Two days passed and my mother was not yet back from wherever she went.

Leilani wasn't so different from her initial state and I hate to say that she was deteorating.

For once I was happy that Francine was around and she was really taking good care of my little sister.

It was finally Friday and I was excited to go to school. We were having sports today for the second time ever and I think I needed the distraction. Nothing was fine at home and I'd have to make my school count.

I attended the first morning classes and my brain was already exhausted. I'd been busy with the model last night that I almost forgot to do a bit of pre studying.

It did me good to do that. It sure did me good because attending Mr Maurice's history class without a prestudy is as good as preparing for a nap.

He was a lullaby on its own and I wondered why he was still around.

Poor man..

I was happy when his two hours were up. I had one more class and then lunch...then we'd have the afternoon free for sports.

I was thinking of trying out for athletics but wasn't sure yet. Maybe volley ball, basket ball or softball if they'll have it.

I deliberated about it until I came to my locker. Dropped my books and went for my math class.

At the though of math, Jenny immediately appeared in my mind's eye.

I wasn't ready to meet her and suffer a few setbacks. I was already in a bad mood and I know just a single sight of her was enough to make me lose it.

I turned back around to visit the library instead when I though, 'Who is she that I have to change my life for her?' Yeah right...I smirked and turned back around heading for the class.

When I got there, I was pleased she wasn't even in.

I was smart enough to know that she was never late for anything... if she wasnt here it meant she wasn't attending.

Rich spoiled brat who can just attend class whenever she saw fit.


I took my seat and my hour was spent with me trying to differentiate between all the diagrams being displayed on the projector.

Geometry was really a race uphill. Despite people saying Statistics was tough , I preferred it to Geometry.

I hated shapes and diagrams. They made me feel like I was in kindergarten and when it came to calculating all these weird capacities, life was made tough.

I groaned when I looked at my watch and figured I had been here for not more than twenty minutes.

"Fifty more minutes to go...." the red haired girl with a messed up dress code whispered to me after she saw my boredom. Her grey haired friend was fast asleep and to the look of things she wasn't waking up anytime soon.

She must've been having a good dream.

I opened my book and stood it just in front of me on the desk covering me up.

Then, I made some room for myself behind my book and made sure to slowly drift to sleep.


I walked out of the class feeling exhausted and of course with a backache.

My shoulders were killing me and I stretched myself many times to relax my muscles. Unfortunately, they were too stubborn to be grateful.

I still had fifteen more minutes until lunchtime and I texted Alex to meet me at the Café.

I didn't forget to drop my books at my locker and head for the lounge.

I needed to update my playlist and introduce myself to a whole new world of antidepressant type of music.

With my mom and Jenny acting all witty, I definitely needed to.

On my way to the lounge, I passed by the main courtyard and walked out of the Westwood dorm. As I approached the path that took me to the lounges, I sneak peaked and ended up getting to landing into the world of the rich Draculaura.

She was outside her limo with someone holding an umbrella for her.

She's so cheap. Showing off her money like that at school, had she no shame??

To make matters worst, there were more than one bodyguard around her this time.

They surrounded the car as if they knew a bullet would emerge out of nowhere to shot her.

Standing in front of Jenny was Kris who was held on hold by a thick man who Jenny constantly refers to as Richie.

A woman walked out from the car and was she searching Kris?? She was a machine ran over her and scan though her entire body.

But Wasn't Kris her best friend? Then why did she suspect her?

This was really absurd. She had her entire security lined up like white blood cells as if we were some parasites that would attach her immune system.

She sure was a witch!!

I paid close attention as Jenny finally pulled Kris into a hug after the assessment was over.

They talked for a few more minutes before Jenny bent into her car and took out about ten shopping bags. From the label, you'd tell they weren't from around here.

They were labelled St Erik's.

I'd never heard of that brand before.

I paid my attention back to the two besties who seemed to be wrapping up their talk.

Jenny walked into her car and Kris waved at her. I watched the limo drive away and a happy Kris come my way.

She was having some of her chips and I noticed she was having it from a box.

is that what chips for rich people looks like?

I steadied my stand behind the pillar I was hiding behind.

I planned to jump out and freak her but when she came out unafraid I felt embarrassed.

"Hey Kris...." I greeted and as she picked a chip from her box.

To the look of it, they were only five of them. Great. A whole lot of money for five solitary bites.


"Carlos....." she replied and was about to walk way when I held her hand.

She quickly titled her head to my direction as her eyes Lasered through me causing me to quickly drop her hand.


"You watch it okay...."

"Uh...where's your friend going???"

"I think we both know am not the right person to answer that...."

"Oh come on...."

"Yeah right....Call her and ask...." she rolled her eyes and closed her carton having finished her chips.

I was able to see a familiar logo on the carton cover. It was the same as the one on the bags she was carrying.

"Good detective work...." she grinned. I blinked nervously and ran my fingers through my hair. She must've noticed me observing her things. okay

"You're really not going to tell me where she's going?? I mean it's lunch time and I know she's not taking a ride to the cafe..."

"Why are you interested??? Oh I look like her spokesperson or something???" she rolled her eyes and pushed her glasses above her nose bridge.

