It was slightly windy and boy was I glad I took my limo with. I initially planned on taking the Benz instead but Richie insisted we take the limo. I obeyed.

I was wearing a pencil dress that was as long as half way my thighs, in what seemed to be a shade of maroon. My long legs were coated in knee length suede leather black boots. I smiled as soon as my reflection smiled at me in the mirror.

I always loved it when the person I saw resembled a world famous model and was beautiful enough; yet, it was me. I loved just everything about it. It being the most special day, I had to look exquisite. Today was my third friendship anniversary with my best friend Kristen. We met three years ago over ice cream and I fell in love with her immediately.

Despite the rule that I couldn't make friends, I just had to with this one. For every rule there just has to be an exception..and Kris was my exception. To make matters easier for her, I told her my deepest secret. The reason to why I couldn't be seen in public. The drama behind me walking around with a million body guards and a prime minister worth convoy. Surprisingly, she chose to be with me. And am very thankful.

I quickly sat in front of my dressing table and applied some make-up lightly, following the guidelines of a YouTuber for her subscribed beginners makeup tutorial. Instead of lipstick I chose to wear some lipgloss. No sparkle, just enough to leave my lips moist. Satisfied, I walked back to my closet to fetch a jumper as I threw my clutch across my neck.

My hair was down in curls bouncing against my shoulders and I loved every inch of it. I did the final touch by doing a bit of hairspray for the final shine. Impressed by my looks, I decided to leave. Kris must probably be waiting for me.

As a present, I was taking her out.

"Ma'am, let me...",my nanny, Anila asked as she offered to carry my jumper for me. I smiled and handed it to her. Richie, my head bodyguard opened the door for me and I walked out.

From the banister, as I walked down I could see my dad in the dining room having dinner with his girlfriend, Georgina Morgan.

The one person I despised in this lifetime. With every passing day, a glance of her always forced me to wonder what my dad really sees in her. He's better off with Kailani and I was already seeing Sparks fly between them although the dark shadow of Georgina Morgan was trying to play Maleficent.

" look beautiful....",my dad jumped from his seat and sped to the foot of the staircase where I was standing, waiting for him. I smiled and opened my hands readying us for the warm embrace that was about to happen. He hugged me and didn't forget to peck my hair.

"Thanks Dad...",I smiled as we broke apart. "Am sorry but I've got to go....Kris is waiting....",I grinned and passed by him rushing to the door.

I knew exactly what was coming after that and I wasn't ready for it, and good thing he knew very well. A second of me and Georgina Morgan was worst than a planet massacre.

I got out of the house and breathed heavily. Richie immediately opened the car for me and I got in. He closed the door shut immediately the car started moving. I sighed and covered my face with a magazine so that no one disturbs me.

I closed my eyes trying to get a grip and let the convulsions slide. I was still feeling agitated after seeing my dad's girlfriend. She was the definition of evil and I didn't want her for my step mom. A stepmother was already a No for me but for the sake of my dad I'd sacrifice my opinion. And keeping this in mind Georgina Morgan is nowhere near. I knew for sure she wanted my dad for money....

Unfortunately, he was too naive to see it. Too deep in love. Argh...

If I had it my way, she'd never have seen the light of day but now that she already did, I will make sure she never gets to taste the sweetness of being in a wedding gown. At least not with my dad as the groom and I was totally going to make sure of that...

"Excuse me ma'am...we have arrived at your requested destination...", Anold, my driver alerted me and I sat up.

Immediately, the door opened and I saw Richie standing behind it. I asked him to wait for me at the car as I looked at the house in front of me.

I walked out and rushed to the tiny wooden gate. It was yellow but had plants that had crept over it making look green. I twisted the lock and walked to the door where I rang the doorbell.

In a second the door was opened and exposed to me the most beautiful girl. Kristin Stewart, my best friend.

"Hey Kris....",I initiated a hug which she returned in a blink.

"Hey princess...",she replied. She prefers addressing me as princess because of my spoilt lifestyle. I was against it at first but got used to it.

"Ready??", She asked. I nodded and we both left her terrace for the car. I asked her to get in first and then I followed. Richie closed the door for us and Anold started the engine.

"How was Manilla?",I held Kris's hand, interlocking her fingers with mine.

Though raised in America, Kris was ethnically Philippine. Her mother and father were both from Manilla. They got married there however moved after baby Kris was born, to America, Nevada, just so that Kris was would learn to live in the new setting for adaptation.

Growing as an American girl, Kris decided to fit in by getting bangs, dying her hair ginger red and putting on a pair of spectacles. She totally killed that look and for someone who wouldn't know better, they'd say she's American by birth.

