I walked out of the gym complex feeling a lot more exhausted than I ever have in my life. Today's workout was a total hit and my core was on fire. So much for getting hourglass abs.

I sped to the lady's lavatory and threw myself on the lounge couch. Weakness was spreading across my body like venom. My breathing hastened as I tried to measure up to my body's demands. In a moment, I found my life again and decided to sit up straight. As much as my back muscles were unable to support my tiny trunk, I pushed them through to achieve a sit up position. I fetched my water bottle and immediately drank from it.

"Phew....",I sighed and sat with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. I took deep breaths and momentarily felt somewhat better. With the way I was feeling, a shower won't be a bad idea. It's good that they have bathrooms here. I could just take a quick wash and do the details at home. Perfect. I stood up and went to pack my bag ready for my shower.

"Hello...",a squeaky voice rattled behind me causing me to jerk and drop most of my belongings. I turned to find two girls looking at me. A red head whose sidekick seemed to be the brunette next to her.

"Ooh...sorry...sorry...",the red head apologized as she quickly ran her hands over my stuff.

What do I do?? What do I do?? I wondered as I remembered rule number in my life governing constitution. Do not make friends.

"Uh....No te preocupes....No te preocupes...",I smiled as I quickly bent down and picked all my stuff alone. I didn't care if I wrinkled the unwrinkled but I just had to.

"What did she say??",the brunnete whispered to her friend. I smiled with my face still bent down.

I finished my job and hurriedly went back to my locker. I was sure they were staring at me. Wondering what I was doing and why I was acting like that. Although, I sure hope they realise am a no-go zone and eventually walk away.

I took my sports bag and and fit in all my belongings. Forget about the quick wash I wanted. Not anymore. I needed to get home as soon as possible.

I was noticed. Not by one but by two girls and that wasn't a good thing. My life was at stake and having people to know me was a danger even to them. Also, everyone stood in a post that posed them as a threat to me, hence I needed to leave as soon as possible.

I proceeded with my vampy packing and finished in a breath. I placed the handle on my shoulder and headed for the door. Not saying much....


What now? I thought.

I span around and looked at the two girls who seemed to have wanted to befriend me. I scanned their faces and figured they were just regular high schoolers like me. They looked so innocent but isn't that how a predator seems before it attacks?

"You forgot your.....towel...." She said in a very sweet tone that made me question my thoughts. For someone who had to live a complete indoor life, always on the run, I don't think I was wrong for being extra suspicious. I was just looking out for myself and there's nothing wrong with that.

"Gracias...",I returned the smile and received it. Was it even mine? I had no idea. I carried it with me as I walked out with intentions of having it undergo a thorough check. What if they planted a tracker on it? Who knows?

" she was speaking Spanish?",the whispered among themselves as I walked to the door. Yeah right!

I tossed the towel in a nearby trash can and walked towards the entrance. Before walking out, I took out my most prized possession from my bag. My hat! I wore it to cover my face... obviously! I slowly walked out, the only thing welcoming me being the scorching sun. Fortunately, I was still in my gym attire and it served me right; a long sleeved burgundy midriff with pairing pants.

I walked to the parking lot and unfortunately my ride wasn't here. Great....just great. Where was she? I sighed and took more of my water to ease my persistently rising tension. I wasn't used to being in public and just standing in this concrete floored place was already raising my adrenaline levels. I was scared. So scared. I fastened my baseball cap and walked back to the gymcomplex entrance.

I was constantly staring the direction of the driveway when suddenly my peripheral vision caught a sight that left me more stressed than relieved. A snack palour. It was almost overly crowded and just that sight was enough to hasted my heart beat.

What if someone was spying on me from within the crowd? What of they'd already spotted me and were only waiting to launch target? Oh no... I had to do something...something and fast...

I looked around but I found no other place of refuge. It was either I go back in the complex or the snack palor. My headaches as faced with such difficult decisions was a different approach to me. But getting to think of it, going back to the complex was safe but not smart. I might go back and have my ride arriving and miss it. I possibly don't want to wait another thirty minutes or given an hour. On the other hand, the parlour was a risk but somehow a source of refuge. Too many people, yes; but -- to my advantage too.

