Chapter 7

*Back to Jimins POV (sorry)*

They took me down the halls to yet another office. I tried to stay calm with the reassuring words that Taehyung gave me, hoping that I could trust him. I hope they don't do too much for this "treatment" as they call it. We got to a door and they opened it. I was dragged to the hospital bed and the guards secured me to it. As they retreated to the corner of the room to keep watch on me, a woman in a lab coat came it. Let the fun begin...

A young woman with a lab coat entered the room and sat her stuff down on the desk. She quickly looked through the files she had and stood up straight. She was very beautiful to be extremely honest with you. I looked away and sighed waiting for this torture to begin.

"Hello, my name is Hwa Min I am the lead doctor here at the Silverwing Psychiatric Hospital. I will be asking some questions about you to find out what treatment is best suitable for your stay here. I ask that you please answer all questions honestly" I nodded at this.

"We've been waiting for you to come here for a while now Park Jimin... We were just waiting for you to snap." My eyes widened a little at this and I turned my head to look at her.

"Does this mean you all have been stalking me"

"Well... I wouldn't call it stalking... I'd call it keeping a watchful eye on you. We know everything about you so I will know if you are lying to me and we don't want that do we?". She held a syringe in her hand so I just gulped and nodded, afraid of the substance within it.

She sat down, taking out her files on me. Gosh it's scary to think that all this time they've been watching me. She started asking the basic questions like my name, date of birth, and all that jazz. I complied to her questions hoping that this will end soon.

Then she started asking about my family life, which I also complied with. I told her about how I don't really have parents because I talk/see them once every few months. I told her about my biological mother, my past with her, and the fact she's addicted to drugs and she's an alcoholic.

Next she asked about my school life. I told her how I get bullied daily and I don't have friends anymore because of my voices and my sexuality.

Then she finally started asking me about my voices and the murder. How long I've had them, what they say, when do they usually occur, why I killed Felix, what drove me or pushed me over the edge to do so. I answered everything honestly while she wrote everything down in the files. What I don't understand is why is she asking me all this stuff if they've been stalking me and know everything about me.

"Mk, I will put together a treatment plan for you and we will get started on it next week. Is there any other questions before you go?"

"How long have you guys been watching? And why have you been watching me?"

"Well, we've been watching you for a very long time, since you were born. As for why...". She hesitated; I saw the panic in her eyes as she formulated a quick lie. "We found interest in you and found you to be a person who needed help and to be cured of your pain"

"I don't understand..." She was lying somewhere in there; I can tell a lie when I see one.

"We are here to help Jimin... Anyways, we will start your treatment next week, please take him back to his room"

They freed me from the hospital bed and escorted me back to my room or cell I should call it. I was just focusing on why I was really being watched. She seemed extremely hesitant; she has to be hiding something. Well... I am in an asylum I shouldn't be surprised that they're keeping something important from me. I'm most likely just going to be an experiment to them. I'm a freak to them.

When I finally snapped out of it, I was back in my cell and I guess the guards were long gone already. I saw out the window near the ceiling that it was dark out. Everyone was probably asleep already as I heard some snoring a few cells over.

I looked at my surrounding, I haven't really had time to do that yet. My eyes stopped at the divider between me and Yoongi's cell. I saw a small boy peeking up at me curiously. I looked behind me to see if he was looking at someone behind me and there was no one. They were all asleep except me and him. Maybe I can get to know him a little better. I stepped closer.

"H-hi" I said, hoping not to scare the timid boy.

He turned away and went elsewhere. Well, that went great. I was about to turn back around and get some sleep until he returned with his notebook and crayons. He wrote down "hi".

"Your name is Yoongi, right?"

He nodded and wrote down "Yes... how'd your visit with Hwa Min go? Did they hurt you at all? They usually don't the first time" He looked a little panicked... cute.

"No she just asked basic questions like my name, age, and stuff like that. Then asked about my family, school, and what she's treating me for"

He hesitated before writing down "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to but... what did you get put in here for?"

I sighed and hesitated... he's probably going to think I'm insane. I shouldn't worry about that at an asylum but this boy looked like a normal kid. There's no way he's in here for something bad. I mean I guess it's going to come out anyways...

