I walked into the school campus with a bunch of bodyguards around me as usual.

I wasn't planning on attending school today but Enrique reminded me I was having my first science project meeting today.

I groaned because I wasn't ready to go face to face with Carlos Jeffrey.

Enrique was with me and I felt somewhat sure of this whole thing.

We arrived at the Ceramic Bear premises and he led me into the school's library which I didn't know existed initially.

He booked one of the discussion rooms and I walked in with him as my whole convoy walked with me.

It was initially just us two and I thought this was a good breather considering this was already building tension for me.

We waited for what seemed to be a half hour then the room started to fill with more students.

My group had five students of which two were me and Carlos.

I just had to know the other three and I was already done with it.

Busy with my phone, I didn't notice when the door opened. A light breeze blew in and I could feel my heart sink deep in my chest. My brain boiled in my skull and I immediately took off my heart.

My eyes widened as they focused on the figure in front of me.

Carlos Jeffrey.

"Hello...draculaura....." he grinned offering me his hand. I raised an eyebrow and stared at his hand then at him and at his hand again. He shamefully withdrew his hand and picked just the seat opposite to mine.


Then, two more students arrived in the room and while waiting for the last one, we agreed to get ahead of it. They all introduced themselves except from me of course.

I was surprised that Carlos Jeffrey didn't even create a fuss about it but rather stayed put. He was very impressive.

"Am Talia..." a shy girl seemingly of a Chinese origin smiled exposing her crowned teeth. she had thick bangs and her long ebony black hair in pig tails which went all the way to her waist.

She looked at me and pushed her Harry potter glasses behind her nose bridge.

Just then I noticed, most girls were incorporating this bang and glasses idea. First Kris, then Isha and now Talia.

I might just join the club myself, who knew.

"Am Griffin....",the guy sitting next to Talia introduced himself as well. I raised my eyebrows acknowledging him and Carlos finished it off by saying his name.

"Am Enrique Casagrandes...." my very personal personal secretary grinned exposing his white teeth, making everyone wonder what he was doing here as he didn't belong among us.

"Enrique...aren't you a Ferrous Tiger???" Talia asked with her eyes constantly shifting to me and then back to Enrique.

"I was wondering the very same thing....", Carlos narrowed his eyes at me and I repaid him with a smile.

" here!" I slammed the desk making Talia jump in her chair almost falling. The door immediately opened and Richie walked in to where I was. Anila was with him and she reached for my bag when she walked in. She gathered my books and had them handed to Enrique.

She helped me get up from my seat and we walked toward the door as Richie led us to it.

The room was quiet when I left and before I knew it, someone grabbed my hand.

Carlos Jeffrey...

"Where the hell are you going????" he asked in what seemed to be his angry tone. Who pressed his button?

"What gives you the audacity to ask me that?? oh No...What gives you the authority to make me answerable to you??" I asked back and got that nervous chuckle from him.

"Oh with child's play. You're a grown ass woman, go act like it....You sure must be able to handle a grown beat...." he wiggled his eyebrows and I knew I was wasting my precious time.

I clicked my tongue, as though riding on a horse, and turned around to leave.

"Jennifer Gonzalez! That's selfish of you! Every member has to participate in this...."

"Darling, that's what Enrique's for..." I replied putting on my shades. "He's my exchange student ...he does all the school work on my see...." I smiled at him and peaced out with my fingers.

"Incase you didn't know Mr Jeffrey, I match on to the beat I drum.... only me...No one else...and just so you know, am not sorry...!" I waved at him and not forgetting a smile.

My eyes passed through the dark lens I was wearing and saw him stand on the discussion room, puzzled and confused.

I turned around and fixed my jacket like I was about to go on a runway. I knew for sure every student around was looking at this moment but I wasn't bothered even for a bit. If my moment to shine came, why not then??

I walked out of the school library and headed towards the car park. Richie was standing next to me and my nanny was equally by my side.

He opened the door for me and Anila got in after me.

The ride back home seemed shorter than usual. We arrived in a blink and I was excited for the half day. It was Wednesday and I was already getting the weekend vibe.

I walked into the house only to my shock. Kailani was with my dad on the couch. They were facing eachother with knees touching, hands all over eachother and faces an inch away.

"Ehem....." I faked a cough and walked past them to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water after which Anila came over and helped me with it.

Before going to my room upstairs, I felt a spell of family spread through the house.

I looked back at them and raced up to my room.

Having changed my cloths, I sat on my bed with my laptop in my hands trying to go through my college's website. I went through my application again but each time it got stuck on the exact same place.


Frustrated, I slammed it close and pushed it behind my pillow.

