Chapter 6

I slowly opened my eyes feeling unbelievably tired. Where am I?

'Don't you remember that you got caught idiot?'

I groan cause I know those voices all too well... "you got what you wanted didn't you, why are you here again, to make my life more miserable".

'Why of course my lovely Jimin'

"Shut the fuck up". I took a look at my new surroundings sighing, it wasn't till then that I saw someone peering through the barred-up window/divider thing (I'll draw a picture of what his surroundings look like later for reference). He quickly went back down when he noticed I caught him.

"That's Yoongi, he seems to be interested in you surprisingly" someone said behind me. I turned around and saw someone looking at me in the other cell next to me.

"My name's Taehyung, what's yours?"


"Nice to meet you Jimin, I won't ask you what got you in here cause I bet your pretty sensitive to the question rn, but if you ever need me I am literally here most of the time." I nodded to this.

"T-thank you"

I smiled a smile that oddly looked like a box but it was cute. "Your welcomes, there is 6 others that are in the 17-year old area. Would you like to meet them?"

"I might as well if I'm being forced to stay in this hell hole."

"Mk, BOYS HE'S UP LET'S INTRODUCE OURSELVES" I flinched at the loudness of his voice. Thankfully, I don't think he noticed but the boy behind me who was staring in curiosity did.

"Aish quit yelling" I heard a voice say.

"Sorry hyung, any waysss let's introduce ourselves down the row I guess. Hoseok you can start."

At the far end behind Taehyung was a boy that just radiated happiness. "Hiya! I'm Jung Hoseok, nice to meet you and I hope we can get along!"

Next up was a boy that seemed pretty shy. I could tell he was crying before but I pushed it aside for now. "I-I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you"

Next was Taehyung, "I already introduced myself but hi I'm Kim Taehyung, nice to meet you" he giggled.

I smiled a little at that and turned around to the poor the first boy I saw. "That's Min Yoongi, he's mute so this is why he isn't introducing himself" Taehyung said.

"Nice to meet you Yoongi..." I smiled lightly again, which gave me a nod in response.

"How does he communicate with others?"

"They give us these coloring pads with crayons, which you will find under the bed, since they give us pretty much nothing to do here. So, he usually communicates this way."


I looked behind Yoongi to make eye contact with the next person.

"And I am Kim Seokjin, you can just call me Jin, it is nice to meet you" he gave a soft smile that would remind me of a motherly smile if I had a good one.

"And lastly, I am Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you" I nodded.

Can I just be honest and say I'm surrounded by hot guys! Like their fucking Gods. Curse my sexuality and mind. I thought it was odd though that Jungkook was the only that didn't say his surname. But he looked oddly familiar somehow. The person who interested me the most was Yoongi. I wonder what got him put in here. I let it slide and introduced myself, glancing at yoongi every couple seconds.

"Hi, my name is Park Jimin and it is nice to meet you all as well, I hope we can get along". I saw them all look at me curiously, I bet they don't see new faces much.

All was going well until the doors opened and the guards came in. I looked at Taehyung in panic, to which he responded with a sympathetic smile saying "It'll be okay I promise, their going to choose your 'treatment' while you're here". He used quotation marks around the word treatment with his finger, which kind of scared me but I knew this was coming.

I nodded sadly and let them take me away.

*Yoongi's POV FINALLY*

I watched as they took him away feeling extremely horrible that he has to go through this. He looks like he shouldn't belong here, innocent even, but with a hard past. I went and got my notebook and crayons and wrote something down. "I wonder what he's in here for" I wrote down and showed Taehyung.

He was staring at the door until Jin, thankfully, got his attention. "Tae, Yoongi wants to ask you something". I looked at him and gave and mouthed a thank you.

"Huh... oh... yeah I don't know what he'd be in here for". Suddenly he gave little smirk, "You've never been so interested in someone before". My eyes widened and I quickly scribbled down "Fuck off, don't start that shit, we all know you like kook". I showed him and his eyes practically bulged out of his skull to which I returned a smirk back.


Jin seemed to know what was going on because he was just laughing his ass off. "He got you good hehe"

Jungkook peered back up wondering what all the commotion was about and I quickly hid the notebook. "What's happening?"

"n-nothing kookie" Taehyung scrambled to say and turned around to give him his famous smile while flipping me off behind his back. I love that kid.

Taehyung went to talk to Kook instead since he had a lot going on today while went and sat back down on the bed wondering why the hell this boy got sent here. I wonder what kind of torture they'll put him through. I guess we'll have to find out when he gets back...


Hewwos everyone!!!

Yayyyyyyy!!!!! Jimin finally met the rest of them and we have our first Yoongi POV :D

I am really happy with how this fanfic is going and I am motivated to complete (that won't be for a long time though, don't worry). I have so much planned for this. I have so many that are supporting me with this book. I need to especially thank Shreya and Apple, I wuv chu both. I wouldn't be this far without you guys.

I have around 35 readers on Quotev, around 90 views on Wattpad, and 1,778 on Webnovel so thank you for at least looking at this.

Also, please tell me what you think, I can't believe we're at chapter 6 already. I wish I could update more but you guys already know my schedule and I don't think I could.

Anyways, TOMORROW IS SPOOKY SEASON DAY! AKA HALLOWEEN!!! If you are dressing up, what do you plan to dress up as? I'm going to my friends Halloween party tomorrow and I'm dressing up as a Steampunk. I wanted to be Jack Skellington (I'm obsessed with him if you didn't know, even my house key is Jack Skellington) but I didn't have enough time to buy the stuff for it.


Okay, I gotta get back to school before I get caught on here. Love y'all so much. Thank you for supporting me and this story. Please comment if you like this story, any comments/criticisms/suggestions/or just anything in general. I'll see you guys next Friday or sooner cause of the drawing! Love y'all!!! 😁✌💜💜💜💜💜💜