I closed my laptop in celebration for the purposefully night spent.

After the first meeting with my science group mates, I had to do my part in the job and design a 3D model. Following long hours of discussions and arguments, we came to a conclusion that we would recreate the solar system.

All afternoon, I spent it in my room quietly messing with all the diagrams and making sure I create a good and perfectly display of the solar system. I called Alex and he came over to help as he was good with these things.

Computers weren't my thing and I knew Alex being a pro, I'd nail it.

I fell asleep and when I woke up, I found that Alex had gone. A light breeze swept over my skin and I realised I had slept with the windows open.

Reluctantly, I woke up and crawled to have them closed.

When I got there, I was able to look into the streets and saw men walking around. A few cars were also moving around but not enough to call it a fully packed street.

I closed the window and through the glass I was able to see a person in a hat, reminding me of Jenny.

The rich brat.

She didn't even show up for the science group meeting. Instead, she used her so called cousin Enrique as her substitute.

She didn't even put in much effort in being at school. It's as of she didn't even care.

I knew that kind.

They probably have too much money at home and she doesn't see point in getting educated to carry her own feet and leave her own legacy.

Narrow minded rich fool.

I pulled the curtain across and when I sat down, I felt my stomach rumble. I was hungry. I grinned and turned my light on.

I fetched my slippers to go down to the kitchen when I suddenly heard clattering sounds

I gasped. Someone was in the house!!

I went to my closet and picked my old baseball bat. I held onto it tight as I stealthily walked out of my room. I maintained my stand in the shadows as I crept down to the kitchen.

Then, my eyes saw it. A figure moving about in our island kitchen.

It was tiptoeing just like I was, trying not to get caught.

It moved from the fridge then to the oven, placing a pot on the stove.

What was going on???

These thieves really think they can break in and cook something while we sleep??

Well not on my watch!

"Hey! what the hell do you think you're doing??? How dare you break into someones house and rush to the kitchen? Are you serious????" I screamed and walked toward him.

"What the hell???!!", he screamed back and I got shocked. He was she!!

And not any other she...but my own mom!

"Carlos what are you doing???"

"Mee....?? You!! Gosh I thought you were some burglar and I also swatted your head with this bat! Why are you awake this late????" I poked her and she leaned on the counter with a mug in her hands.

"I came to heat my coffee. I can't go to work late....and I must say....I really don't need to worry about burglars now....when I have a superman son like you...." she pecked my cheek and headed up stairs.

"Wait a minute....." I stopped and she turned around to look at me standing right on the staircase.

"Work?? this early????" I asked and I noticed the change of attitude on her face.

The once sweet love was replaced by insecurity and fear. I could see her chest pounding as if it'll split open in a breath.

She started to sweat and when I looked at her she wiped her nose with the back of her hand, placing the mug on the staircase.

"You have a problem with it???" she asked and I knew that's not what she was getting at. She walked back to where I was and stood right in front of me.

" just ---",

" have to understand that am the parent and you're the child. Just because you're a few inches taller than me, it doesn't mean we've suddenly switched roles....and you're now in charge with me as the child...."

"That's not what I was driving at...." I scratched my eyebrows and ran my fingers on the bridge above my nose.

"I thinks that's precisely it...." she folded her hands beneath her breasts and raised her eyebrow at me. "I haven't forgotten the earful you gave me last time....and it still pains me to this day you still find me lacking...."

"Please!!! For once will you understand me! that's not what I was driving just worried about you. You leave early and come back late....---"

"Again if that!! Will you at least move on....."

"Do you at least ever think of Leilani????"

"Okay...okay...let me get this thing suddenly think am a whole, moving around selling my body to get money to tend to your needs and mine...right?? And Leilani? You think she's just bait I use to get money out of Greg's pocket....true? Yes!!"

"Whhatt?? oh God....that never even crossed my mind...oh my word....why...!!" I cried as I looked at her.

She was crying too. Her shirt was wet with tears drenched from her eyes. When she saw that I noticed her tears, she backed away from me and went to the staircase.

Her hand subconsciously pushed her mug spilling all the coffee she came to have...

She sniffed over and over again as she wiped her tears.

"Well.. you're're very right...." she said before turning around and running towards her room.

Ignoring the piece of broken ceramic mug, I also passed by and walked up stairs to my room.

I closed the door shut and staggered in.

I've never felt so heartbroken and distant from my mom before.

Since I was little, I've already never felt so close to her and now that I was older, I felt even more distant with everyday.

Something was up with her and she wasn't telling me. Instead, she vented her anger on me and treated me like a punching bag and that was so wrong.

I was a person and she had to treat me like one. In fact, not any other person but her very own son.

How could she do this to me???

What was wrong I didn't even know....

I know she worked in a restaurant downtown but I didn't understand why she had to get up early and come back late.

I barely saw her and each time I did, I'd tell she had shed some weight. She got more tiny and her bones were becoming prominent beneath her skin.

She looked tired and lost the glow on her face.

Living as a single parent was torture for her and I could tell. She couldn't afford to take care of me on her own and I understood that she was putting in much effort to.