"I know you're going to think I'm crazy after this. But, it's going to come out eventually..." I sighed my mind recollecting everything that happened within the past 48 hours. I saw him look with sympathy and interest and then he wrote down. "You really don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable. No, I won't think you're crazy, we all went through something to get us put in here, for most, they didn't even do anything wrong..." He showed me and looked sad at this.

"Well... this was my fault and something I did... I guess I should probably begin with the fact that I have these voices in my head. They tell me many bad things... one day I was getting bullied at school for something". I didn't want to come out as gay yet, hoping I wouldn't lose a potential friend. Never mind I might as well if I'm stuck here.

"The leader of the group of bullies was an old friend and past love and best friend of mine who went by the name of Felix. We were the best of friends until we got to high school. I loved him then but I never found the courage to tell him. Thank god I didn't. He got pulled into the high school cliques and we grew apart. I had my friends and he had his. One day he told the whole school about my voices and that I was g-gay. He told everyone about my biological mother who's an alcoholic and a drug addict and the shit she put me through. She was the one that caused me to get these voices. He told them about my father and stepmother about how they didn't care about me. About how they left on 'business trips' to get away from me. I never did anything but he laid my life open for everyone to see. I lost all my friends and that's when the bullying started. They bullied me because they knew my parents would never know and because I was gay and because I'm ugly and because I was already fucked up in the head. I had no one. That day my voices became too much and were screaming in my head and told me to kill Felix." I let a tear slip as I continued my story.

"I didn't w-want to but they pushed me too hard and they made me grab the knife I cut myself with and they pushed me to kill him. I r-regret it so much. The looks on his friends faces who were also bullying me looked so scared before they ran. I snapped out of it and ran home, my parents, of course, weren't home. I cut myself like I n-never did before and t-that's when they got me. My voices were screaming to kill him and then they blamed me. I didn't even get to say bye to my parents. I-its all my fault for listening to them a-and now Felix is d-dead" By now I was crying, I wouldn't be surprised if the others woke up because of me.

I was scared to look up at Yoongi, but I did anyways. He had a tear slip as well and reached his hands through bar gesturing me to come closer. I went to the bar and took my face and wiped my tears. Then he took my hands and looked me in the eyes. He looked at me with such sympathy. I've never been able to experience such a thing before and it was all new to me. He withdrew his hands and started writing.

"That wasn't your fault Jimin. Remember that you tried your absolute best to not do what you did. Think of it as self-defense. All those people can go to hell, as far as I know, you didn't deserve anything. This world was too cruel to you. You did nothing wrong at all. You have voices? They should have reached out and helped. As for your parents, the fact they did nothing means they were shitty parents to you. I know how it feels to have one of those and they are the absolute worst. You���re gay? So what? How does that affect them? they should have supported you regardless. You won't have to worry about that with us cause, to tell you the truth, I think we're all gay... Jimin, you are far from ugly, you look like an angel... You seem like such a sweet guy and you deserved none of this... I'll be here whenever you need me and so will the others... you're not alone... we've been through a lot... so when those voices attack you me and the others will always try to help you no matter what... same with after your 'treatments' in the future... we're going to be here for you no matter what I promise"

He showed me and I read all of it. "He's right Jimin, you aren't alone, we look out for each other and we'll look out for you too... we'll all survive this hell hole together" I heard someone say from behind me.

I looked up to see Jin staring with sympathy as well.

"Welcome to our family" Hoseok said behind me.

"Yeah, our crazy fucking family" jungkook commented smiling

"Jungkook, language"

"yes, eomma"

I smiled at this looking up at Yoongi. "Thank you guys, I'll try my best to be there for you all whenever needed"

"it's greatly appreciated but I think you should focus on yourself for right now... you just went through a lot and it's going to take some time getting used to things around here. It took Taehyung over a month so don't stress over it" Namjoon reasoned politely.

"Joonie's right, take your time, it's going to be rough" Taehyung joined in.

I nodded "O-okay... well, I think I'm going to rest now, I'm really tired. Thank you all, it really means a lot to me"

There was a stream of your welcome's and no problem's spoken to me through the cell dividers.

"And thank you Yoongi, I be here for you anytime as well" I gave a smile and went to my bed, immediately passing out within a few minutes.