"Everything okay?" Kailani asked as she peeped her head through the minute space in the door.

I sat up and smiled for her to get in.

I laughed when she tiptoed in and threw herself just next to me on the bed.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again..."

"Oh really....why is that???"

"It seemed as though Idris was going to swallow you...." I threw a cushion in her face and got her to blush.

"You saw????"

"I saw" I nodded and smiled at her.

It was good news for me to see my father's relationship with my friend work. I brought her here as an intern but that was not my main motive. Getting them together was what I tweaked and longed for which I knew I was getting close to.

I witnessed them making out in our house in a couch and I know her to be the type that doesn't press her lips on someone else's just out the blue.

My dad wasn't that type either and them together like that was a good call.

"Honestly I don't know when to this far.....I don't know....", she slicked a few strands of her hair behind her ears and hugged the pillow tight while looking at me and then back at her house.

"Love works in mysterious ways....", I held her hand in mine and got her to smile.

"I guess...." she smiled. "If am being truthful, I know I've never been kissed like that before...." she took a deep breath and shyly looked at me.

"It must've been a pretty good smooch. I should've stayed longer to witness all of it ..." I wiggled my eyebrows at her and she tossed the cushion in my face.

I fell on my back and laughed as she tickled my sides.

" sorry...I wouldn't have...." I lied and got her to stop. of course I would have.

"What about you??? Have you ever been in a smoochfest???" she asked looking all girly and teen. Oh Kailani...

"Not any that I remember of....but I sure look forward to it. You know since I was little, I've always wanted my first kiss to be in church before God.... me with my one true love..." I giggled as I brought my fists to my cheeks and closed my eyes. Thoughts of what it was going to be like filled my brain and I couldn't help but feel desperate all of a sudden.

"Imagining it sure does a bit of help doesn't it??" Kailani asked and I quickly opened my eyes realising I was lost dreaming about my first kiss.

"Umm...yeah...." I nodded as I stood up and took my phone. I called Anila and asked her to order me some pizza from La Terraza, the only place whose pizza I enjoyed.

Kailani asked for a chicken pizza with extra cheese and I went for steamed steak topping and extra steak. Of course...when it comes to meat then am your girl.

" you ever been in love before???" I asked hoping shed say she was in love with my dad.

I was excited when kailani agreed to me having to address her as 'mom'. I initially thought she wouldn't like it and would dismiss me but she agreed and I was happy that she did.

My dad was sceptical about it and many times tried to tell me not to address Kailani with that title. I understand him but he also just had to understand me.

I wanted a mom but in was never in a way going to be Georgina Morgan. Never!

"What kind of question is that??" she laughed and I shrugged my shoulders.

Growing up, I haven't witnessed the most beautiful and exciting kind of love stories except form those in the famous fairytales my mother used to tell me before I went to bed.

Now, having Kailani with me as an adult female, I thought it would be wise to get advice from her regarding such matters.

"Well....I think I used to....and all went blurred like underwater...and feels like am up on the surface and it all makes sense again. I just feel like am in a maze and... and..the pain is still there...."

"What pain??"

"Jenny...I mean your daddy is great. He's a good man. But...I just find myself strengthening the distance between us despite us being close. On one hand is me...and on the other is George..." she chuckled and bit her lip.

"I've had a number of intense and heavy make out sessions which he's admitted to me he's never had with George's still not good enough for me...."

"What would be enough for you???" I asked hoping I asked the right question.

"Knowing that he's fully mine and mine alone. A man, Jenny, is a woman's treasure and I don't know about other women but when it comes to me, I wouldn't want to share him with anyone else..." she sniffed and laid on her back, on the bed.

"I know..." I added as memories of what happened between my parents crept into my mind.

Kailani's feeling were so much similar to my biological father's. After he meant that my mom had cheated on her, he became frustrated and pushed her down the stairs to her death. Did he love her that much?? That she belong to him alone and no one else??

The real question being, is pushing her down the stairs an act of true love??

" don't..." she said under her breath and I gave her a look of weary and tried again. "I know I can't imagine how hard it is to go through such a rough kind of love and I doubt a person can get over it in a blink....but you're alive and as long as you're still breathing you deserve to be happy....."

"I deserve to be happy....Happiness....Frankly I have no idea what that word means...." she ran her hands through her hair and I could tell she was unease.

She got up and paced about in the room as though eagerly waiting for a test result.

"Kailani...----", I called her but she rushed to sit next to me with my hands held in hers.

"Jenny....I've been married a man whom I thought meant the world to me. We had a girl....she....she...was...sick....I think.

