"I must say, I still don't believe just last night I was in Mexico...", Kris started her blabber the moment I walked out of my car.

I laughed at her hysterical side as all this was new to me.

"Believe it or not Kristin Stewart....last night, we were in Mexico...", I fixed my hat and walked by her side.

She was carrying a backpack and a series of books in my hand were as I had Richie bring in my bag for me. I barely carried anything except from a packet of Sriracha flavoured Lay's chips and I was beginning to feel less schooly.

For a first day, I'd love it if I was in the same dorm as Kris. Only then would doing things be easy. I wouldn't have to feel insecure and go through preschool jitters and knowing that someone close is closeby would be the most calming feeling.

I was walking with Kris in the hallway about to say my goodbye when suddenly, someone caught my attention. I literally dropped the pack of Lay's I was having, had my mouth opened and my eyes missing blinks.

He was tall. Yes... Tall, lean and slender, with broad shoulders. He had thick dark blonde hair and deep, brooding blue eyes in not a precisely handsome face, true, but those eyes alone could send a shiver down your spine as they summed you up. God. He was undeniably handsome. What was so indefinable about it? I wondered at the time and my eyelids fell, blinking my eye.

"I did tell'd find yourself drooling once you see him. Carlos Jeffrey....", Kris whispered after she saw my reaction.

"",I stammered trying to make out words into a firm and sensible statement well understood by the brain.

"It's okay my love....we can talk later...",she queered as she crossed her hand around my neck. "For now....let's just admire the mouth watering piece of a man...."

I gave her a look! I wasn't staring at this boy because he was cute. Yes he's handsome, I can't argue with that truth. In fact, to my annoyance, I have to admit that I am not immune to Carlos Jeffrey's powerfully masculine presence. Nor could I persuade my mind to discard the cameo-like memory that had brewed my distaste for him.

I steadied my stand and fastened my hat. This was so unbelievable.

"So.....what do yah say?? I told you he's in my dorm right? I can link you up with him....and---",

"Kristin!! I don't want to have anything to do with him!! He's the ugly disgusting dweeb that spilled some dessert drink on me at the gym last Saturday....!!",I screamed and am sure everyone heard me.

And by everyone I meant Carlos Jeffrey.




He heard me...that must be why he's looking at us right now. In a breath, I swallowed the bit of saliva that had crept into my mouth and stared at Kris, wide-eyed. She mirrored my look and grabbed my hand tightly.

This was not going to end well....

"Kristen. Kristen Stewart....",he began as he stretched his hand out to shake hers??

"Kristin -- Yes....",she replied in a high pitched tone like she was choking. I smacked her shoulder and she faked a cough and cleared her throat causing him to raise his eyebrow.

"I saw you on my dorm Carlos Jeffrey...",he introduced himself to her and she couldn't stop smiling. I rolled my eyes and am sure he saw me.

"Did you memorize everyone in your dorm?", I asked with a sarcastic smile on my lips that proved to him I had better be memorizing pie to ten digits.

"Enough to know you're not in...", He returned my gesture and I smirked. He looked at me head to toe like he did the other day at the gym. He's so gross.

"Okay....nice to meet you Carlos. This is my best friend---",

" her best friend...",I quickly cut Kris's statement. I wasn't ready for anyone else around here to learn my name. She stared at me through her light glasses as her bangs hid her full expression but I could see disappointment.

"You're that rich brat from the gym complex...with whom I spilled my milkshake all over...",he almost laughed and I raised the tip of my upper lip.

"If that's you apologizing, I don't forgive you....",I steadied my stand and decided to look straight at those ocean eyes of his.

"I pity you, princess...",he leaned on the locker indicating he was staying longer just in the nick of time for me to realise he had overstayed his welcome. He was supposed to be leaving!!

"Excuse you??", Kris interfered and I was glad she did as I thought she was already taking his side. They had nothing in common just supposedly the fact that they shared a dorm. Did that count? Of course not...

