
On The Run

I feel like a train wreck, it's like Wreck It Ralph himself thought it was a good idea to bash my head in. What the heck happened? , where am I? , why am I like this? , I feel so sore. Wait, I know what happened, The balcony, where we were at, blew up, sending us flying. David! Is he alright, where is he , have I lost him?, these were the questions going through my head as I remembered what happened.

Why is it so dark though? , am I blind? Damn, what if I am?

"Bitch you isn't blind, open your eyes" I heard someone said.

"How do you know what she's thinking?"

"She's my other half, I know these shit, and right now I know she's wondering how the hell I woke up before her. I finally beat her at something, suck on that bitch"

I stretched my hand out towards the voice and held on tight to his throat, "bitch let me go, you can't kill me, I'm too sexy to die!" they screamed.

I turned my head, opened my eyes looking straight into David's eyes and gave him my most evil smirk,

"Ahhhh, she's possessed, get out, get out of her, in the name and blood of Jesus, I command you evil spirit bitch, GET OUT OF HER" he screamed

In rushed the doctors and nurses, Roman was in the corner of the room observing everything going on, why was he here though, didn't he hate me?

"Sir why is her hand around your neck, are you breathing fine?"

"What the fuck kind of question is that, her hand is around my neck, of course I'm not breathing fine, there's a demon in her, get a pastor!" screamed David

His screaming is making my headache even worst; he needs to shut the hell up before I shut him up, permanently.

"Shut the fuck up David, my head's pounding, and your ratchet ass screaming isn't helping me right now" I growled, sounding like a demon; I think it was because I was thirsty, and needed some water to drink.

I let go of his neck, looked around the room, then for the second time since I woke up, I saw Roman.

"Everyone, out" he ordered "except you David, this has to do with you also, sit your ass down"

I looked at David and blinked my eyes twice, then rolled them, signaling him to give me some water; we have codes for certain things, and it's very useful when we are in trouble, or kidnapped.

"That bomb was planted purposefully on the balconies for you guys, who did it? I don't know, how they knew you two would be up there? A puzzle" he said. , frustrated

"A mole in the family" said David

"No, moles, there's more than one of them, and I know who they are, I've got all information on them since the day you recruited them Roman, they're the group of guys who claimed to be brothers, but in truth, they are middle men for the Russian boss, I've been suspicious of them ever since I caught one of them trying to install a camera in my room, and outside across my room door too"

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me this?" Asked Roman

"Well, if you weren't so busy ignoring my existence, you would've known, I've tried everything, to talk to you, barging into your room when I know you're in there, trashing your office and writing my name for proof that it was me, I've tried a shit ton of things, but you ignore me!" I screamed

I was frustrated with him, what the hell was wrong with him?, I mean, seriously, this dude has problems, which he needs to fix.

"She's right you know, you always ignore her, and it's downright uncalled for, personally I think you both need to fuck and get rid of the sexual tension between you two" said David.

"I know right, I mean can't we just fuck and get over it? I want you, you want me, Roman, I gotta get you out of my system, and if you won't fuck me willingly, I'll take you, forcefully" I said.

Roman looked at us like we had five heads, trying to figure out if we were serious or not. We busted out laughing like a bunch of hyenas.

"I'm serious though, one way or the other, we will fuck Roman, and you're gonna love it" I promised him.

"But onto serious matters, who knows that we're still alive?" I asked

"Only my parents, the doctors and nurses and us, no one else" replied Roman.

"Good, get every doc and nurse in this place to sign a NDA agreement about David's and mine survival, then get two bodies from the morgue, with burnt marks, or make those marks, I want those bodies to be unrecognizable, and then we put our DNA on them. Let those fuckers think that we are dead, we'll go to the secret Island, by submarine, stay there for a while, we'll come back with a fucking bang, we are gonna kill those fuckers till there's none of them left" I said

"and Roman, we'll be having a lot of sex on that island hun, a lot, make sure you bring a bed partner for David, scratch that, take Roy, I know he wanna fuck David" I said.

Roman picked up his phone and made some phone calls, in about an hour all doctors and nurses have signed the contract, and in our place were two unrecognizable bodies. This was a private hospital of sorts, so there were a little less doctors and nurses in this facility, we made our way towards the back exit of the place, where a car was waiting for us, and we went in. Roy was at the driver's seat, when we all got seated and buckled up we went straight for our private port, where we got in the submarine to takes us to the Island.

"I sure hope your plan works Rose, because if it doesn't, I killing you myself" said David

"It will work; as a matter of fact it's in action right now. I've managed to hack into the security system for the hospital we were in, and I think you all need to see this" I said.

They all gathered around the laptop I was using, we watched the five middle men come in the hospital, two of them stayed by the front door, one went around the back, and the other two went towards my room, they put the two bodies in the same room, because of how close I am with David. When they reached, took off the white sheet from over us the screamed.

"I'm sorry sirs, but I'm going to have to ask you to exit the room, we need to take Mr. Downer and Ms Petal to the morgue" said a doctor.

One of the men took out their phone and made a call, "they're dead boss" he said into phone.