I got annoyed when Richie wouldn't let Kris come near me.

He was firm on his decision and demanded Kris be searched.

"Kris am very sorry...." I sighed and buried my face in my hands full of humiliation.

This was humiliating. I trusted Kris and I was proud of my friendship with her. What was she supposed to think of me if I treated her this way??

"Are you kidding?? It's totally fine...." Kris smiled as the metal detector read negative after Kamla, the head female inspector searched her.

"I think that's enough..." I cried and pulled Kris into a hug. "Am sorry you have to go through so sorry...this is humiliating..."

"It's okay Jenny.....your safety comes first....and I know that...." she smiled and placed her hand in my cheek.

Looking at her like this would really cause me to cry.

She had serenity and purity plastered in her eyes. How could someone be so assuring??

Kris was the best thing that's ever happened to me and I couldn't even imagine losing her.

If there's a chance of that ever happening, I'd totally lose myself too.

" to Jenny...." Kris snapped her fingers in front of my face and I stumbled almost falling. Hopefully she grabbed me.

"Sorry...." I laughed it off.

."Are you coming for sports this afternoon???" she asked.

"Do you want me to??" I asked. "Since you're so concerned about my safety..."

"Oh please....don't punish me like this...and yes if am being honest...I'd love it if you came...." she grinned and took off her glasses to rub her eyes.

"It's settled then...." I clasped my hands together. "Richie...I'll be attending the schools sporting activities this afternoon...At the school's complex...."

"Alright ma'am... I'll inform my team..." he replied and I turned back to Kris who took me by surprise into another hug and kept chanting thank you.

"it's no problem Kris...", I smiled.

"For you it is...." She pinched my arm and I jumped in response. It didn't hurt but I wanted her to think it did because I love that sorry face she wears when am in pain.

And she did it....

"Oh my God are you alright???"

"Yes yes madam doctor..." I laughed at her and got her to shrug her arms and look away.

"Thanks for your concern and by the way....that reminds me...I have something for you...." I turned into my limo and took the set of shopping bags lying on the set.

I took them out and I didn't miss the beautiful gasp she had on her face.

"Oh my God....", she shrieked as she received them from me. "When did you get these???"

"Richie got I asked him to bring them here straight from the airport...."

"Thank you Jenny...really...thank you...."

"You've said that quiet a lot. This isn't the first time...."

"I know but I still feel incredible...."

"....and this time I got five bags extra. Remember last time because of bad weather I couldn't get you why not cover the debt now?? Double the joy right??" I asked and noticed her eyes had watered.

"Oh my Word Kris don't go crying in me know very well am bad at handling such situations...", I teased and fixed my hat while looking at the clear sky.

"Sorry...." she wiped her tear and stared at me.

"We good...?" I asked

"We good..." she smiled and gave me one more hug. I always loved her hugs. Lovely, lively and full of hope.

Kris was the pillar that supported my conscience. Always telling me things will be alright and one day all this will be over.

Each time I told myself I'd believe her because it's what I wanted. And I sure hoped it would come to pass.

"Umm...excuse me madam...but we need to leave..." Anold, whispered as he stood a distance from where were.

"Oopsy!" Kris broke the hug and I turned around to get into the car.

"See you in the afternoon..." I waved and she waved back at me as Anold drove off.

I closed my window as we walked towards the gate. Thankfully they were tinted and no one would see who was inside.

Just the way I loved it.

Suddenly, my eyes went through the glass and to a human boy standing against a pillar as if hiding from someone.

I knew who he was just by looking at his shadow.

Carlos Jeffrey!

The heck....he was spying on me... Oh boy couldn't he stop pestering me??

Then I remembered that I also bumped into him on Tuesday in the auditorium and the next day in the science class reminding me were sharing a group.

Totally lame of him!!

Although thankfully, I overhead them discussing they'll be meeting this afternoon for the third meeting already and I was happy.

That meant he won't be attending sports.

Great....just great....


When I arrived that afternoon, Kris suggested we sigh up for American football try outs. I didn't object. I was doing things her way today...for once just to make her truly happy without the influence of who I was.

When I walked into the training courters, I saw Carlos there and he was talking to coach. Why?? Argh! Couldn't he just stop stalking me...

Unnoticed, I walked in and went straight to my locker. I changed into my football attire and placed my bag back in my locker. After locking it, I placed the key around my neck and walked out.

"Gonzalez!", Coach called me and I waited for him. He approached me and I must say I felt a bit dizzy.


"Umm....Sorry...but something just came up on short notice.... Marion isn't coming for today's training....",

"...and....", I crossed my hands on my chest as if I knew where this was going. And who's Marion??

Did people already do this before me and Kris?

"I want you to play quarterback today...",

Just as I thought.

"What?? But coach....oh am not that good. You of all people know I can't...", I tried to charm him.

I was bad at this.

How did he even know if I'd even quarterback??

"You're all am counting on Gonzalez...",

"What about Rita? She's the best..I Heard...she can play quarterback best....",

"You do know she's my defense and I can't disrupt the defense system....",

"What about Franco? Amelia...Ronnie....", I thanked my memory for having my back.

I had no idea who they were. I just memorised their names so that I'd tell Richie they were the girls on the team with me. After all, everyone was a supposed threat and had to be investigated...

"I chose you have the energy of a bullet and I know you can do it...",

"But coach---", I slapped my forehead. Energy of a bullet...yeah right. Why did I sign up for this again?

"This is just a training ground we aren't in a real game....I don't think it'll be a big deal playing QB.....",

"Do you remember what happened last time I played QB?",I raised my eyebrows at him and I knew he remembered very well.

I miserably failed and fell flat on my face with everyone looking at me like I was a toddler who wet his own pants.

Yes...yes it happen.

