Morning Snack

Thanks to its particular hooked spines, that tiny newt, summoned by Tyler through the powers of the grey-eyed Koinobiont, had entered Sam's body without shedding a single drop of blood: unlike the normal Koinobionts, that little reptile did not have the ability to confer powers of any kind on its host body, merely making him a lifeless and willless puppet.

Despite his attempt to do the right thing, Sam had died, alone, on the ground in his private room, trying to warn Layton with his palmtop in his hand.

"Let's see why this thing was on the ground next to you, Samuel..." Tyler whispered again, remotely controlling Sam's body and making him unlock his palmtop screen again, not knowing what had happened before the newt took total control of his brain.

At the exact moment the doctor was about to see what Sam's eyes saw, someone knocked violently at his door.
