion. Nice quick thinking," she pats me on the back.

"Sorry about your watch. I know you didn't have a chance to get it back."

She scoffed, reached into her dress and pulled it out of her bra.

"I snagged it when you two were ˝brawling˝. It was really easy actually. Her peripheral vision sucks."

Spencer shook his head but didn't actually seem angry or even displeased: "I don't condone this behaviour and I really hope this is the last time we will have to do something like this."

All three of us gave him a very doubtful look.


"You hypocrite," I said and playfully punched his arm.

 "Ok, there is a difference between stealing staplers and stealing a very old and expensive watch."

"It was mine first."

"Yeah, but that's not an actual argument."

"You did steal my phone once and car keys," I said slightly absentmindedly.

"Oh, really brother? That behaviour is completely unacceptable, for someone who bears the name Spencer."

I snickered.

"You almost got arrested for smoking weed twice, so shut up."

"You smoke?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, because I don't like to drink and that really relaxes me."

"Wow, you are perfect. Want to get married?"

She chuckled.

"Sorry Lukas, but she is practically promised to my brother," said Vanessa with a mischievous smirk.

Margo blushed in deep red.

"Shame, maybe in some other life then."


I glanced at Spencer who was watching us with a very fond smile.