I just couldn't understand that she was putting her life on the edge just for me.

She was ignoring Leilani and making her go through what I did when I was little.

Missing out on my father's time, I also missed my mom despite being with her everyday.

She was too busy for me and it painned me so much.

I yearned for her when she could not be found.

I lost her when she was right in front of me.

And now that I was all grown, I could feel it all over again...

I was losing her yet again...

I punched the wall many times and after I felt exhausted and satisfied, I buried my face in my pillow and tried to sleep.

I was suffocating. I knew it well but there was nothing that I'd do about it.

Completely nothing....

The next morning, I woke up with a slight headache. My blurry vision was still good enough to see the time on my alarm.


I cringed at the realisation that I missed my morning classes and that meant I had to go explain myself to the principal. Again!!!

I abruptly pushed the sheets off and when I wanted to get into the shower, I heard Leilani giggling downstairs.


What was she doing this hour at home.? She was supposed to be in school...

Hurriedly, I raced downstairs and confirmed my doubt.

It was really her.

She was sitting in my dining table with a smile as soon as she saw me.

Her tiny tongue was effortlessly trying to lick off the milk moustache that she had on.

"Leilani why aren't you in school???" I asked looking at her curiously.

"Teacher Ivy said that I should stay home today....." she replied and pursed her lips.

" that it....and the milk?? Who made it for you...?? I mean...who picked you up from"

"no...mummy's not here. Am with Francine...." she smiled and turned her head to the kitchen

I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on the stature of an average woman.

She wasn't as young and definitely not as old. Probably in her mid-late twenties.

As soon as she saw me, she stopped whatever she was doing and rushed to greet me.


"Good morning Mr Jeffrey. I am Francine Rae...from the Nevada Babysitting Service...." she smiled and extended her hand for a handshake. I hesitantly shook her hand and following that, she took her business card and gave it to me.

I watched as she attended to Leilani while I studied her card.

How on earth did mom manage to afford such a company??

If it covered the entire state then obviously it was very expensive. Why didn't she just hire a Las Vegas based babysitter? That would be affordable considering the ground limit.

"Anything I can get you, Mr Jeffrey??" she asked and I turned my attention to her.

" thanks am fine. And please call me Carlos. For how long are you going to be here??" I asked back, returning her card.

"Umm... about a week..." she replied and stood with her hands held together below her stomach as though expecting me to ask her more questions.

"How's your payment scheme like??" I asked hoping she wouldn't get suspicious of me. "I mean....did my mom pay you in full or I'll need to top you up....?"

"Oh no....she covered the entire bill... It's $1,000 a month and since she only hired me for a week then she only paid $250..." Francine smiled just like the host she was.

A thousand dollars! God that was too much!! Mom couldn't afford that.

And she paid the whole $250?? in one sitting?? Impossible.

Her salary was $150 dollars every two weeks and it's already been a week since we started this new month. She couldn't have gotten a pay in advance either and even if she did, it wouldn't have been enough.

Where on earth did she get so much money from??

Even so, why did she hire a babysitter?

She won't be around for the next week?

Where exactly would she be going then?

I know she doesn't have any relatives here in Nevada. Her mother lives as far as California and she's the last person my mom would visit.

And what was so important that she had to leave a sick Leilani in the hands of some babysitter??

Francine seemed nice but....I wasn't convinced...

Something was going on and I had to find out what it was.

Why was mom doing this now?

Did she badly need some money??

For what then...

We've been managing on her meagre salary to this point but why was she desperate??

Why was she ---

"Carlos...are you okay???" Leilani interrupted me and I blinked before turning to her.

I looked at her then at Francine then at her again.

"Uhh..." I stammered and ran my hands in her hair. "You never told me why you were home..."

"Her teacher called this morning saying she had episodes of bloody vomit and abdominal cramps. She requested we take her to the hospital of which I did and got that she has Gastroenteritis...."

"Oh really??" I blinked as I listened to the story from Francine.

But why did the teacher call her and not mom in the first place??

Mom's Leilani's legal guardian and first to know when anything else has happened.

Unless....she handed her authority over to Francine before leaving.

That means mom had this planned before hand. This trip was well planned for.

Oh God ....

"...I...have already gave her, her medicine in the morning and am making lunch at the moment...Is there anything in particular you'd want me to make???"

"Gastroenteritis???" I asked ignoring her awfully unnecessary kindness. I can cook for myself whenever I want to. I for one didn't need a babysitter.

"'s a common illness among kids.....but in a week's time she should be able to recover...she's a very strong girl..." Francine smiled at Leilani who smiled back at her.

I clenched my fists in anger.

It was supposed to me mom here with Leilani and not some baby sitter. could she do this to could she???

I had to do something about it.

I had to.

I walked to the terrace and tried her number many times but she never picked up. Each attempt and it went straight to voice mail.


I walked back in and noticed Leilani was lying on the couch droosily watching some cartoons.

Francine was in the kitchen and this was my given opportunity.

I went upstairs and hoped that by the end of this day, I'd have achieved something major and big.