I took deep breath and walked to the palor. I had to. I needed to. If this was my only way of going undercover even if it meant being at a risk of being found out, I was ready to do it.

I arrived at my destination and to my surprise I was relieved than nervous. The moment I arrived, almost half the people left and I spared a minute to contemplate what exactly was going on. I felt a shield lifted off of me but I decided not to think too much about it. I looked at my watch and thirty minutes had elapsed yet to an empty driveway.

Where was she???

This was so irritating. I was tired from my workout, then came this scorching heat and now I was thirsty and almost hungry. I had ran out of water and I wasn't going to dare walk to a tap. That would be equally walking in a battlefield. I caressed my throat as I looked around for option B.

"Hey pretty girl....",some deep attractive voice called from behind me. I looked to see who it was and got my eyes caged in with a pair of hazel ones.

"I know you're not talking to me....", I have a sassy reply and he rolled his eyes.

"Look around you....",he gestured and then it was my turn to roll my eyes.

I stood up and walked to the counter. Not knowing why, ofcourse. I was highly suspicious than ever before but I decided to go with the flow. I rested my hands on the counter as I looked on the various screens as if trying to look for a particular dessert when someone's body almost fell on me.

Instead of getting angry, I got frightened. Had they found me? What was going on? I had to! I turned around in obvious unease. I filled my cap down, lower toward my chin.

"Hey're going to spill your milkshake over my girl...",he fired at whoever this person was. And indeed, this personal-space invader turned and his milkshake splashed against my chest, ran all over my top and all the way down into bare trunk.


I slowly lifted my cap to take a look at this infinite imbecile even if it meant I was risking the discloser of my identity by letting him see my face.

For a moment, he didn't notice me. Then, I saw him do a double-take and he whistled softly. It was something I usually found extremely satisfying except for one thing. Instead of saying sorry, he allowed his blue gaze to drift down my body, to linger on my legs. What??? He was checking me out?? Seriously?? And that, pressed my angry button! He gave me sensations equivalent to those I experienced when I tripped in the hallway. Now I was mad at my body....

Then he looked back into my eyes in the way that men let women know they are being summed up to a dangerous assassin in disguise. He really pissed me off.

"Watch were you're going miss...",he hissed and turned back around.

Did I miss something or he didn't say it? How can someone be so rude? And to top it up, he wasn't as grumpy as he seemed. He had blond weavy hair that was as long as his shoulders, blue eyes that sparkled and resembled the ocean and a height that surely matched up to the Babylonian tower. Looking up at him would definitely cause my neck to get stiffed. He was a pure mortal version of Thor Odinson. Only that with that attitude, he had zero chances of ever retrieving the mjolnir.

How can a boy so cute be so rude??

I certainly must've overstayed my indoor period because if I hadn't, I certainly wouldn't have let it slide.

"Am really so--", The guy behind the counter said worriedly. I didn't even ask for his name. He seemed sweet and kind. A pure opposite version of that jerk that spilled his milk on me. Was he from an opposite universe?

"It's okay.... it's totally okay....", I tried to smile and stay quiet about it when clearly I was burning inside. And to my rescue, I heard a car honking and I knew finally it was time to get home.

Without a goodbye, I turned around and ran to the car.

"About time",I hissed over the rolled down window andto her Excellency seated in the driver's seat. She had her shades on and her hair tumbling down over her shoulder like some hot chick ready to seduce the motor-examiner.

"Am so car needs service. No breaks at the moment so I had to rush and arrange for another one.....",she quickly removed her shades, slid them through her cleavage and looked at me, wearily. She was sternly holding onto the driving wheel and had that cooky face on. I rolled my eyes and opened the back door shoving in my sports bag. I turned around and in a second found myself next to her in the passenger's seat.

"What happened to your outfit...??",she asked more shocked now than before.

"Just drive me home please....",I replied fastening my seatbelt and remembering to remove my baseball cap. I ran my fingers in my hair, sat steady with my head against the headrest and closed my eyes. This should be interesting.

