After Jenny abruptly left, I was alone with Enrique who didn't last a minute and ended up running after her.

All alone, I sat down to try and recover from the truth of what just happened.

I couldn't believe it no less than she did. I could tell she was in denial from the way she walked out of the lab.

She left the door at the mercy of the frame and I almost wondered if she even cared about what would happen to it.

When Enrique left, I knew exactly where Jenny was going.

I wanted to run after her but figured that might just be the stupidest idea.

Instead, I ran to the window and peeped through.

Just as I thought.

I was Jenny getting into her car and Enrique was behind her and as soon as her bodyguard saw him, he let him in too.

So they really were cousins...

Then why did Enrique tone down the fact that he was rich unlike Jenny who openly showed it off??


I gathered my books and hoped to get home and fully recover from this incident.

The moment I opened the door, I saw Kris starting outside.

She seemed as though she'd seen a ghost the moment our eyes contacted. Then, she wore a shady gossip hungry smile and walked to where I was.

"Why?" I asked her and aimed to walk past but she spread her arms blocking my way.

"The expression on your face tells me it's true but I'd rather hear it from what Jenny said true????" she asked and I decided to turn the tables into my favour.

"I think we both know am not the right person to answer that. Am I her spokes person or something??" I replied and got a rather pleasantly humorous laugh.

She had her hands on her sides and made me wonder if it was that deep.

As if that wasn't enough, she staggered to where I was and rested her hand on my shoulder for support as though she was going to fall.

With her weight resting upon me, I weakly dropped my bag and got to bend down on my knees.

Kris went down with me and I we sat at the lab's entrance together.

"I see what you're doing...Giving me a taste of my medicine...huh???"

"How does it feel??" I asked and got a grin from her.

"Something like sweetly sour...."

"I see..."

"So please answer my question. We're brother and sister remember....Jenny seemed flashed out the moment she walked out of the lab and I knew something was up. I asked her what was wrong and she said she kissed you ...rather you guys kissed and she thought you castes a spell on her..." Kris explained and it was my turn to laugh.

Jenny was somewhat funny. I knew it very well. Behind the defendant mask that she wore, she was a cute, funny and interesting person.

From the moments that we had, I could tell she had quite a sense of humour but I couldn't understand why she had to keep it locked up in her chest.

And to know that I kissed her, it was so unreal to be real. Just like her, I also felt like I was dreaming...

"Well.....She was right...that happened...." I replied to Kris trying not to mention the word kiss as it sounded awkward when connecting me and Jenny.

"Hmm...that only means she has a thing for you because I know Jenny. She won't let a guy even come 1 meter close to her. Not even Enrique.... but she got to kiss you....oh wow....have you really cast a spell on my friend????" I asked and got him to laugh.

I guess I did cast a spell on her.

"In all honesty.... I've had a thing for her since that day at the gym....but....I know I blew it and she's always hated me for it...."

"Then why do you pick fights with her??"

"Because that's the only way I can get to talk to her.....I know sometimes what she does hurts me but the satisfaction on her face helps me endure it...." I admitted and felt Kris hold my hand.

"You're a mad man you like her that much???"

I chuckled. " much..."

"Well....I can't say for sure if she likes you back but all I can say is you're in for a bumpy ride...."

"What do you mean by that??"

"Jenny doesn't date...." she replied and with support from me, got up to stand. I copied her and stood up too.

"What?? why???"

"Not because of any other weird reason.... obviously...just because...." she paused and scratched her head as though debating on whether to tell me or not.

"Is it the same reason as why she's always wearing a hat???" I broke it to her and her face turned pale.

So I was right.

She nodded and sank her hands on her dungarees.

"...and you can't tell??"

"I can' sorry. I think I can try and tell you anything else you'd want to know about her but that I just can't..." she admitted and I must say I knew something was up.

"Thank you Kris...but everything I want to know about her, I'll know only from her...." I smiled at Kris who ended up resting her head on my shoulder and then brewing her hands into a hug.