"People like her often get purposely drunk, sling furniture off the balcony just for the joyous hell of it. And when the police get involved, a few bucks are able to silence them and before you know it, we're back to square one... Ridiculous Fools...",

I popped out my lower lip as if sorry at all for what he just said.

"Your girlfriend does that? This remorse I see in your eyes sure seems to go down a long way. You know -- as a matter of fact, now you have my attention, what happens next? They commit suicide by throwing themselves off the balcony?? Is that what she did?? sorry...when's her death anniversary? Maybe I might get an invite..."

"Jenny...",Kris fritted my name and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're a despicable rich little brat. Be sure to call me when it's your turn. I'll make sure to have your story published if it's the last thing I do ...",he winked and went on his merry way.

If Kristen hadn't restricted me, I'd have had Richie sweep him off his feet and feed him to my pet sharks.

"Boy am I glad am not in your dorm...",I rested my hand on Kris's shoulder and turned around to leave when she held my hand and turned me around to face her.

"He's still cute right?",

"Cute? Did the meaning of that word change for the past three years because I definitely need an update if it did....he's a total pyscho...I hate him! He's rude, selfish and vindictive. He thinks he can control the world but does he know with so much as just the snap of my fingers he can be gone?",

"Jenny! Don't say that!! We are in the school'd get detained for saying things like that....let's just hope no one heard you...",she said in a fright as she looked left to right surveying the whole place.

"You should know I could really have done away with him...",

"Yes yes I know....I know that ..", Kris hugged me and petted my hair. "I understand... pre-school jitters. But don't'll do just fine okay....",she pecked my cheek and broke us apart.

I stood there staring at her. I was initially taller and with the fact that I wore highheeled boots, I sure stood up above her.

Kris was a fun of sneakers and to match up to her I decided to get myself wedged sneakers which I got and was wearing on my first day of school. For the first time in forever, I was wearing jeans. Kris knew how much me and jeans never went along. I felt awfully uncomfortable and she gave me a disclaimer that I wore jeans two sizes, too small.

With my feet in wedged sneaker booties, I had a coffee peplum top and a matching peplum maroon leather jacket. To finish it all, I wore a black seude boater hat. Kailani was against it but my dad sided with me and said one can ever be too careful.

"I'll see you at lunch the cafe...."

"I don't even know where the cafe is....", I whined and leaned on the lockers.

"Did you read the student's handbook and the school's student guide?",she eyes me like a hawk, cornering me and hindering my soul from finding a way out.

"Enrique read it....I have to make some time with him so that I can take some short notes...", I replied.

"Do it real quick then... it's almost 8. I need to get to class J. Bye...", She waved as she walked down the stairs and into nowhere immediately leaving me in the middle of nowhere too.

I decided to call Richie. I turned my earpiece on and waited for him to come online. In less than a second, he came only to reveal he was behind me all this time. I wipped my forehead and after I told him were I was headed, he immediately turned on his iPad. I could see his fingers moving although I didn't mark exactly what he was doing.

"This way ma'am...",he guided me out of the Westwood school wing. We arrived into a courtyard and I sure loved the arrangement of flowers outside.

The scenery wasn't so bad either. They had a photobooth under a post that said in blockletters Westwood. They had a personal gym and an extremely large football pitch.

This dorm was by far the best. If not for that hot headed idiot Carlos Jeffrey, I'd have already crossed by now but I kept my personal space and preferred to stay away. Let's see what the Ceramic Bears are all about...

"Ma'am...take a left turn at the water tap and walk straight ahead in the corridor....", I followed Richie's instructions and as soon as I got to the door he motioned me to, I opened it and found a full room with students. I was late....

"This is the main auditorium ma'am. Usually students ensemble in here for a short semester briefing by the schools principal....the meeting started at 7. You're an hour late...",

"Thanks Richie. Too much detail....", I clenched my fingers as the entire auditorium turned around to look at me.