"It was alright...just hot in this time of the year...",she turned her body so that it was facing me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Your grandma? And cousins? How are they?"

"Grandma had a sprained ankle but fortunately we can afford a refrigerator so some ice did the trick...",she joked and I giggled.

"As for my cousins, Terry's still obnoxious and has just gone and bought the fifth goldfish, Alessia's still a sleepy head and Rimo is still the good boy gone horribly bad....",

"Ooh...he's still giving you guys trouble?",

"Probably the worst case scenario in history. He hasn't stopped secretly selling some of the house furniture to get money and satisfy his addiction with intravenous drugs...which apparently make him aggressive",

"Now that's definitely a good boy gone wrong...",

" we talked to his dad who suggested he gets a schol transfer to live with his mom in lower Manhattan...",

"That's not a very good idea..."

"I suppose...",

"You suppose??"

"I mean I know New York isn't the best place for a guy like Rimo at the moment... it's like his breeding ground and next thing we'll see, he'll be the next big thing hovering over times square...",

"True...why don't you get him enrolled in Utah?",

" that's a charming thought. Get him where?? Rimo?? Maybe tell me getting him to prison, I'll agree...",she replied and looked outside the window.

"Am serious....there's a therapeutic school in Utah... he'll totally credit it for helping him big time..."

"Do you think we haven't thought of that??",

"Well then what's delaying you??",

"Honestly I don't know....." She was lying. She knew exactly why, no less than I did. They couldn't afford a school in Utah. Rimo's parents were divorced and had him live with his martenal grandmother. He was a huge responsibility for her and considering her old age, her other grandchildren Alessia and Terry helped her with handling Rimo. Kris's parents helped all they could and they'd afford covering for the household expense.

"But know I could just ---",

"'ve done enough. No more...",

Hearing about kris's issues with her family constantly made me worry about her because she was mostly worried. And toping it up with the financial crisis they werein, was like asking them to spend one more night in the desert of which the might never comes to an end.

As money wasn't a problem for me, I helped Kris quiet a lot with it although sometimes, like now, she would say no. I respected that. Taking money from a person like me might even be considered a sin in the presence of God even though I was doing a good deed. It really feel awful but I decided not to stretch my head over it. And, knowing that I was so close to Kris, I figured I'd just spoil her in some other way and get to help her quiet a lot too.

"At least one of us got to get a beautiful week. Mine ended with a jerk spilling his milkshake over my gym attire....",

"Ooh...that sounds cold. I guess his mama never told him manners on how to control body reflexes in front of a beautiful girl....", Kris winked and raised her eyebrows. I knew what she was doing. Making me view things from a different angle.

"Oh please....",I spread my fingers on to her face and slightly pushed her making her bounce on the soft chair and laughing. Though feeling a bit grumpy, I joined her laugh and in no time my mood was uplifted.

"So where are you taking me tonight?",she asked after she noticed how gloomy I became after her rejection. She held onto my hand and played with my charm bracelet knowing exactly that I loved it when she did that.

"LaNueve...",I grinned and almost laughed at her shocked expression.

"It's a Mexican style restaurant I've been eyeing for a while now. I looked at their page online as well as their bio, it's wonderful and supposedly impeccable...",I sat up straight after I felt the car stop.

"Hmmm...let's check it out then... fortunately I brought my empty stomach",she rubbed her tummy and I laughed. The door on my side flipped open and I walked out followed by Kris. Richie helped me get my jumper on and placed a hat on my head.

I looked at Kris and she smiled assuringly telling me that she understood and we could go in. We walked down the pavement with Richie's guidance and to the jet that was waiting for us.

"Ohmyword....a jet?",

"A Mexican restaurant....",I repeated. "Obviously it's in Mexico...."

I rolled my eyes although she didn't see me in the dark. She held on tight to me and we both got in.

Richie came in and helped with my jumper again. Kris was still overawed and didn't close her mouth for like sixty seconds as her jaw was still dropped to the ground.

I pulled her to sit next to me and pushed a muffin in her mouth. She slapped my arm and took it out, eating it nicely bite after bite.

"Where's Anila?",Kris whispered. "I see Richie's doing most of the work..."

"I sent her home...",

"Isn't she a full-time 24-7 nanny? What did your dad say about that?",

"He doesn't have to know I let her off....the woman needs a break from all the pornography she watches on me...",

Kris chuckled. "You're not pornographic.... although I do agree she needs a break...",

"Exactly...imagine she has to dress me everyday like I was some toddler...and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it..."

"Frankly speaking I don't think she minds",

"Wanna trade lives?",I stopped at the entrance and gestured at Kris.

"Nope!",she crossed her hand around mine and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Just as I thought....",I smiled and rested my head ontop of hers.