She pursed her eye lashes and gave me just that look my mom gives me each time I steal her coffee beans.

"Ohhh...My Jeffrey...that was just Madame Jennifer Gonzalez leaving for lunch... she'll be here again this afternoon for sport. Thank you....anything else you'd ----"

"Stop! Is sarcasm the language you two know best???" I pointed at her and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"When talking to dweebs like you yes...."

"Oh know what're gonna have to chose a side in this war because if you talk like that, I'd have to tell you you're in the wrong side of the battle..."

"Excuse you....????"

"I mean....this minute you're nice to me and invite me to a party but the next you hate me and trash talk me...does that make sense to you???"

"I don't hate you Carlos bother Jenny and I don't like that. Jenny's my best friend and you're in the same dorm as me ... we're sort of brother and sister...." she smiled and I finally relaxed.

"If we're brother and sister does it mean I have the chance to taste your magnificently attractive chips???" I asked eyeing the carton she just opened.

She shrugged her face and gave me that curious look.

"If not for me then at least for my little sister. She loves chips and she's currently sick. Gastroenteritis. This would really be a good recovery spot for her...." I gave her my puppy doll face and she thoughtful winked one eye.

Then, she slid one bag off of her hands and handed it to me.

"Poor thing...give her my best wishes. May she recover soon...."

"Thanks...and she's Leilani..."

"Beautiful.... hopefully I'll meet her one day..." she half laughed and walked backward towards the hallway to the lockers.

"Thank you very much Kris..."

"Anytime..." she smiled and turned around to leave then I saw her stop. "Ooh.....just to clarify things...when with Jenny...I absolutely hate you..."

Hearing her say that broadened a smile on my face. I stared at her and are stood there as if waiting for my reply.

"I absolutely hate you too..." I replied and she turned around to leave.

I smiled as I took the path to the cafe.

Memories of my talk with Kris filled my mind and I found myself smiling.

She was kind hearted and humble. Goodness knows how she ended up with that Demon Jenny.

Kris was one of a kind and I might not know her very well but I was sure she was an angel.

Jace was one lucky man...

Just as I got to the café, I remembered what Kris said. Jenny was going to have lunch.

So she comes to school with a hat and a bunch of bodyguards around her. If you wanted an encounter with her, you had to be investigated and assed before drama!

She misses classes a lot, doesn't make friends, doesn't take pictures and doesn't have lunch on campus.


I know it wasn't a new thing but attached to the name Jenifer Gonzalez, it self so new and mysterious.

Who exactly was she???

"ThErE's thE mAn Am lOoKing for...Carlose..." Alex bumped into me the moment I took the turn to follow the path leading to the cafe.

"Oh..sorry man..I didn't see you there..." I apologized after I saw him rub his forehead.

"It's quiEt alrighty..." he grinned and his eyes wondered off to my hands. "Good heavens!!"

"What????" I asked in shock.

"Where did you get that?????" he asked in a completely well formed American accent and I spared a moment to look at him in wonder.

"Zhat iz thE most ExpensIve chIps on Zhe planet..." he squeaked his way back into his Italian accent.

"Oh really???"

"Yess!!! Zhe Swedish brewery.... St. Eriks hAs a unique sEt of potato chps zhat Are — as far as we know — zhe most expensive potato chip in zhe world...." he said the last part with his hands extended and circling around the place.

I looked at the bag and looked at the logo again.

St Eriks.

So it was a Swedish brewery..

Does that mean Jenny is Swedish??

How else would she have these then??? Did her relatives live there perhaps?

"Carlose...whEre did you get zhis?? WhO bought It for You??? Is She around here??? Vhere iz She??? Iz She gone alreaDy?? he asked me all these questions and I stared at him curiously...

He wasn't himself...

Alex is never this curious and worst of all over a brand of chips....and who I got it from?? why did it matter??

"I don't remember saying they were from a she..." I responded calmly causing him to settle himself down.

I know he knew I couldn't afford these so called world's expensive chips but how did he know they were from a female person???

"Uhh...I guessed..." he grinned and turned around to leave.

I stood there and looked at him.

My hunch told me something wasn't right....

"Carlose...what are you thinking starving let's eat....." he did it again. He mentioned my name in his Italian accent and finished the entire statement in American accent.

Something wasn't right...

I'd been friend with Alex for over a year and not even once has he ever spoken in a perfect American accept. Not even once...

And just now I heard him compose and relay an entire statement sounding like me....

What was going on?

I swallowed and followed behind Alex who stood waiting for me.

The moment his hand went over my shoulder, I felt him squeeze my bones as though he wanted to break them.

What was he doing??

"Umm go right ahead...I'll have to send this home to Leilani..."

"OkAy..." he responded and went on.

"Order something for me...." I grinned and got a thumbs up from him.

The moment I turned around, a ruckus broaded behind me. I turned around quick and found the place as calm.

I turned back around facing the entrance and decided to head home.

Today was a full mystery and I had to take a break.

About who exactly Jenny was, I was keen in finding out and I knew exactly just how....KRIS!!