My bodyguard, Richie, made it even worst by showing me to a seat and as usual having it assessed before I took a seat. Public humiliation at it's best. Richie stood next to me with his hands brought forward. He had his shades on and his strong, robust body squeezing tight inside the black body suit he was wearing, almost bursting it. He had a bullet proof jacket on and constantly kept talking in his earpiece and looking around. He sure managed to steal the show as to this point, three quatres of the students were disoriented and constantly kept staring in my direction.

"And that concludes the semester briefing for today. Welcome to Chester High School....", The principal gave her closing remarks and the hall was filled with a loud clap of applause.

We were late!!

This was so humiliating. I looked at Richie and he kept on pacing up and down around me I don't know why.

I was disappointed.

So disappointed.

Overly disappointed!!

The silence in the auditorium was replaced with noise from tiny and minute murmurs varying among the students. The meeting was dismissed but I didn't know what to do next. Everyone was still seated and talking, making new friends and some went as far as taking pictures. Yeah right....

I looked around and saw that my work here was done. I didn't know what followed and I decided to make my way out. I stood up and the moment I did, Richie came and stood beside me as though my right hand man. Again, almost everybody had their eyes on me like I was a fallen star.

I headed for the door and stood at the junction just outside.

"Richie why were we late for the briefing?" I asked not keeping in mind that sticking to my schedule wasn't his job. He was my bodyguard and not my secretary.

"You spent an hour with Miss Stewart ma' even escorted her to her dorm this morning....",he explained and I buried my face in my hands.

"Okay....Kris said that I'll meet her at lunch in the cafe...that's like four hours from now...what am I supposed to do in the meantime???", I groaned and clenched my fingers into fists. I was totally going to punch someone in the face.

I was infuriated with school already. Online lessons were way better.

"You could go for a tour around the school with the rest of us...." I heard someone say from behind me and I span around to find two extremely familiar faces. A red head and a brunette.

"Hello...", The red head said initiating a handshake. I looked at her hand and then at her friend who was holding onto a physics book. She had her hair in a pony tail and it looked so beautiful as it flowed over her shoulder all the way to her waist.

My eyes focused back on red head with her extended arm which she still had held out. I immediately recognized them. They were the two girls I met at the gym last Saturday. Gosh, they could be so persistent. How did they find me here? What did they want?

"We know you speak English....", The brunette said dismissing her friend's hand. I was puzzled. What was she talking about? Then, my memory glitched to last Saturday and focused on the part were I was speaking Spanish in the ladies lavatory and to these two girls. I immediately looked at Richie and they followed my gaze to him.

"We're completely me....",the red head grinned and fixed her thick rimmed specs. That was new, she wasn't wearing them last time. Was she an undercover detective agent on the hunt for me? Were those really eye glasses or special eye glasses with the ability to launch a tranquilizer dart at the desired target?

"We really just wanna be friends....nothing much....", The red head pleaded again. She hugged herself and her eyes squinted and exposed her long eyelashes as they fell on her cheeks. She was smiling and looked like a Japanese anime. I immediately raised my eyebrows and chuckled.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Richie and he was signaling me to go ahead with it. In the very few second I bought us, he was able to, with the help of his team, investigate these two girls.

"The red head is Isha Mohammed and the brunette is Aurelia Aura Steels." I heard Richie say in my earpiece and I immediately smiled at the two girls.

"Hello...",I replied and Aurelia-Aura rolled her eyes.

"About time....", She whinned and I tried to be nice.

"What's your name?", Isha asked. "Am Isha and this is Aurelia. But you can just call her Aura...."

"Am Jenifer..." I responded hoping it was getting better.

I wasn't good at this no wonder I needed Kris to be here with me. I had to keep smiling and it was something I was comfortable doing only when I was around Kris.

"I think we better catch-up, we might miss the tour like someone missed the briefing...", Aurelia snapped and instead of getting angry, I felt like laughing.

"Yeah....",Isha said while crossing her hand with mine. Weird.

"You totally stole the shine and am sure you're already famous in the whole Ceramic-Bear clan and it won't take long for the whole school to know about you", Aurelia smiled at me and I immediately got goosebumps.