"Jenny...I didn't mean it like that...",

"I know. I just wanted to pull your leg...",I ran my fingers in her hair and got her grinning in no time. We closed our eyes for a moment and maintained that position. I had no idea what Kris was thinking about though as far as I was concerned, I was hoping she'd like the place.

Because of my father, I became a fun of hotel hunts and became a die-hard for all 'The Sebel' branded-hotels. The Sebel Brisbane hotel, The Sebel Noosa hotel, the sebel Auckland Manukau hotel, the sebel West Perth, the sebel Yarrawonga and the list goes on. If I preferred, I would have taken Kris to the sebel Auckland Manukau hotel but would be too obvious for a surprise. She's been singing since forever about her wish to go to Auckland. And one day, I'll make that wish come true. Just not today...

It took us less than thirty minutes to get to Mexico and as soon as we did, I didn't even realize it since I was fast asleep. Kris woke me up and guided by Richie we went outside the jet. A car readily reserved for us at the airport drove us to the restaurant I picked.

The moment we got in, a Butler came in and escorted us to the executive section I had booked online. As soon as I saw the place, I felt like I was traveling in the whole galaxy. As we walked in, a breath of the aromatic cold air from the air conditioning system blew gently across my face, feeling heavenly and refreshing.

"Oh my word....", I heard Kris gasp and I turned to look at her.

Together we looked around the place. In all honesty, reality really surpassed my imagination of it all. Despite seeing the pictures on their website, none of them could beat the real live glory.

The place was huge. So huge I was beginning to think we were in a palace. Beginning from outside, the architectural design was not fit to be called classic and modern. It was way past that and deserved the title of most exquisite place on Earth. The interior was elegant and a perfect combination of glossy marbles and rosegold moldings. Two shiny pillars supported the building as per the floor we were in and they were coiled all around by metallic golden rose prints.

In the centre was a delightful crystal chandelier that had three layers which kept rotating in opposite sides and yet gave out such a magnificent site.

"You like it?",I asked Kris who seemed lost in the beauty no less than I was.

"Are you kidding me, I love it!!!", She screamed breathing in more of the apple cinnamon air refresher.

"I thought you said restaurant, why does this place look like a hotel? They have a hotel too??",Kris asked.

"Yeah...this is actually the hotel's restaurant. They have another stand alone restaurant though but it's probably closed now...", I replied while pressing on my phone to contact Richie. He arrived in less than a breath and gave us a room access card with the number 402.

"Come with me please....",I dragged Kris outside the restaurant and to the elevator. As usual, Richie was with us.

"Where are we going?", She asked anxiously.

"I have to use the bathroom",I replied calmy.

"Then why do I have to come along?",

"You asked were Anila was and I said she's on leave...",

"So??",she looked at me cautiously before narrowing her eyes at me. "Oky, so am going to be your substitute nanny?"

"Precisely...." The elevator doors opened and we walked out. I was still holding on to Kris's hand and we came to the centre of the building with a room tagged 402. A bunch of bodyguards stood on each side of the room and to the look of things they flooded the entire floor.

"Was this necessary.?",I turned around and raised my eyebrow at Richie.

"Yes was...",he responded, as usual with a neutral expression on his face. I turned around and slid the card on the cardreader and opened the door. I dragged Kris in and closed the door behind us. Without letting go of her hand, I led us to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Wwhattt???", The sight of the bathroom did me a favour and silenced her. She got lost in looking around while in the meantime I hunted for what I mainly came here for. A tiny box in the soap basket next to the bathtub caught my attention. Definitely it. A hotel parked soap bar.

"Seriously?? You dragged me in here just so you'd steal a bar of soap?",Kris sneered at me and I gave her a threatening look.

"Geez!! Don't be vulgar.... it's my at a 1563 bars now....all from different hotels...",I smiled as I placed the bar of soap in my bag.

"And what are you planning on doing with all those...???",

"Collect and keep....", I sniffed my hands of the scent left from the soap bar. Fresh lavender and peppermint. Yet another new scent.

"Can we leave now?",

"Yes please....",


"What would you like to order ma'am??", The voice of a waiter got to me as I was busy trying to find what to order on their five paged menu, of which three were entrée.

"Umm...Kris, what are you getting? This book's too huge for me. Imagine I didn't pick anything for the last ten minutes...",I whined and got her to laugh.

"Worry not ma'am....", She crushed her knuckles and pushed back her specs. "I'll get Poblano chillies filled with picadillo, a chicken enchilada and of course tortilla chips and guacamole..."

"Alright madame...",he replied and wrote them down, almost turning to me. I gestured at Kris and gave her the questioning look.