Before I could even start fantasing or what would be a replica of daytime dreaming, I felt the car come to a halt and opening my eyes revealed a huge building. Home...

"We here....",she grinned and I wiggled my eyebrows. Am sure she could tell I was in a bad mood and tried not to annoy me. She respected my personal space and I loved her for that. Kailani. My kailani.

I got out of the car and she did too. The moment we did, my nanny and other house help team rushed to the car for the minor chores they get paid for. Carrying the bags. Welcoming us back home. Informing us of relevant necessities and so forth.

"Welcome home Miss Gonzalez...",my nanny, Anila, bowed as she saw me walk out of the car. I smiled and walked past her. She followed behind me and I must say I really felt tension build up in my chest.

I didn't enjoy having someone walk around with my like a third shadow, as my father was already my second one. He had me pampered like I was some princess whose tiara would fall off any second and had to kept in position. Trust me, nothing is as choking as this life. I can't even get a moment to breath without someone looking at everything I do.

" my milk bath ready?", I stopped at the foot on the staircase and turned to her.

"Yes ma'am, with a quarter fold honey and sprinkled rose--peony petals as requested...I had it prepared not so long sure it's the right temperature now....",she replied with her head bowed. Looking at her feet maybe??

"Okay...thanks....",I turned around and jogged up the stairs to my room. I was about to open the door when my bodyguard, Richie, beat me to it. I gasped in fright because I did not see him anywhere around me. He opened the door and did a quick but thorough check of what might be lying there unnoticed and supposedly a threat to me.

"Room is safe ma'am, you may proceed...",he bowed again and stood just about next to it, motioning with his hand for me to walk in.

I peeped in through the door before I walked in. What on Earth could possibly be in here? As if that wasn't enough...we did this Everytime I was entering my room. E-V-E-R-Y T-I-M-E!! Whether am coming in from the kitchen, the living room, the gazebo, the garden, the pool -- it didn't matter. Everytime we had to do this...and when I say my life suffocates me, all my father says is it's for your own good.

Anila was behind me as I walked and she closed the door behind us after Richie permitted us to enter.

"Phew....",I sigh and throw my back on my cosy bed which ended up sinking in and bouncing back up to my delight. I lied there for a few minutes trying to think about how my day was. I didn't really do much today, just the normal day routine; except from the part that I had to visit Kailani's gym.

She wanted me to be among the new recruited gym model teams for their monthly magazine advertisement. I was still hesitant about it but she advised I just sign up and go with it while deciding. Having the main trainer in the gym as my friend really put me at a soft spot because I'd just slip in and out whenever I wanted. I didn't even pay my gym fees since she said she'll just have me added as a beneficiary to her gym membership benefits. Sweet.

I rubbed the back of my hand against my nose and tossed my head left, right while I giggled. Memories of the workout blew me off and I thought I was going to faint of laughter.

It all seemed pretty easy whenever we watched it on TV but having to do it really showed the potential there was in all of us. Zero.

I brought my fingers to my mouth and began chewing my nails when I felt someone's hands touching my feet. I was about to jerk and call Richie but then my memory told me Anila was around. I relaxed and let her do her thing.

She took my shoes off and lightly gave my feet a massage. It felt so good, relaxing and relieving too. Now this was when I loved having someone by my side.

I stood up and she helped with stripping my cloths off ready for my bath. Yes. She helped me remove my cloths. Rather removed them for me. She left me in my undergarments which I forbid her from removing. She slipped flip-flops onto my feet and I walked to the bathroom as she brought my bathrobe for me.

I walked down to my bathtub and the moment I saw the milk, my heart fluttered. I deepened my hand in the milk to test the temperature. It was slightly colder than I wanted it but it was okay.

"Uumm....please send my gym clothes for a wash at the laundry....",I asked Anila and she undoubtedly did as I asked. She bowed before me and then left. Great...

I knew she knew that's not exactly what I wanted. I was bathing for goodness's sake. A little privacy would be necessary. I know she had changed my cloths and bathed me many times but there were those moments I wanted to feel like a real human and did things by myself. And now was that moment.