*Yoongi POV*

I returned the smile and watched as he returned to his bed. I feel bad for him. I watched until I saw he was asleep based on the pattern of his breathing.

"I SHIP IT" Jungkook whisper yelled. I blushed knowing they were talking about me and Jimin.

Taehyung whisper yelled "I KNEW I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE" and gave a small squeal. I face palmed and shook my head.

"they aren't the only ship I'm shipping" Hoseok replied.

"who's the other one's?!?!?!" Taehyung and Jungkook both said in unison. I swear to god they just need to kiss already.

"I can't tell you guys or I'm gonna be dead"


"but hoseokieeeee"

"Nope definitely not, Jin will kill me and Tae will kill me"

"Fine, goodnight tae tae I'm going back to bed" jungkook yawned and went to sleep, taehyung following in suit.

"same here, goodnight" next was hoseok that went to bed.

"Aish those kids" namjoon sighed "Night Jinnie���

"night Joonie" Jin smiled.

I went to the other side of the cell to Jin. He's my favorite person in this hell hole. He really is like the motherly figure in our section of the asylum. He gave me a smirk and said "Sorry, but... I ship it too, I've never seen you so sympathetic"

I quickly wrote down and pouted "jinnnnnnnnnnn"

"whatttt? It's cuteeee"

'just like you and joon being cute'

He blushed at that. ' just tell him jin, I can tell in his eyes that he likes you back'

"I don't think he does and I really don't want to risk it"

I smiled and wrote ' whatever you say... anyways, I'm going to bed night eomma'

"Night yoons"

I went to the bed, setting my notebook and crayons down, and fell into a deep slumber.

Good night...


Hi 😖 I sowwys. I know it has been about 5 or 6 weeks now, i kinda lost count, but I have explanations.

Honestly you guys, I've been going through a lot lately. There is no other way to put it.

The first week, I was just extremely depressed and I was spiraling further down and down. I was just not okay. The second week, I had something bad happen to me every single fricking day. One of those days I got rejected by my best friend. I knew it was going to happen. But, rejection still hurts even if you saw it coming. I won't touch on the other bad stuff that has happened because I don't think you guys really want to know or care about my personal life. Anyways, I have been packed with school lately. I am behind in a couple of my online classes. Thankfully, in a couple weeks Christmas break will be here so I will try to catch up on those. I am going to Florida with my mom and two of my brothers so we can visit my grandparents. I haven't seen any of them in over a year and I truly miss them like crazy. Also,I will write a chapter or two because, seriously, you guys deserve it.

Honestly, you guys, I am going through a lot right now and everything is weighing down on me so thank you so much for being so patient with me. I have exams tomorrow and then for the next two weeks. Teachers are trying to pile everything up before exams and break so it's just a lot right now. On top of that, I have to go to basketball practices and games. I plan to start trying to post normally again, I honestly just didn't have time to post or do anything.

GOOD NEWS THOUGH! THE NEW ALBUM CAME OUT A COUPLE WEEKS AGO AND IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I think my top favorite is Stay, but I also love Telepathy and Blue & Grey and Disease. Oh my god, you guys the whole album is just so fricking amazing I love it so so so much. It has made my day a hell of a lot better. Their voices sound so angelic and I just can not express enough of how much I love all seven of them.

BTS has really saved me a few times and I can not thank them enough. We all have our stories of how we met them and they really are the light of our lives.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't think it is my best work but on the bright side, it is a very long chapter.

It really means a lot that I have people that actually read this. I seriously am so surprised with how many are ready this! I can't express my thanks and happiness enough. You guys are all so amazing and I thank you all.

Okay, I promise I will TRY to post next week but please remember I have a busy schedule right now. PLEASE feel free to comment about anything or message me about anything. If there is something going on and you just need someone to talk to, I will gladly listen or try to help in anyway. I understand that everyone needs a rant buddy from time to time.

Anyways, Imma shutup now so erm yeah. Please tell me what you think. I hope everyone has an amazing upcoming holiday. Time is seriously going by so fast, it's already December y'all and 2020 has been one heck of a year so far. I will TRY to post next week. Love y'all BYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!😁💜✌