"Ooh...",she rushed to flipping the page and "I think veggie quesadilla and sour cream will do for you....", She rested her chin on her palm and looked at me, them him.

"A tequila for her and a margarita for me...", Kris finally placed the menu on the table and the waiter went on his way.

"You sure know a big deal of Mexican cuisine...", I started the talk after we got some alone time.

"My dad's Mexican native...",she grinned.

"I thought he was Philippine..",I expressed my disappointment across the table as I placed my fingers down. I've always thought he was Philippine. I'll be sure to fire my dad's private investigator as he didn't do a good job with Kris's thorough background check.

"He is. His dad's Mexican and his mom's Philippine....when I was little I used to visit my grandparents a lot here in Mexico and I really loved it. I almost forgot what it felt like after granddad passed away leaving grandma alone and we had to have her travel back to Philippine....",

"Ooh...okay...good thing here we are....",

"Yeah...thanks Jenny. And that reminds me....",she turned to her purse and took out her iPad, the same moment as the waiter walked in with a trolley carrying all the foods we ordered. I listened to Kris while he gently placed the plates on the table.

"Chester's Dorm Room selection is finally out!!! Am in Westwood!!",she shrieked and I faked one. Smells like high school is around the corner.

My father suggested I melt some of my walls and build bridges because I can't stay indoors forever, hididng from someone. I had no reason to shy away from my life just because someone loaded as a threat. And to begin with, he got me enrolled in Kris's school and had me start the new semester after summer break.

The school was divided into three dorms to accommodate each student best and my father thought in that way, I wouldn't get exposed too much.


"Yess....And Jenny, I was going through the Westwood website Bio and gosh...there's this hot like coal guy. Indefinably handsome man...."

"You have a boyfriend Kris....and his name is Jace Parker. Tall, auburn hair, handsomely freckled face and cute...does that ring a bell?", I asked picking up my quesadilla and taking a bite.

"His name is Carlos Jeffrey...",she went on ignoring my chats about her boyfriend, as she also tucked into her meal before it went cold.

"Am I there too??",

"You're a Ceramic-Bear...",she replied as she fetched a napkin and dried the corners of her lips. I immediately choked on my food.

"We're not in the same dorm??? Oh my word....",

"Right?? I wish you were in mine and you'd call it shots with the handsome man and possibly fall into the arms of Carlos Jeffery. Am sure every girl is dreaming it now....",

"Kris!", I threw a chip at her and got her laughing. "I don't want to end up hung over a highschool boy and least of all I wouldn't like myself making googly eyes with some intellectual dweeb..."

"You have some serious issues....", She snapped and finished her guacamole. I was actually surprised she finished all her meal. I initially thought it was too much but we'll, she sure downed it to the last bit.

I still had untouched sour cream on my side and a half eaten quesadilla. Despite knowing that she was the one doing most of the talking, I ended up being the one with food on my plate. I eyed her as she concluded her meal and right away drank down the tequila.

"Wow Jace has seen you eat this're his true love.... definitely....", I gestured at her empty plates and she proceeded to burping and wiping her lips.

"Why? I did tell you I brought my empty stomach..You think am a glutton?"

"I don't think sis, I know....I just witnessed a full episode of I wanna get fat. How much do you weigh?"

"I don't know....last time I went it was about 117 pounds...",

"Yoooo...girl...that's about...53? 53 kg??", I asked and she belched and nodded. "Join me and my mom at gym. You have to....I weigh approximately 45 kg...",

"We both know that's're underweight... But baby, thanks to that figure of yours as otherwise, you'd look like two straight five feet rods...", She snapped and I couldn't help but laugh.

Kris sure could be rude sometimes. Really...two straight rods?? Gosh....

After our dinner, our next stop was Albuquerque, new Mexico. The place was beautiful and impressive to see the diversity of beauty in the place. We also visited the rising from the ruins of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. Mexico City sure offers a unique collision of contemporary city life and historic preservation. World-class museums, restaurants and parks rub shoulders with the remains of several cultures,and it was impressive to see every single bit of it.

Later that night, we went back to our home city, Nevada; the 26th best small town in America.

"Goodnight Kris...", I waved at her after I dropped her at her house.

She waved back and before going back in, rushed back to give me a hug.

"I had the best time today....thank you....",she whispered and I loved it. My eyes watered and I almost cried. I hugged her back and tighter, not wanting to let go.

"Anytime month awaits...", I pursed my lips and broke the hug. She stood at the door step and said she'll walk in only after she's seen me leave. I laughed and walked to my car.

I got in, and rolled down the window. Anold started the engine and I waved at Kris over the window as she waved back at me.

Night well spent, day awaiting it's adventure.