Chapter 4

I woke up suddenly, opening my eyes to darkness. I tried moving my hands, they were chained. I tried moving my legs, they were chained. I sat there for a second trying to remember everything that happened beforehand. Oh right...


"They don't like what you're doing Felix" I said while giving a creepy smile.


"Look at you, you look like a dog with their tail between their legs.."


I watched as he struggled, the life slowly depleting from his eyes. "Good night Felix, I loved you, but you broke my heart like a bitch." I kissed his forehead, looking at him one last time before I got up turning around.


"WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS!!!" I screamed in fear and rage.


Whimpering, I cowered in the corner of my bathroom shaking, crying, head pounding, blood dripping off me, and screaming while these voices were just screaming at me.


I looked up in fear and saw the person pointing the gun straight at me, yelling something I couldn't hear.


As they were struggling to hold me back, someone came in with a long fricking needle. "NO NO NO NO NO P-PLEASE L-LEAVE ME ALONE" I sobbed. It was no use cause I eventually felt it prick into my skin and felt whatever substance it was ooze into me.

*End of Flashbacks*

Tears starting rolling down my cheeks for the thousandth time today. My body jolted up when I finally realized that I'm in a van or car or something that went over a bump. So... great... I can't move, I don't know where I am, and I don't know where the fuck they're taking me.

'They caught you Jimin'

"Fuck off" I said.

'They took you away because you killed him Jimin'

"LET ME OUT" I yelled while trying to get out of the chains. "SHUTUP BACK THERE" someone yelled back banging against the door that separates me from the driver. Mumbling under his breathe, "we're almost there". After I heard what he mumbled my body gave out and my mind decided to think of all the horrible places that they might take me to.

I guess I was kind of out of it because eventually the truck abruptly stopped.

The doors were pulled open and my eyes immediately got blinded by the lights (😏OOOOOOOO I'M BLINDED BY THE LIGHTSSSSS... sorry for the musical outburst love y'all T^T💜🥺). I squeezed my eyes shut for a second trying to block the light... oh wait I'M FUCKING CHAINED I CAN'T DO THAT BECAUSE OF THESE ASSHOLES!... sorry I'm salty y'all this is just bullshit and I don't know where the fuck I'm at. I opened my eyes again, blinking to get them to adjust. Once I finally could SEE I saw men coming into the van. "Let's go freak"

I sighed and complied with them as they unchained my handcuffs and the feetcuffs (are they feetcuffs? 030 wtf are those called. It like handcuffs on your feet if you know what I mean... I honestly don't fucking know) and pushed me out of the van. I tripped and almost fell because of them, these bitches. "Watch it" I scolded them.

They apparently didn't give a shit about my opinion, not that anyone ever does, because they kept pushing me towards this huge building. I don't know how I didn't notice this building until now, but when I looked up, I found a fucking asylum... OH. HELL. NO. I tried to wriggle out of their grasp but the serum they gave me to make me fall asleep also made me weaker. This just keeps getting worse and worse. I tried to pull away from them but they stronger and THESE BITCHES ENDED UP TASING ME LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!

I screamed at the top of my lungs. The pain coursed straight through my body all over. "You can't get away Freak, you're going to be here for the rest of your life". A tear went down my face and at this point I couldn't tell if it was because of the pain, the fear, the fact that I'm mentally fucked up, or a mix of all three of those.

They dragged me down the hall to a room and chained me to the wall. They started doing a search on me to make sure that I didn't have anything stowed away. I felt extremely uncomfortable, a little violated even. Let's just say they got really close to some prince parts.

Once that was done they took me to another room that was really closed off, no windows, nothing. They at least let me have some privacy and let me get dressed by myself, even though I saw a camera in the corner... perverts. I get it though they need to take precautions with the crazy people, cue my eye role.

After that they took me to this room that said "WARDEN" on the door. On the way there, I suddenly heard screaming, "NO, NO, LET ME GO". Someone was being dragged the hall. They were about to pass by me and we made eye contact. He must've realized I was just being admitted he yelled to me, "RUN AWAY, ESCAPE THIS HELLHOLE, WHATEVER HE SAYS IS BULLSHIT". The guards clamped his mouth shut and tased him, "shutup".

That struck some fear into me as the door opened and there stood the warden giving the most frightening grin I've ever seen. What have my voices gotten me into this time....


Hey everyone! It's Fridayyyyy!!!

How is everyone doing? How was your week my gorgeous/ handsome/ amazing people?!?!

I hope it went well, I know mine kind of did.

I had a senior meeting this week because i'm graduating this year from high school and gosh it's a lot. 😫😖

Anyways, I really hope you liked this chapter, I've been working on it throughout the week. I will post the next chapter next Friday.

Please comment any criticisms, suggestions, or maybe just say if you like the story or not. I really like to have feedback because this is my first time being so devoted to a story and I want to make it enjoyable for not just me but for all of you as well.

I am very surprised with how many people have read this out of the three websites i've been posting on (Quotev, Wattpad, and Webnovel) and I want to thank you all for supporting me with this story and actually reading it.

Remember you can ask whatever questions about me and I will answer it truthfully unless it makes me uncomfortable.

Anyways, again, thank you all. See you guys next week! Love Y'all!💜💜💜✌😁