Being famous was the last thing I wanted and here I was already getting everybody's attention right on the first day of school. I sure did put myself on the map and if I get caught, this was totally on me.


We arrived late for the tour and despite having the whole team divided into groups, it wasn't difficult to find one and chip in. Our group had about fifteen students and it was hard for me to hear what the tour guide was saying.

Whoever he was.

I looked around and noticed everyone was holding a map and other papers except from me Isha and Aura. I inquired from Isha about it but she said it's okay.

We kept following around this guy walking backward around campus and it was tedious. I kept making faces to Isha who kept mirroring them. I felt so good.

We walked for hours and my body became drenched. I felt like the first day at the gym complex and I really got annoyed. I saw Aura fix her make up and I immediately dropped my jaw. Isha closed me up and gave me the you'll-get-used-to-it look.

In opposition, I borrowed the mirror and looked at myself in it, and noticed my skin had gotten darker despite the fact that I was wearing a hat. I forgot to wear my sunblock and here I was under the scorching sun.

Fortunately, the tour guide stopped at a small tuckshop for a break and I immediately rested on the bench.

"Do you need anything???", Aura asked taking some money out of her purse.

"It's okay....go for it ..we already surveyed the whole place and ran a thorough internal security check. It's safe...", Richie assured me through our earpiece connection and I smiled.

"Let's see what they have first....",I got up and tried to get access to the store but it was undeniably full. All the students had crowded at the bench and there was no chance that we would get anything intime before our fifteen minutes break ran out.

"This is hopeless....", Isha whined as she sat back on the bench.

"Yeah right. We probably won't have anything before our break's up and lunchbreak is an hour away....", Aura agreed as she sat next to Isha and rested their heads on the back of the bench.

I quickly looked at Richie and fortunately enough he looked back at me. I pressed on my earpiece and recorded to him the message I wanted to deliver.

Immediately, there was a forcestop on the tuckshop and I was able to make my way through and get three milkshakes. Strawberry, chocolate and caramel flavoured. By this time, everyone eyed with with a devilish interest and I knew I was toast. But screw them as I had a bodyguard.

"Do you believe in magic?", I asked my new friends while showing them the cold sizzling drink I had brought.

"I most certainly do....", Aura replied and picked the chocolate milkshake. Isha picked the strawberry flavoured one leaving me with no choice than to taste caramel. I wasn't a fan but I definitely had no options.

We quietly had our milkshake and after we finished, Aura excused herself to use the lavatory. Isha and I remained and it was awkward at first as neither of us was saying anything. Then, she took out her iPad and introduced me to her family.

"I have four siblings...",she began our talk and I looked at her with my eyes wide open. Four?? That's too much...

"This is my older sister Lourizo, and standing next to him is my older brother Al...", I leaned in close and looked at the people she was pointing at. A tall girl standing next to an equally tall guy. They had black hair and glistening crystal eyes like those of Isha.

"Then there's me and my twin sister Isla...", She smiled as she showed me the next picture of her and her identical twin, Isla. They were so cute.

"Oh my God.... you're so cute...", I smiled as I admired them both in the picture. Isla was wearing a thy high, black summer dress which rocked on her slim, almost thin body. Isha was slim too but when compared to her sister, she had a better chance of reaching approximately 50 kg when weighed.

"...and that is our baby sis, also last born, Betty Lou...",she pointed at a young girl who sat on a swing. She was about nine or ten years of age. She had her hair braided in spiral twists which gave her a kinky look, going so well with her darker skin.

I noticed among the siblings, the set of twins had a rather pale white skin unlike the rest of the family.

I paused for a moment and stared at Isha. She was still flipping pages on her iPad and talking about whatever it was.

I stopped listening after she introduced Betty Lou. Seeing her and her family live together like that was really a beautiful sight more merry than the setting sun. It made me realize how much I miss being a normal teenage girl and living my life.

Oh...when this is over....when all this will be over....I will scream!