Chapter XXXI

We got into Spencers' apartment. He insisted for me to crash on his sofa since it was pretty late. The girls went to their rooms and Spencer lent me one of his T-Shirts and sweatpants. 

"Is your face ok?"

I touched my now bruised jaw.

"It hurts a little. I didn't know you could punch that hard."

"I'm full of surprises. But then again, it could also just be because it's you. You know, the culmination of every time I wanted to do that."

I smiled. He went into the kitchen and came back with a bag of peas. He pressed it to my face and I leaned into the cold touch. I sat on the couch and he followed me.

"Thank you. For the peas."

"No problem. Thank you for coming with Margo."

"I had fun."

He laughed: "You had it easy."

"I wouldn't say that exactly, but I enjoyed myself."

"I heard you caused quite a storm around the gossip pool, but luckily for you, Demi liked you, so she kept it contained."

My eyebrows shot up: "That was contained? In five minutes everybody knew who I was."

"Yes, everybody at that party. If Demetra didn't approve of you, everyone who was anyone would know you. And by that, I mean also things you might don't want them to know. If people are curious enough, they can find anything.  She might seem harmless but that girl can fuck your shit up."

"What the hell is she? A gossip holder equivalent of a mob boss?"

"She is actually a cardiologist. But yeah, basically."

"How are you still standing then? She told me you slept with her and then bolted."

He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'm not proud of that. We were 19 and I just broke up with," he stopped "doesn't matter. We hooked up and I left before she woke up. She isn't pissed because of that. She was angry because we were friends before and then I ignored her."

"Nice move."

"I was 19! I was just out of high school. Like you were mature at that age."

"That was five years ago and you make us sound like we are forty. And no, I wasn't."

He let out a breath, closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the sofa cushion.

"I also heard that I am apparently very much your type."

His eyes opened and he looked surprised. Or maybe panicked. Both probably.

"You, um, that's not true. At all. I mean, I don't have a type, uh, but-but even if I did, you wouldn't be that. It. My type."

I chuckled. He was blushing so hard.

"Relax. I don't care about that, jeez. We aren't twelve."

He looked away from me and then cleared his throat.

"How long have you been going to these things," I asked.

"Since I can remember honestly. A family like ours was expected to show up together. As kids, we were always put into a separate room, with other children. I was bored out of my mind. I managed to drag Vanessa with me, but Margo never had anyone. But she never minded the parties as much as I did."

He wasn't looking at me, his light hair falling slightly on his eyes. I felt a sudden urge to brush them away. That would've been way too strange.

"Your childhood seems nice. I mean, yeah, there must have been pressure to always be perfect, but a childhood with supportive parents, who didn't end up in a shit storm of a divorce. Sounds great to me."

Now he did look at me, his beautiful blue eyes didn't hide any of the sadness he must have felt: "A supportive parent. Just one. And no, it wasn't that great. Dad hardly knew Margo up until she was 18 and realized she will be his successor in the company. And my mother probably barely remembered my name, even though she chose the damn thing."

I chuckled.

"At least she didn't disappear from your life for three years."

He furrowed his eyebrows: "What?" 

That was when I remembered that his mother died and I felt like a dick.

"Forget it."

"No. And don't even think about changing the subject just because my mother is dead. I can handle it. It's been a long time."

I sighed. I didn't plan on revealing that. I don't like talking about that part of my life. But if I just had to open my damn mouth, I might as well tell him everything.

"When my parents got divorced, she went on a trip to...I never asked actually, everywhere I presume. I was really close to her before the split. She didn't even try to get custody. Not even part of it. She just let dad take us. It's not like I didn't like dad, we just weren't that connected. We are better now I think. And then she went away. I tried to contact her almost every day. So did dad. And Victoria. She completely cut us out. So I gave up and cut her out in return. Then she just showed up, out of the blew, expecting us to shower her with love because she decided to become our mother again. We were 15 and 14 when she came back. If I was dad and she did that to me I would have never let her stay in our lives. Ever."

He nodded. He brought one leg up on the sofa, swung his arm over the cushions and shifted closer to me. 

"So you have mommy issues. Welcome to the club."

That was unexpected.

"Huh. I thought you were going to be all...shrinky."

"Nah. I could bullshit for half an hour, but it's 2 AM and I just feel like being straight forward. Also, I am NOT a shrink."             

I laughed at his slightly annoyed face. The corners of his mouth turned up a moment later. Only then did I realize how close we were sitting. And how quiet it got.

"You know, if you were a female or if I wasn't straight, I would have probably tried to make a move on you right now." 

His eyes got wide and he stuttered: "Wh-What?! Why?"

I shrugged: "It's late, dark, quiet. We are sitting closely, gazing into each other eyes. You do the math."

He scoffed: "Aha, ok, sure. And what then?"

"Well, you would fall for my charms and go all weak in the knees. Then we would start a very controversial, yet admittedly pleasurable affair."

"I thought you learned your lesson when it comes to dating your co-workers."     

"You would think that. But no. You seem to underestimate my love for controversial."

He scooted even closer so our legs were practically touching. 

"And how would it end, if I may ask."

"You would probably screw something up. Like fall in love with me."

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Or buy me something from Hemingway. I can't stand his work."

He smiled slightly: "I didn't know that."

"Well, obviously, since I never told you."

"It's funny how you think I would be the reason we broke up."

"What are you talking about? I'm perfect."

"Oh, Lukas O'Neal you are many things. Perfect is not one of them."

I smirked.

"Are you flirting?"

"Of course not."

"Too bad."

We were staring at each other. I felt like we were competing who will turn away first. And I really didn't want to turn away. The tension was exhilarating. But the moment he started cracking a smile I gave up as well. We laughed for quite some time until he tapped my leg and stood up.     

"Alright, I am going to bed. will you be ok sleeping here?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you."

He nodded and started walking towards his room.

"Oh, and Spencer," he stopped "You owe me a dance."

He looked over his shoulder and said with a smirk: "Put it on my tab."