Chapter 5

"Come on in Park Jimin I've been expecting you" he said. That sent chills straight down my body and gosh I am scared as hell. He turned and sat behind his desk gesturing the guards to bring me in. I got nudged (pushed) to go inside and they brought me to a chair, chaining me there as well. They must have had troublesome people in the past.

I gulped as I slowly took in the man with the name "JEON SEUNGRI" plastered on his nametag, door, little sign on his desk, and everywhere my eyes panickily landed on. Eventually my eyes landed on the man and he was staring straight at me.

"Let's get started shall we?" he said.

"W-with what?"

"With our little welcoming conversation with all our new patients". I word 'patient' sounded so sickening to me. I sat there in silence, taking in what he's gonna say. I wonder what that guy was talking about this being all a lie.

"Mk, you seem like the silent type, good, this will be simple and easy." He gave another grin that gave me fear.

"So, welcome to the Silverwing Psychiatric Hospital, where we will do our very best to give you the care you need and the chance to better yourself." Silverwing huh? Never heard of it. As for "psychiatric hospital" that's just another stupid fucking name for an asylum.

"We have many people who have been cured here with our state-of-the-art treatments. I believe you will like it here and get along well with the others". Others? I'll have to interact with other "patients"?

"Speaking of which, you will be living in our 17-year-old (pretend the members included are all 17 or about to be 17) living quarters. The other patients there will be your age." Well obviously, I'm not a complete idiot.

"Tomorrow you will be evaluated by our best doctor to see what course of treatment you will be following while you are staying here. Is there any questions?"

"why was that boy tazed in the hallway?"

"He did not show any signs of cooperation. You see, some people here do not want to be treated but they must be treated so they can properly go out into the real world again. We simply do what we can to cure our patients here. Any other questions?"

Oh lord this is going to be so much fun, note the sarcasm. "Well, I would like to say one thing. I did not fucking ask to be here. I was not told I was going to be in an asylum and you have no rig-"

"It's not an asylum, it's a psychiatric hospital" the man interrupted.

"SAME FUCKING THING. I'VE READ ABOUT ALL THE SHIT YOU DO HERE AND IT'S FUCKING WRONG. I'D RATHER GO TO FUCKING PRISON THAN HE-" and that's when I felt the prick in my arm and pain go straight through my body again, body relaxing, and I felt paralyzed.

The warden stood up from his chair, walked around his desk, and crouched in front of my limp figure. "You're going to get the treatment you need, and you're going to cooperate, and when you leave here no one would even listen to you anyway... Freak... take him away."

A tear slipped as I was getting unchained, god I hate that name so much. It's funny how my voices stopped talking for a bit cause they're getting what they want and they're finally ripping me apart completely. I felt myself get picked up and taken down the hall to, I'm guessing, my new "room".

We finally got to our destination; I was to lost in my thoughts to even notice. They put in the passcode and swiped the key card to my room, opening it. I heard from all directions as they laid me on the bed. But I didn't seem to care as I just couldn't move and stared at the ceiling while letting tears escape my eyes.

"There's a new guy?" I heard someone question.

"Yeah, but let's leave him alone for a bit before we do anything. I think they gave him the shot that paralyzes you."

"oh, those hurt"

"yea, poor dude, he must've pissed off Seungri"

"He gets a bit drastic when he doesn't get his way"

"okay quiet, quiet, he must be exhausted, let's leave him alone and wait for Jungkook to come back"





After listening to the strangers conversations, I wondered what was gonna happen as my eyes slowly fluttered shut.


Hey guys, sorry I posted this a little later than usual. I had to cram for a huge test instead, but I mean, at least it's Friday!!!

Okay anywaysss, how are y'all, how y'all been?

I finally got a comment other than my two friends for this on wattpad and it seriously made my day.

Each of my platforms are doing good in their own sense and so happy with the progress that has been made.

We are finally getting to the part where Jimin is gonna meet everyone! I'm so excited, I have so much planned for this fanfic.

Also basketball is starting up again, I actually have practice tonight. So, that means I'm gonna have to work harder on everything cause I'm gonna be having practices and games. Which means less time for homework and fanfic. But, it's my senior year and I love basketball even if I suck at it so I really want this and I'm doing it.

ANYWAYS, god i keep getting side tracked.

Please comment any criticisms, suggestions, opinions, and just wanna tell me something random af. I seriously love comments. Also remember you can ask me any questions about myself and I will answer honestly unless it's something that makes me uncomfortable.

Okay, that should be it. I hope you all have an amazing week. I think I'm going to my sisters cheer competition tomorrow. Also, NEXT WEEKEND IS THE SPOOKY SEASON DAY, HALLOWEEN, YAS QUEENS/KINGS/WHATEVER TF YOU WANNA BE CALLED, I WUV SPOOKY SEASON!!!!

LOL LMAO okay ANYWAYS love y'allllllll and i hope you have an amazing weeeeekkkkkkk. Thank you so much for supporting me and reading this, it means the world to me. CYA NEXT FRIDAY!!! 😁✌💜💜��💜💜💜💜💜💜