I was alone outside enjoying the warm tropical air as it gently blew against my face.

The peace, the serenity, the freedom. It was all just a mixture of glory and perfection. I hadn't been outside my house in forever and it felt so new and strange.

It was such a calm night and for once I changed my judgement on a soft cozy bed being the key to a calm mind.

Tonight made it clear that it wasn't the bed, but the attitude.

I kept my eyes closed and breathed in the overflowing peace.

Suddenly, it occured to me that I was in public and fear crept all over me. My beautiful moment became boring and I forgot I was in love just some minutes ago. I realized I needed company. I have never been alone for so long and being alone was making me regret all this.

First of all, I agreed to come to this school reopening welcome back costume party and second of all, my escortee was busy with her apparently boyfriend. Isha and Aurelia were nowhere to be seen and things just went haywire.

All this was a pain in the neck. Richie kept in touch, inquiring from time to time if I was okay or in any discomfort at all.

I was grateful to him for keeping me company.

After I met up with Linda, Richie brought me a number of drinks and I could feel the water bubbling inside me each time I moved. I visited the bathroom countless times to have some of it excreted.

Later that night, I could really see the fun of being in an actual school unlike some on an online website. It was interesting and amusing to be here and in a moment I forgot I was bored. The music was loud and everyone seemed lost in the beat as they swayed their bodies on sync.

Then, as though in a dream two guys joined me on the balcony and they seemed drunk. They kept blabbering about whatever it was they were talking about and I was hating it. Their encounter was spreading an alcohol stench all over the place and I started to suffocate. I quickly alerted Richie and he seemed to be offline.

How was that possible....

Kris wasn't even responding and I was about to leave when one of them grabbed my hand.

"Finally...I've found you. Did you really think you'd hide from me for so long??",he asked and there was something about his hoarse voice that got me off guard. His choice of words wasn't in my favour either and in the next minute I found myself trembling in my boots.

He found me? What did he mean by that? Was my cover blown? How did they find me?

"Let go of me!!!", I screamed and tried to free myself but it didn't work.

"This tone of voice and angry face doesn't suit your character sweetheart...",the other guy added and his husky tone ran chivers down my spine. I was dead nervous. What now.....what now.... I closed my eyes and readied myself for whatever awaited.

"I think she said let her go...why don't you understand", the familiar voice of Carlos interrupted the moment.

I opened my eyes and saw him on the balcony, vigorously thrashing these two men. It didn't take much for them to find their feet and get lost.

"You sure are having a good time at the Ceramic-bear welcome party....", he continued. "Guys are already fighting for you...."

"I....I want to contact Kris...",I gestured to my phone and aimed to leave when he grabbed my hand reminding me of the horrible insident that just happened. He looked at my face and after seeing my fright, he instantly let go.

"You're too smart for a third wheel....",he snapped as he leaned against the balcony behind him.

"Am not following...can you please be a little more direct...",

"For once stop tagging around your friend and her boyfriend. Grow up and live your own life... Get w boyfriend at least....",

"Ha! Ha! And who will be my boyfriend?? You?", I asked in a very dimming tone.

"",he agreed shamelessly. He was looking at me like I was the last half of a sandwich and it really got me annoyed.

"Ohmygoodness....tell me you're joking please...",

"Why are you acting like it's your first time being in highschool?", He raised an eyebrow and leaned close to me that I had to pull my head backwards.

'Because it is' conscience replied.

"Anyway....just so you know...the fact that you got mobbed sometime back clearly just depicted what single girls go through around here. And am sorry for you being my girlfriend means social security...",

Was he really serious?

"Let's just assume I really agree to being your girlfriend, what exactly is your catch...? Why are you concerned about me and what do you want from being my boyfriend...???",

"Is that a Yes or No...?",he asked.

I turned around to see his smiling face and I rolled my eyes and turned back around on the balcony. After being ignored, I thought he'd take it as a hint to leave but he climbed up and stood next to me. He ran my braid in his hands which I forcefully snatched from him.

"What the hell!!", I screamed and backed away.

"Easy unarmed. I just thought you needed company....",

"Okay...Please remind me when I begged for yours exactly?",I asked in a very sassy tone.