A few years ago when I was still in Columbia.

Coach Geoffrey was the same one coaching me back then. Exactly why I was confident to give it another try with Kris.

I knew the guy very well...

"That was a very long time one remembers...besides if you fall flat on your face this time around,am sure not everyone will laugh....",

I chuckled. I knew he was joking but that was just a dry joke.

"Your concern for my dignity is really heartwarming coach...",I stretched my legs and turned around to leave.

"Thanks Gonzalez...I knew I'd count on you..",he grinned and left.

"Wh--what?",I asked in shock. "I--i didn't say-- argh!!",I groaned when I figured he was gone and I was alone.

"I hate that man....",I sighed and buried my face in my left hand while my right was on my waist.

"Don't we all....", I heard the voice of you-know-who right behind me. I span around and flashed my hair all over my face. I quickly pushed it back and eyed the human being that just transitioned my mood to angry.

"What on Earth are you doing here??",

"Does your rich daddy own the school complex now that he has the right to permit some students and hold some ?",he asked. I quickly turned around to leave.

"Are you really going to stand there and pretend you didn't see me??",he asked back completely ignoring my question.

"Excuse me?? Who the heck are you so that I can acknowledge your presence??",

"Yeah excuse you. I noticed you've been stalking me all week. The cafeteria, the auditorium, my science're everywhere...around me...",he added the last part after he noticed I wasn't listening to his speech.

"Am sorry to burst your bubble Mr Jeffrey.... you and I have a completely different is it then my fault that we keep bumping into each other...?",

"You're the stalker here....I should be asking you that....",he winked and leaned on the brick wall right next to us.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to leave. This was a complete waste of my time. Now my mood is in from red angry to hot red angry. First coach, now this dummy...

"See you around QB ...I can't wait to seat in my seat as I watch you nail it....flat-faced....",he laughed and I immediately span around. Again!! My neck was cursing me for having itngo through all this torture.

"You're staying for the game?? Don't you have... like.... I don't know....aren't you supposed to work on your science project??",I asked seriously completely staring at him and not forgetting to point at him with my index finger.

He raised an eyebrow and backed his face away as he stared at my finger.

I knew he was annoyed and it was to my advantage. Although, I didn't expect when he crossed his finger against mine and pulled it down.

"Correction, it's our science project. And Seee?? Stalker!!!",he whispered loudly and I frowned as I snatched my finger away from his.

"I heard some girls talk about it in the bathroom....",I defended myself even though I knew he wouldn't buy it.

I was lying, of course I was lying. I overhead him talk to his friends about it.

Also, Kris had told me all about his schedule as they were in the same dorm group.


In that way, I'd know where and when he'd be at a place and avoid running into him, although this week it was almost impossible.

"Okay...okay....I'll let it slide....",he clasped his hands before pressing his hands into his pockets. This guy was really testing my patience.

"Before I force you to live, walk away....",I smiled at him while forcing my way out but he quickly grabbed my hand which I snatched back in less than a grip.

"Am not going to bite you....",he hissed in shame. "And as of when am leaving, that's up to me....I came on my own accord and I'll leave on my own accord...."

"Very well...",I turned around to leave but he didn't seem to want to let me go.

"Do I already have permission to watch your game??",he asked and got me to freeze.

I looked at him with my mouth open and my lower jaw almost smashing against the floor.

"Yes....I know we have this fight going on etc....but I really don't want to invade your privacy....and get into your personal space, disrupting your comfort zone. If you don't want me here...I promise...I'll leave.....",

With that, I felt more confident.

I felt supported and strong

I felt utmost courage and I was sure tonight's training was going to be lit.

I just felt it....

This is the very first time he's respected my feelings.


Did something happen to him?

I was still looking at his face no more than he was still looking at me.

We've never had such a moment before...and then all the words he said bounced up and down in my mind.

'I know we have this fight going on etc but I really don't want to invade your privacy....'

Wow...for once his words softened my heart. For once....

"Uumm.....",I started after we both revived from what seemed like a forever stare fest. I stared into my bag and took out my lovely drinking bottle.

"Here....",I gave it to him.

"You want me to get you a drink?",he asked. No hint of sarcasm though, just sincerity.

"Close enough Romeo. I like the Westwood backyard tap water...",

"The one that gives out warm water?" So he knew it too....

"Yeah-huh.....please fill my bottle with water from that tap and then you can watch my game....",

"What?? That's unfair.... it's like thirty minutes from here....",

"Then you had better leave so that you can come back on time....",I fluffed his hair and fastened my backpack.


"Be sure to be back before the first quarter break....I'll need my water then....", I waved at him and walked backward toward my team. I saw him smile and then leave.

It suddenly felt good knowing that he was smiling at me. I turned back around to look at him and he was fast on his feet, gone.

Just to get me some water...

I know it's something that I was probably used to, having people do things for me but right now with felt so different and new...

Right then, I couldn't wait for him to come back with my bottle.

I couldn't wait....for him to come back....

Oh Carlos....goodness knows what you're doing to me....or what am doing to you....

"Are you guys really in a fight or you're simply clashing hearts???" the squeaky voice which I knew to be Isha's echoed in my ears.

I turned around and found her handing her hand on my shoulder.

Aurelia was standing on the other side with her hand around my shoulder.

"Wh--what??? oh God.. you ..prob... you.. probably..saw it wrong...that's right...saw it wrong..." I replied to Isha and I noticed she shared looks with Aurelia before they started singing.

"Carlos and Jenny are sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G...." the clapped quietly and followed behind me causing me to blush.

"I'll have you both killed...." I whispered to them but it only got them to sing louder, with mischievous smiles pasted on their lips.

I found myself smiling and ran to find Kris so that we could get this over with and finally go home.


Go home.