I loved that I found a very good friend in her.

She was a good listener and very compassionate.

I felt very comfortable about her and loved the very fact that she was here with me right now.

I was confused at first but Jenny telling Kris about it made me realise it was all real.

It really happened and there was nothing is do about it.

"I've gotta go now..." she waved and I waved back at her not forgetting to mouth another thank you. She shrugged and made a fist with her left which went straight into her right palm, before walking down the stairs.

The smile on my face faded when I remembered Kris telling me dating Jenny might just be a bumpy ride. I didn't know why and for once, I honestly didn't want to know why...

I was content with the fact that at least I got to kiss her.

Even if we don't go any further from this....I'll still live and be happy knowing that at some point, it had to happen like that.

I kissed the girl of my dreams...


As soon as the car arrived home, I didn't wait for Richie to open the door for me. I swang it open and immediately ran out.

I pushed my way into the house and rushed up the stairs to my room.

"Hey Jenny, Kailani's -----" I heard my father's voice but it faded as soon as I got to the top of the staircase.

I quickly opened my room and having closed the door shut, tossing my body on the bed in a precipitous manner.

With my head sank in the pillow, I could feel my cheeks burning from the unchanging expression.

I had a smile stuck to my face since I left the lab.

Throughout the entire ride, I kept looking outside the window so that Enrique wouldn't notice.

Am not sure if he did but I hoped he didn't.

Everyone knew I hated Carlos Jeffrey and nothing would be as humiliating as them knowing about the feelings I have for him.

I couldn't let anyone find out.

For starters Kris knew and that was enough.

I sat up and still noticed I was smiling as my reflection said in the mirror.

I ran my fingers on my lower lip as memories of the incident flashed in my mind.

Carlos Jeffrey definitely knows how to kiss.

As if he knew it was my first time, he was so gentle and yet so hard. I could feel him giving it his all like it's the last thing he had to do before he died.

Am not sure if I matched up to his intensity but I knew I gave him my all too.

"Jenny!! Thank God...are you alright?? Is everything fine??" Kailani burst into the room and before she would even take a step towards me, I rushed to where she was and gave her a hug.

She staggered, losing her balance and fortunately fell on the bed.

"O-K-A-Y" she spaced and helped me get up.

"I love you mom...." I blushed and hid my face in my hands.

" miss her don't you??" she asked caringly and shrugged. She thought I was crying.

"Ma....I really love you. Kailani...I Love YOU...." I emphasized and she stopped to stare at me.

She rushed back to me and gave me just that hug and kisses my everywhere reminding me again about the phenomenon kiss.

I'd never been kissed in my life before. Carlos sure was a great man. ... Carlos the great...

I still don't understand how I got myself to let him do that to me.

I despise even a spec of his and who would believe me now after hearing I was busy smooching him in the science lab?

Aargg! This is a mess! A huge one...

"Hello Miss Gonzalez...I love you too but please tell me what's going on???" she asked while dragging me to the couch on my window.

"Richie said you seemed disoriented, Enrique looks puzzled and not so long ago I got a call from Kris asking if you're okay. Did something happen, do we need to have something checked?? what is it??"

"Nothing ma....God, you guys always worry for no reason...."

"Then tell me what the heck is wrong!"

I swallowed first before I could do anything. I rubbed my hands together and and blew on them as though it was cold.

I closed my windows and turned the lights on.

Through it all, Kailani kept looking at me and I could feel her eyes piercing through my flesh burning it like some smoked braai.

Still unease, I placed up and down all over the place and earned a harsh grab from her shock Ng me on the bed.

"For the sake of my sanity...will you please tell me what's going on before I lose it!!!!" she screamed as she held her hands up with her fingers clenched into tiny fists.

I couldn't help but smile at her childishness.

I smirked when I remembered her saying for the sake of her sanity when in trust sense I had already lost my sanity.

"Ma....Carlos and I ....KISSED!!!"