"Can't you for once just swallow your ego and come clean??", He snapped and silenced me. I ignored him and kept staring over the balcony.

"See??",he said while getting my attention. I didn't want to look but I looked anyway.

He was smiling and holding the Ceramic bear card invite in his hands.

So he caused that fuzz for absolutely no reason. Why then did he make us wait for so long in the room???

I forcefully took it from him so that I could clearly see it before me. I was literally holding onto a CeramicBear invite.


It even had his name on it.

"How did you....get ...this?",I asked completely confused.

"Hey....",he snatched it away to my horror. "Don't get your mouth liquid over it....",he said as he rubbed it against his chest.

"Rude much...",I teased back and leaned my back on the balcony. "Why aren't you somewhere else but here, then?"

"Because I'd rather have a pretty girl throw insults at me than listen to some oldtown tracks over and over again in the presence of young adults in a highschool hall....",

"Did you just call me pretty??",I asked him not forgetting to point my index finger at him.

"Don't get used to already regretting it....",

"Tsk....that's not your tone. It doesn't suit you....",

"Ouch!!",he groaned and had his hand against his chest as if he was in physical pain. "You're breaking my heart here pretty girl...."

"Cut it out Carlos Jeffrey....", I pout and walked down the terrace. I was already annoyed that I was alone outside and here he was annoying me more.

"You know.... it's good to always commend the good works of other people. Am actually chosing to be with you and give up one opportunity I've waited for all summer....",

"I didn't ask you to...."

"You don't wait to be asked if you want to do a good deed....",

"Okay then....I bet you don't mind giving me some space and getting out of my hair....",

"Now you're asking....",

"Ha! Just as I thought...",I said and walked away. I felt him follow behind me and I let out a sigh. Couldn't he just leave me alone.

"Why do you always say that each time you're talking to me?",

"Because you always prove my thoughts about you right....",I stopped and turned around almost bumping into him. He was that close....

"Prove me wrong then....",I smiled at him and wiggled my eye brows simultaneously.

We stayed quiet for a moment. I was looking at him and he wasn't. He was staring at his feet. In a blink, he looked up at me turned around to leave.

Wow! Well played Carlos Jeffrey. Well played. Looking at him walk away like that left me more in love than in demure. I think I really appreciated the fact that he surrendered and walked away.


I immediately called Richie and asked him to get the car ready. I was exhausted and had to go home. I wasn't sure if Kris was still around so I just left a text. Carlos was right. I'd been tagging along and being a third wheel was beginning to feel suffocating. I know she didn't mind but I just had to keep my self respect.

In less than five minutes, Richie located me and helped me get out of the building safely. This sure was a good experience.

I got into the car and we safely drove home. Anila wasn't around and I realised how much I needed her. My crossbody bag was so heavy even though it only had my phone in it. I hang it around my shoulder and felt drenched of all my energy.

The lights were off and I guessed my dad had gone to sleep. I walked up to my room and was pleased to know that Richie had already arrived and opened the door for me. I got it and threw myself on the couch.

I took deep breaths and asked Richie to turn the air conditioner on for me which he did without hesitation.

There were times I hated my life but sometimes, it was my lucky charm. Too many hands.

Richie was about to leave when I called him back and explained to him the incident that happened at the balcony with the two drunkards.

"Seriously. Am so sorry ma'am...but why didn't you try to contact me? Your life was in danger...",

"I did. But you were offline",

"What??", He gasped. "That's impossible. I was online for you the entire time...",


"Exactly. Ma'am this is no simple matter. Someone tampered with our systems network connection and that's not a good thing....I'll have to look into it and conduct a thorough research on who those boys were...",

"Is that necessary?"

"Yes madam. It is. I truly apologize for the danger I put you in....", He bowed his head and I got a fright.

"You can repay me by executing the plan you just narrated to me...",I tried the joke with him so that he doesn't feel any form of tension. I knew very well what he was going through and I thought of something to cheer him up. He didn't smile back though. Grumpy man. He just turned around and left.

Richie might be a middle aged bodyguard of mine with a wife and kids, but he was my friend and I treasured his friendship.