I removed my the remaining cloths from my body and threw them on the floor as slowly paraded into the tub. I let the milk savour my skin the moment I sat down and immediately lay myself. I sank into the tub all the way to the tip of my nose.

I lay down at the bottom of the tub for as long as I could. Not gasping for air or attempting to. Just laying there quietly....listening to the silence...

After my hold-your-breath mermaid exercise, I slowly sat up and and ran my hand over my face to drain the excess milk that was dripping. I lightly scrubbed my body with a soft sponge and bathed more. I loved the feel of honey sticking onto my skin. It felt like sugar granules penetrating through freshly baked soft bread. Delicious...

I finished my bath and walked out. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back to my room. I smiled as I took off my towel and drained off the bits of milk on my skin with my flannel. I applied my favorite skin lotion and gosh I smelled good. I loved every bit of it. Especially when it sank in my skin and sput all the goodies all over it. I loved that it left my skin soothed and smooth guaranteed. It was perfect.

Since I was home all afternoon, I threw my body in a pair of black cigarette pants and a matching maroon long sleeved lacy bodysuit. I squeezed my feet in flip-flops and sat on my dressing table. My hair was still wet and I wanted to have it dried.

I connected my blow-drier to the socket and had it powered up. I aimed it at my hair and combed through as I dried it. It didn't take much for it to completely dry. Just about five minutes and I was all set. I combed it down to my shoulders and decided no. I was not at any cost doing straight hair. It made me look Korean and Koreans aren't anywhere close to my heart. I was going to get a pem.

Pems were my thing. I loved my hair in curls bouncing against my sharp shoulders. I loved it just that way. Short and curly.

I sprayed some water all over it to dampen it, and had it slipped through aluminum thioglycolate folds. Once it dries, I'll be super good.

I carried my gadgets and walked out of my room. Anila immediately rushed to were I was and helped carry my gadgets for me. We walked downstairs together and I sat on the couch with Kailani.

"Hey princess....",she smiled as she put away her laptop and gave me her attention. I smiled back, more weary than delighted and sat just about opposite her.

"Hey mom...",I returned the greeting and we both stayed silent for what lasted a minute.

"Did you like today's training?",she asked.

"If like is the new hate, yes...yes I liked it...",I grinned and she rolled her eyes while shaking her head in what seemed like modesty. She placed her laptop next to her seat and walked to sit next to me.

"If you ask me I think it was delusional....",she faked a gasped and I turned around just to look at her.

"If you're familiar with sarcasm....this is me being sarcastic...oh was really delusional...",I sat with my legs crossed leaning against the armrest, directly opposite to were she sat.

"You know I'd really be grateful if you participated in this month's advertising gym magazine. I'd have you on the front page, catching every guys attention and in that moment -- every girl's dream...", She explained with her fingers clenched and tone squeaked as if she was naratting some old fairytale which would immediately hint from its first scene that it was horror.

"Ma....stop",I laughed as I threw a cushion at her which she returned and we both shared a moment of fierce laughter.

"If am being honest I'd also love to....but I can't.. .you know I can't....",I tried to make her understand and she nodded. Exactly what I loved about her. I didn't have to struggle and explain things to her, for her to actually get me. Before I would even gain the courage to utter a word, she would hold me tight and I'd hear her trembling body whisper I understand, and I'd love that.

"Enough of that now...tell me about the milkshake bomb that exploded all over your gym shirt...", She clenched to a pillow as though expecting a juicy treat gossip. Oh Mom...

"I was waiting for you when suddenly some guy was like hello pretty girl. And I was like is this guy insane how did he notice me? Then I was about to talk to him when some other douche bumped into me. He span around and had his milkshake clashing against my chest...",

"Oh my goodness....",

"I know....and to worsen things, he didn't even apologize for it.....",

"Boys of today just don't know how to treat a woman with respect...", Kailani added and am glad she took my side. "Do you want me to investigate him?"

"Oh no...that's not necessary. It'd only put me on the spotlight and that's the last thing I'd want...", I replied and leaned back on the sofa. I had my tablet connected to the WiFi and started browsing.

