
"And the Koinobiont you let run away? Don't you think it's a more important issue than your sentimental status? Umpf... you humans are just brainless, you can't figure out what the priorities are!" 

"Are you still insulting my species? Maybe you forgot how many times I've already saved your alien ass? Remember how dependent you are on one of the 'human beings' you speak ill of, is that clear? Where did I put my palmtop?" Layton continued, imagining that because of his delay, someone had asked him where he was.

When he saw the yellow notification light, he was not surprised and unlocked the electronic device, discovering that it was due to Sam's message, arrived about an hour earlier.

"A voicemail? Sam never sends voicemails… what happened?" 


After clicking on the screen, Layton approached the palmtop in his ear to listen to Sam's recording privately.

"Layton! Something's entering my body! You were right!..."