Then, he took her away from me and left...I tried to contact him did my level best to find him but to this day, I have no clue whatsoever on where my Kylie is. My baby...he took her away from me.....and that's when I knew...he wasn't the man I knew anymore...He wasn't the same man I had fallen in love with....he was someone else...." she cried as she explained it to me.

Not knowing what to do, I coiled myself around her and hoped it would help pacify her.

I listened as she cried and held me tight close to her.

"What...was she suffering...from???" I stammered hoping I chose my words wisely.

"She had Cancer....blood cancer...." she replied and I could feel her body tense so close to me.

I loosened my grip on her without letting go but giving her some space to breathe.

I never imagined that Kailani had been married before and with a little girl.

Whoever this man was, he was a very terrible man.

"Moments change into memories and that's what we get stuck with for the rest of our lives. Kailani....", I took her hands off of me and for her to face me. I wiped her tears rained kisses on her face.

" deserve to move on and be happy. It doesn't take the memories away but at the same time it heals your scars.....I haven't been in love before so I can't say for sure I know the pain of f a heart break but from those around me, I assure you....I understand you ..."

"Thanks Jenny...."

"If you decide you're really ready to date again then go out there and look for someone you can really go out with...."

"Now that's the thing...I haven't wanted to go out with anyone except for him. And in all honesty I still don't. I see handsome men everyday at my work place. Some even try to flirt with me but am so shut down after what happened in my first marriage...."

"Maybe you shouldn't overthink it. Take a break, sit down and analyse the whole situation before you get involved....with anyone....I know one thing and it's for sure...Idris would never hurt you...."

"You trust him that much???"

"Yes I do. It's been seven years already..." I counted and she nodded agreeably.

"I'll put that into consideration. Things are different now. The rules have changed, the dating world evolves in an instant it seems. You'd meet someone and if you had chemistry that'd be enough but seems like you have to go through a laundry list of things that you have to check off first to make sure it is considered okay to go on with it...."

"What do you mean by that??" I asked the same time my doorbell rang and Anila walked in with two cartons of pizza. I handed the chicken one to Kailani and settled with the beef one. I thanked Anila and she left.

I threw myself on the bed next to Kailani for her to continue with the story. She took a bite and I copied her.

She half laughed and quickly swallowed to proceed.

"I think it's inappropriate for an intern to go out with her consultant...." she broke it out and I quickly swallowed again to give a fitting reply.

"I think it's okay. You love him, he loves you...what's the Big Deal???"

"My dear the rules are different remember??"

"Who sets the horrid rules anyway??"

"Society does...."

"And you just blindly follow...."

"You'll understand when you get there....."

"Oh please....I don't think I'll ever get currently in the middle of a fight with this bastard, Carlos Jeffrey...."

"What's the deal with that kid anyway??? Move on ma'am...the milkshake incident was like three weeks ago....get over it already...."

"Oh no.nono...i want him to know he messed with the wrong girl....and there is no deal with him..."

"Yet you denied me to have him investigated...."

"Because it wasn't necessary....", I fit the sharp end of my pizza into my mouth and got a stare from Kailani.

She narrowed her eyes at me and raised her eyebrows as if she would see through me.

"Okay...he's an interesting guy...I'll give him that..."

"He's an interesting guy or you're interested in the guy????" she asked again causing me to choke.

"Me...and Carlos have got to be kidding me!"

"Okay okay.... I'll hold that thought. But my love...since you always call me mom...I guessed I'd give you some mummy advise...."

"Okkkkkaaaayyyy....." I dragged the reply and get her a napkin which she handed over to me from the bed.

"One day, someone will love you the way you deserve to be loved and you won't have to fight for it. When that day not ever let it freely go finds you when you least expected..." she smiled and continued eating her pizza.

Reflecting on what she said, I realised I've never known if how I was loved was the way I deserved to be loved. Unsure of the truth of the matter, I thanked her and picked another piece of slice of pizza.

Having such a talk with Kailani helped me not only to learn new things about her and from her but also to face life from a different perspective.

I've always had misconceptions about love but hearing her side of the matter, it's not chemistry that makes two people great lovers.

It's the love they share.

Then, her question bounced up and again in my mind. Am I interested in the guy??

Carlos Jeffrey...and me?? oh Dear...

I laughed it off that night as I slept.

He was not my type and was far away from it.

We were like Yin and Yang. Two sides of a coin. Pure opposites and to this day, I've never really found him attractive to me.

I turned my body to the other side and faced the wall.

Me and Carlos.....really?? What was Kailani thinking??

She sure must've been out of her mind.

There was no way I'd ever date him....

No freakin' Way...