"Are you hungry? I am hungry, are you?", Kailani asked while getting up and heading to the kitchen. I looked at her with a small smile on my lips. She asked if I was hungry and didn't even wait for my reply. I shrugged and sat back down on the couch -- busy with the internet.

The smell of what I sensed to be chicken fettuccine alfredo got my raising my nose and peeking into the kitchen. I could see Kailani over the transparent glass bordering the kitchen and living room, smiling as she waved her hand against the steam, sniffing it. I quickly left what I was doing, raced to the kitchen and found a feast waiting for me.

"I knew you wouldn't stand out for so long....",she wiggled her eyebrows and grinned.

"I am hexed by chicken fettuccine....forever hexed...", I rotated in the kitchen delighted that today we will have some homemade food for lunch. My eyes wondered all over the six stoves and the food collection therein was heart throbbing. First it was chicken fettuccine and then she also made baked bread and beef Wellington, tart and a bunch of mixed berries and vegetable salad for dessert.

"If you're making up for being late, trust me you're forgiven by default...",I tucked a few errands of my hair behind my ear and smelled the meals like she did before.

"I sure am....",she replied busy stirring some bowl. "Take a seat and I'll serve some lunch...", She smiled while walking to the cupboard and took out two dinner plates.

As I sat down waiting for her to serve my meal, I couldn't stop looking at her. Having kailani over for some days made me and my dad feel the comfort of a warm home. It was usually just us and we rarely ate home made food.

We usually order our food from various executive restaurants and hotels in town. Our favorites were La Terrazza restaurant which offered creative Italian cuisine, Cote d'Azur a French based hotel which was true to it's motto 'brining the French kitchen to your house' and the cool japanese place in town, Sakagura which was not only an ultra-traditional sushi place, but also owned masters of Eastern-style down-and-dirty dude food like nanban, which my dad always died for.

Sometimes, my father and I would just visit L'Escale Fondues & Wine Bar as it was a good spot to grab a fondue and barbecue in a relaxed Villa.

"There you go....",Kailani smiled as she placed a fully packed plate in front of me.

"Thank you....",I smiled and immediately fetched my fork. Kailani sat opposite to my seat and we gnashed our meals together with a little chit chat escaping our lips.

I first met Kailani in the city's international library. Since that moment, I definitely knew she'd make a good match for my dad. She was young, beautiful and outspoken. She also loved to read which definitely meant it wouldn't cost her too much to click with me. And I couldn't ever be wrong....

"Is your dad coming??", She asked with a hidden snitch in her tone. She was still focusing on her plate and unfortunately for her, I could still see the strawberry pink on her cheeks.

"Umm....I don't think so.....he went to Southwest Ranches this morning to investigate a project site. Am sure he must be back by tomorrow night...too bad for him he'll miss all this glory",I nodded at the food and got her to smile. I knew apart from me, she wanted to impress my dad and I was in full support.

"Alright....but I cooked more than enough. You can pack some for tomorrow....",

"Yeah sure. Only that I won't be apart of it."

"How so?"

"Tomorrow is my anniversary with taking her out...",

"Oh that's cute...out to where??",

"It's a surprise..."

"Oh really? To where??",

"If I tell you then it won't be a surprise anymore...",

"Come on it's not for me....",

"Don't be such a snitch mom...",

"Are we really having this conversation where am the proponent and you're the opposer...???", One of her eyebrows raised and I laughed.

"You want me to be the proponent instead?? Or you wanna trade sides....better yet, end it??", I also raised an eyebrow and gave her a sly smile while I stirred my soup.

"I'll go for option three..better yet, end it....",she called a grin and carried on with her meal. I just loved kailani. She acted like a baby sometimes. Her absence crippled me and I experienced a heavy weight in my chest that I couldn't get rid of on my own; which would eventually prompt me to speak up like a fine remote robot.

"Mexico....that's were we are going tomorrow night ..."

Something about her face there after, brought a memory in my flickering imagination and took me back in time. Back to the day I was playing with my late mother in the courtyard...and then, back to the day I met Kailani in the library.

"I love you...",she pursed her lips and gave me the puppy doll eyes. I laughed almost chocking on my beef.

"I love you too Kailani..."